Ctrl +Alt + Delete: FIRE & Digital Fraud
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With digital fraud on the rise, in the newspapers and generally the talk of the town, join this on-demand session with true industry heavyweights.
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Case study
- The space race has started. Several billionaires have announced the arrival of commercial space flights starting in 2023.
- "Space Inc" is launched in summer of 2021 as a web-based ticket agent selling seats on those first space flights, starting at $250,000 per seat.
- Payment can be in cash or Bitcoin or a combination of both.
- Slick website and huge social media presence with numerous global celebrities endorsing and advertising it. Public interest and demand is sky high.
- No obvious connection in the website or social media material between Space Inc and the prospective commercial operators of the space flights.
- Space Inc seems from the online promotional material to have originated in the US, but it is unclear. It has multiple languages on its websites with offices in London, Hong Kong and Dubai.
- Persuaded by the hype and keen not to miss out, the English based individual Client has paid Space Inc for 10 tickets in the total sum of $2.5m which he paid using $1.25m cash and $1.25m worth of Bitcoin on 1 September 2021.
- The cash payment was paid from the Client's London bank (Bank X) to a Hong King bank account at Bank Y.
- The Bitcoin was transferred using a New York (only) based crypto exchange called "NY Crypto Exchange".
- A few days later, in early September, the prospective commercial operators make a public announcement that they have no knowledge of or dealings with Space Inc and reports start to surface of customers of Space Inc being unable to get any refunds.
- The Client approaches you to seek urgent help in recovering his money and Bitcoin.
Your Expert Speakers include:
Twenty Essex
Paul is a leading commercial silk in domestic and international litigation and arbitration.
A leading courtroom advocate, he has expertise in high-profile, heavy and sensitive commercial, financial and international disputes of all kinds. He appears regularly in the Commercial Court, Chancery Division, other specialised courts and the appellate jurisdictions in England; as well as in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), where he is called to the Bar.
He is regularly instructed in complex and ground-breaking international and domestic fraud and asset-tracing cases, often involving pre-emptive injunctions, disclosure, and jurisdictional and choice of law issues. He has substantial experience of litigation involving digital assets, hacking and cyber-fraud; and obtained the first Worldwide Freezing Injunction against Persons Unknown in the English Courts. Paul also has strong and overlapping practices in the fields of banking and finance, information technology and telecommunications, professional negligence, and media. He firmly believes in maintaining a broad commercial practice and regularly leads groups of barristers both within his core fields of practice and in diverse and specialist areas.
Twenty Essex

Rick is Co-Head of the Fraud and Insolvency team. Rick specialises in complex, high value cross-border fraud and insolvency matters, including those which involve claims for breach of contract, fraud and/or breach of fiduciary duties and asset tracing. He has also worked on a number of offshore trust matters in the Caribbean, Gibraltar and elsewhere. He regularly deals with and instructs investigators and offshore lawyers. Rick Brown is based in the London office and is also BVI qualified. Rick has considerable experience in acting for insolvency practitioners, mainly on contentious complex cross-border insolvency matters. He has valuable experience of interlocutory hearings and trials in the Commercial Court in the British Virgin Islands and elsewhere in the Caribbean and has significant experience acting for clients on claims involving parties from China, Russia and the Former Soviet Union, as well as the Middle East.

Kobre & Kim New York
Benjamin Sauter aggressively defends clients in the cryptocurrency and commodity derivatives industries against high-stakes government enforcement actions.
Mr. Sauter has represented many of the most important companies and individuals in this space in many of the most important enforcement matters over the last several years. Clients, ranging from major cryptocurrency exchanges to leading proprietary trading firms to company founders and executives, turn to Mr. Sauter for creative defense strategies when government investigations have festered or escalated and they are ready to adopt a more aggressive, trial-ready stance. In these representations, Mr. Sauter is often deployed in a special-counsel role to enhance negotiation dynamics with regulators and prepare for contested litigation.
Kobre & Kim New York
HFW Hong Kong
George is a dispute resolution practitioner specialising in cross-border fraud, banking and international trade disputes and shipping law (wet and dry).
George is qualified in New Zealand, Hong Kong and England and Wales, where he is also admitted as a solicitor-advocate in the civil and criminal courts.
HFW Hong Kong
Rick Brown - Partner - HFW
Paul Lowenstein KC - Barrister - Twenty Essex
Benjamin Sauter - Partner - Kobre & Kim New York
George Lamplough - Partner - HFW Hong Kong

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