
Private Antitrust Litigation in Italy: Opportunities, Risks, Recent Developments and Horizon-Scanning

07 Jul 2023

Location: 12:00pm - 1:00pm UK Time Virtual Event (Zoom)
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Private Antitrust Litigation in Italy: Opportunities, Risks, Recent Developments and Horizon-Scanning


While historically private antitrust enforcement in Italy was somewhat of a niche area without substantial damages awards, in recent years the landscape has changed quite dramatically. This is increasingly putting Italy on the radar of those in Europe who follow and drive private antitrust litigation.  At the same time, this is bringing about increased risk for companies infringing, or allegedly infringing, competition laws.

  • Why are follow-on actions steadily increasing before the Italian Courts, whether on Art. 101 or Art. 102 TFEU cases
  • What is the Italian landscape for collective, representative and class actions, whether opt-in or opt-out
  • How do Courts manage large amounts of data and evidence
  • What is the role of expert evidence
  • How have the Courts evolved over the years to hear these cases?  Will the recent reform of the procedural code speed up antitrust litigation
  • How much does it cost to litigate in Italy
  • What is the litigation funders’ perspective
  • What lessons can be learned so far
  • What challenges still remain to be addressed
Dr. Claudio Calcagno
GMT Economics

GMT Economics is led by Dr Claudio Calcagno.  Claudio is a trained economist who specialises in applying microeconomics to competition cases.

He has advised clients on over one hundred matters, including market studies and investigations, mergers, abuse of dominance, vertical and horizontal agreements, competition appeals, regulatory investigations, State aid, and private litigation.  

Since starting to work as a professional economist in 2004, he has held senior roles at leading economic consultancies before founding GMT Economics in 2021.

Over the years, he has had the privilege to work with, and learn from, a large number of national and international law firms, as well as corporations ranging from relatively small family businesses, to FTSE 100 companies, to multi-billion dollar businesses, hailing from a vast array of sectors.

He has worked on matters before the UK Competition and Markets Authority (and its predecessors), several UK sector regulators, the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal, the High Court of England and Wales, the European Commission, as well as many national competition authorities and courts across the European Union, the Middle East, Africa, Australasia and the Americas.

Claudio has published in international peer-reviewed academic journals, and is a co-author of a leading textbook in competition economics – Exclusionary Practices: The Economics of Monopolisation and Abuse of Dominance.  He has presented at major academic conferences and frequently speaks at professional competition policy events.  He is also a guest lecturer on competition economics and competition policy topics on several academic and executive education programmes.  He has been included in Who’s Who Legal’s list of recommended European competition economists for several years.

He holds a PhD Economics from the European University Institute, an MSc Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a BSc Economics from University College London and a PG Dip in EC Competition Law from King’s College London.

He is fluent in Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Dr. Claudio Calcagno
Dr. Claudio Calcagno Director
GMT Economics
Simone Gambuto
Founding Partner
Nunziante Magrone (Italy)

He currently represents clients on several large competition damage case before Italian courts and he set up and currently represents in court the largest ever Italian bundled claim on antitrust follow-on case.

Simone Gambuto
Simone Gambuto Founding Partner
Nunziante Magrone (Italy)
Rosie Ioannou
Fortress Investment Group

Rosie Ioannou
Rosie Ioannou Director
Fortress Investment Group
Till Schreiber
Managing Director
CDC Cartel Damage Claims

Till Schreiber is managing director of CDC Cartel Damage Claims (CDC) in Brussels and Luxembourg. In this role he is responsible for the analysis, preparation, management, funding and settlement of some of the largest antitrust damage actions in Europe.

CDC was established in 2002 with the purpose of offering victims of illegal cartels an effective method of obtaining compensation. Having launched several cases with claims totalling more than €2 billion, CDC is the frontrunner of private antitrust enforcement in Europe. CDC combines specific expertise in economics, civil and competition law, and IT in order to provide victims of cartels with innovative and robust solutions in assessing and claiming compensation.

Till has spoken at numerous conferences and has published widely on the innovative approach of CDC as well as general developments in the field of private antitrust enforcement.

