FIRE Starters: Hot Topics in the New World Order
29 Apr 2020
Location: 12.00pm - 1.00pm Virtual Event (Zoom) Members: FREE - Book by 29 Apr

These are unprecedented times - there's been an overnight shift to remote working for almost the entire population.
Many businesses are furloughing staff and it remains to be seen how many businesses will re-open on the other side.
Long established laws are being suspended and re-written overnight in order to help businesses survive. The onus to unravel and re-establish what is left will fall on FIRE practitioners.
We will be looking at the current issues in a quickFIRE format from across the spectrum of asset recovery practitioners.

Cooke, Young & Keidan (UK)
Recognised by The Legal 500 as a “rising star” “headed for the very top”, and by Who’s Who Legal as a Global Elite Thought Leader for both Asset Recovery and Commercial Litigation, Jon specialises in high-value, complex international commercial disputes with particular expertise in civil fraud, enforcement and asset recovery (including both commercial and sovereign debt), and he has obtained a number of ground-breaking orders in this regard. Chambers & Partners describes Jon as “incredibly impressive” and “an incredible tactician”, recognising him for his civil fraud work. The Legal 500 has called Jon a “bright young gun with a shrewd mind and a calm approach” and states there is “complete trust and faith in Jon’s advice and his expertise”, recognising him as a leading individual for civil fraud, a next generation partner for banking litigation, and recommending him for premium commercial litigation, international arbitration and commodities disputes. Jon has an international practice with clients including states, financial institutions, corporate clients, high-net-worth individuals and insolvency practitioners, and has acted on a number of complex and high value Russian/CIS cases.

Cooke, Young & Keidan (UK)

Associate Director
Grant Thornton
Samuel works in our Insolvency and asset recovery department, specialising in complex, contentious and cross border insolvency. I have over 10 years’ experience in this area with significant time spent working offshore in the British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands.
I have enforced freezing orders/judgments and brought claims in various overseas jurisdictions including BVI, Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, PRC, CIS, Eastern Europe, South America and Caribbean regions.
My focus is on unwinding complex structures to uncover hidden assets and forming legal claims against the perpetrators, benefitting from my strong network of international professionals across our offshore businesses.
I have managed high profile, high value insolvency cases with a focus on both grand corruption and large-scale ponzi/investment schemes. Notable cases include a USD$200 million Brazilian grand corruption case, an Antiguan USD$7 billion ponzi scheme, and US and UK based investment scams.
I work closely with our forensic and investigations team and corporate intelligence unit to assist with our investigations and provide effective streamlined solutions.

Grant Thornton

Peters & Peters
Emma has extensive expertise in civil fraud litigation, in particular obtaining and defending worldwide freezing injunctions. As a result of her work on behalf of the Department of Health, Emma has experience in litigating private damages actions in competition cases alleging abuse of dominant position and entry into anti-competitive arrangements. In the competition litigation practice area, Legal 500 described Emma as “very sharp”.
Emma’s work often involves cross-border or international elements: amongst other things Emma was part of the team that defended the former CEO of what was Nigeria’s fourth largest bank, conducting 2 weeks of the trial of the claim in Lagos. Emma has also assisted in the taking of evidence from witnesses in Nigeria, made representations on behalf of clients at the United Nations In New York and drafted evidence in support of an anti-suit injunction seeking to prevent the continuation of a claim filed in Israel.

Peters & Peters

LALIVE (Switzerland)
Benoît specialises in litigation, including civil, criminal and regulatory litigation before all Swiss courts and authorities.
He frequently acts in both domestic and cross-border commercial disputes and fraud litigation, typically dealing with both the civil and criminal litigation streams. An important aspect of this is formulating an efficient litigation strategy to maximise respective benefits, also providing external communication support when needed.
As Benoît’s cases usually include an international component, he is used to coordinating actions and proceedings across various multiple jurisdictions, involving several legal teams.
Benoît also has a keen interest in asset recovery and insolvency matters as well as enforcement proceedings. He regularly domesticates foreign judgments, awards and orders, particularly in cross-border insolvency matters. Where required, he also advises on asset protection strategies before, during and after litigation.

LALIVE (Switzerland)

Twenty Essex (UK)
Sam specialises in complex, high-value commercial litigation and arbitration. His practice has a particular focus on civil fraud / asset recovery, technology, energy / environment, banking, company, insolvency, and international trade. He acts as sole counsel (often against KCs) and as part of larger counsel teams.
Sam has experience of substantial litigation before the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. He is regularly instructed (both led and unled) on interim applications such as freezing orders, search orders, prohibitory injunctions and Norwich Pharmacal/Bankers Trust relief. He acts in international arbitrations under a variety of rules (LCIA, ICC, SCC, LMAA etc.) as well as in English court proceedings in aid of arbitral proceedings and concerning the enforcement of arbitration award (frequently for, or against, sovereign states). He has a particularly strong civil fraud practice, having acted in several multibillion dollar fraud claims over the last few years.
Sam acted as a co-opted member of the Service Sub-Committee of the Civil Procedure Rules Committee and worked on the October 2022 revisions to the gateways for service out of the jurisdiction. He is a founding member of both ‘ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE Starters’ (an industry group for fraud, insolvency and asset recovery practitioners) and ‘CFAAR’ (the first global network for professionals working in the crypto-fraud field), and sits on the editorial committee of the ‘Tech Disputes Network’.

Twenty Essex (UK)
Oon & Bazul LLP (Singapore)
Oon & Bazul LLP (Singapore)
Jon Felce - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan (UK)
Sam Ouriach - Associate Director - Grant Thornton
Benoît Mauron - Partner - LALIVE (Switzerland)
Emma Ruane - Partner - Peters & Peters
Sam Goodman - Barrister - Twenty Essex (UK)
Joana Rego - Partner - Raedas
Keith Han - Partner - Oon & Bazul LLP (Singapore)

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