Setia Law
Location: 12:00-1:00 pm UK Time Virtual Event (Zoom) Members: Free to attend - Book by 27 Nov Non Members: Register above as a member and attend for FREE - Book by 27 Nov
Hosted by Singapore’s Setia Law and featuring panellists Paul Lowenstein KC (Twenty Essex), Dorothy Siron (Zhong Lun), Jennifer Fox (Ogier) and Danny Ong (Setia Law), this webinar explores the use of receivership orders, in parallel with freezing injunctions, as a tool for conducting investigations and securing assets in cases of complex international fraud. Topics for discussion include:
Described by clients as “a formidable force”, “our go-to guy” and “good when you need someone to fight your corner”, Danny brings a wealth of experience, commercial acumen and strategic wisdom to his specialist areas of complex international commercial and financial disputes and investigations, as well as cross-border restructuring and insolvency.
Danny has led multiple high-stakes cross-border disputes and investigations, across a multitude of industries over the last two decades. He is regularly called upon by financial institutions, private investment funds, and state-owned enterprises, to act in mandates involving complex investments, market misconduct, and distressed situations. He is also known for his expertise in international enforcement, fraud, and financial crime and is recognised amongst the Global Elite as one of 40 Global Thought Leaders in the asset recovery field.
With extensive experience in multi-jurisdictional headline restructurings and insolvencies, Danny is recognised as a “standout” in the market. His portfolio includes acting for debtors in the Eagle Hospitality REIT restructuring, and acting for the liquidators of 45 Lehman entities across Asia (ex-Japan), MF Global Singapore, Dynamic Oil Trading (of the OW Bunker Group), and BSI Bank.
Dorothy Siron, Co-Managing partner of Zhong Lun Law Firm’s Hong Kong office, has a wealth of experience in asset tracing and recovery and is a widely respected litigator who specializes in cases involving cyber fraud and other financial and white-collar crimes in Hong Kong and internationally.
She heads the Litigation and Dispute Resolution practice, with a focus on cross-border casework and obtaining high rates of return for her clients who are victims of significant financial crimes. In a recent case involving five levels of down-stream satellite litigation and a multitude of defendants that materialized after the initial fraud, she recovered almost 90% of the defrauded funds for her client.
Her expertise encompasses white collar crime, disciplinary defence, complex international trade and commercial disputes, enforcement of foreign judgments, asset recovery and multifaceted trust and probate disputes.
Dorothy frequently handles disciplinary actions against listed companies and their directors and officers instigated by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), as well as enquiries by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).
In her worldwide pursuit of wrongfully obtained assets, Dorothy draws upon her background as a global citizen and her wide range of contacts. Dorothy is a Fellow of The International Academy of Financial Crime Litigators, an academic and pragmatic collaboration with the Basel (Switzerland) Institute on Governance. A global thought leader, she is co-author of a groundbreaking 2022 Basel publication entitled, “Cryptocurrencies in Asia and beyond: law matters, regulation and enforcement”.
Born, raised and certified as a solicitor in Hong Kong, Dorothy spent several formative years achieving recertification in Canada. When she returned to Hong Kong, Dorothy joined a law firm that serviced all 13 Chinese banks before they merged, listed and became today’s Bank of China.
After increasing her portfolio of files exponentially, she joined a Canadian based law firm in Hong Kong. In 2015 that firm fully merged with the Zhong Lun Law Firm.
Dorothy was promoted to Co-Managing partner of Zhong Lun Law firm, Hong Kong office effective January 2021.
Paul is a leading commercial silk in domestic and international litigation and arbitration.
A leading courtroom advocate, he has expertise in high-profile, heavy and sensitive commercial, financial and international disputes of all kinds. He appears regularly in the Commercial Court, Chancery Division, other specialised courts and the appellate jurisdictions in England; as well as in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), where he is called to the Bar.
He is regularly instructed in complex and ground-breaking international and domestic fraud and asset-tracing cases, often involving pre-emptive injunctions, disclosure, and jurisdictional and choice of law issues. He has substantial experience of litigation involving digital assets, hacking and cyber-fraud; and obtained the first Worldwide Freezing Injunction against Persons Unknown in the English Courts. Paul also has strong and overlapping practices in the fields of banking and finance, information technology and telecommunications, professional negligence, and media. He firmly believes in maintaining a broad commercial practice and regularly leads groups of barristers both within his core fields of practice and in diverse and specialist areas.
Jennifer is the head of the dispute resolution team in the Cayman Islands office. She is recognised in all the leading directories and has been practising in the Cayman Islands since 2009 (and in the BVI since 2008) and has substantial experience of all contentious issues coming before the Cayman Islands courts. Her practice spans all aspects of complex commercial litigation, fraud and asset tracing including crypto disputes, contentious insolvency and restructuring, and contentious private client work
Well-recognised for his “strategic” mind, Wern-Jhien’s practice focuses on tech, banking and financial services disputes.
In recent years, Wern-Jhien has been at the forefront of blockchain and digital assets related litigation in Singapore. He successfully represented a blockchain and cryptocurrency advisory company in a dispute relating to the design and development of a blockchain-based marketplace for NFTs and digital collectibles, has acted for a prominent cryptocurrency investor in a dispute arising from the acquisition of a cryptocurrency exchange, and has also acted for the liquidators of a major cryptocurrency investment e-platform.
Wern-Jhien also has particular expertise in the fraud and asset recovery space and has represented clients in numerous disputes involving fraudulent e-commerce transactions, financing fraud, payment processing fraud and cryptocurrency fraud. He has led and successfully obtained multiple freezing and proprietary injunctions in aid of cross-border asset recovery efforts, including the first known instance of the grant of a proprietary injunction over cryptocurrencies in Singapore.
If you are interested in this event and would like some more information before making your decision to attend please contact Maddi on or email maddi@thoughtleaders4.com