Till studied law at the universities of Bonn, Cologne, Barcelona and London (University College) and published a doctoral thesis on international competition law. Prior to joining CDC he worked as competition lawyer in a leading international law firm in Brussels, Cologne and Madrid.

Till Schreiber
Till Schreiber Managing Director
CDC Cartel Damage Claims
Paolo Nicoletti
Founder and CEO
Be Cause

Paolo is the promoter, controlling shareholder and CEO of BE CAUSE.

A civil-commercial law attorney, manager and commissioner, he began practice as an associate of Prof. Guido Rossi, whom he assisted in some of Italy’s major financial transactions, such as the Telecom Italia takeover bid and the privatizations of Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino and Telecom Italia.

During the period 2001-2020, he was founding partner of NGD, a law-firm specialized in extraordinary corporate transactions, M&A, turnarounds and corporate crisis management.

In 2006, during the receivership of the FIGC – Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio – due to the “Calciopoli” scandal, with Guido Rossi as Commissioner, Paolo Nicoletti is appointed Sub-Commissioner, with delegated powers as Chief Executive Officer and with the task of following institutional relations with the Criminal and Civil Judiciary, the Antitrust Authority, FIFA and UEFA. During his stewardship, the Italian national team won the 2006 World Cup in Germany.

In 2007, he assumed the office of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Leonardo S.r.l., the holding company that controls Aeroporti di Roma, as well as the office of Executive Vice-President of the listed company Gemina S.p.A..

Since February 2016 and until April 2018, he has been CEO of the Cortina 2021 Foundation, the promoter and organizer of the 2021 World Alpine Ski Championships.

Since April 2017 and until May 2018, he has been Sub-Commissioner of the Serie A Football League with responsibility for the reform of the governance of the Serie A and the marketing of Italian and foreign audiovisual rights of the Seasons 2018/2021.

Graduated in law from the State University of Milan in 1991, Magna cum Laude.

In the year 2000, he was a visiting scholar at Yale University, with research on “behavioral law and economics” and “comparative corporate governance.”

He is a native Italian speaker and is fluent in English and French.

Paolo Nicoletti
Paolo Nicoletti Founder and CEO
Be Cause
Maria Alessandra Rossi
Professor of Economic Policy
University of Chieti-Pescara

Maria Alessandra Rossi is Associate Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Chieti-Pescara. Previously she was Assistant Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Siena, with qualification as Associate Professor. Her research interests cover the law and economics analysis of innovation, telecommunications & media economics and digital economics, with specific regard to open source software. She was Visiting Researcher at the University of Oxford, the Council of Europe, the Department of Economics at UC Berkeley, the Santa Fe Institute of Technology, at the University of Paris X and at the Florence School of Regulation. She carried out research and reports for OECD, the Italian Telecommunications NRA (AGCOM), the Italian Ministry of Finance and the Independent Regulatory Group (IRG). She has written numerous essays on national and international journals as: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Cambridge Journal of Economics; Telecommunications Policy; Economics of Innovation and New Technologies; Communications & Strategies; European Journal of Law and Economics. Maria Alessandra holds a Ph.D. in Law & Economics from the University of Siena.

Maria Alessandra Rossi
Maria Alessandra Rossi Professor of Economic Policy
University of Chieti-Pescara


Audience Log On
Dr. Claudio Calcagno - Director - GMT Economics
Chair's Opening Remarks
Private Antitrust Litigation in Italy: Opportunities, Risks, Recent Developments and Horizon-Scanning
Simone Gambuto - Founding Partner - Nunziante Magrone (Italy)
Rosie Ioannou - Director - Fortress Investment Group
Till Schreiber - Managing Director - CDC Cartel Damage Claims
Paolo Nicoletti - Founder and CEO - Be Cause
Maria Alessandra Rossi - Professor of Economic Policy - University of Chieti-Pescara
Panel Q&A
Chair's Closing Remarks and Summation of Event
Dr. Claudio Calcagno - Director - GMT Economics

Event Partners

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