The EU Competition Private Enforcement Forum 2024

The dedicated Forum bringing together Claimant and Defendant expert insights on EU Competition Litigation.

20 November 2024 | In-Person | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Complimentary attendance for In-House Counsel, Regulatory Authorities and Government Representatives

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Chairperson’s Welcome

Michele Carpagnano, Partner
Dentons (Italy)

Judicial Keynote: Court of Justice of the European Union on the State of EU Private Enforcement

Discussing the Implementation of the EU Directive on Collective Redress

  • The state of Collective Redress across jurisdictions 
  • Bundled claims and alternatives to traditional collective redress
  • Requirements for collective claimant groups throughout the EU

María Pérez Carrillo, Partner
Cuatrecasas (Spain)

Rüdiger Lahme, Partner
Quinn Emanuel (Germany)

Jan-Willem De Jong, Partner
Scott + Scott (Netherlands)

Henner Schläfke, Partner

Exploring Jurisdiction Preferences and Cross-Border Litigation

  • Key regimes bringing cases from foreign jurisdictions
  • Why do some regimes not have claims taken across border?
  • Practical considerations when deciding how and where to take a claim

Henry Abbott, Policy Officer - European Competition Network & Private Enforcement - DG COMP
European Commission (Belgium)

Ana Rita Barroca, Partner
Sousa Ferro & Associados (Portugal)

Pepijn van Ginneken, Partner
Brinkhof (Netherlands)

Networking & Refreshment Break

Roundtable Discussions 1: Case Management, Damages Limitation and Action Preparation Roundtables

During this session you'll have the opportunity to select your choice of topics to build an agenda that best suits your practice, with three roundtable discussions on key challenges in the Private Enforcement Regime.

With three roundtables to select from on key challenges in the private enforcement regime, choose which discussion you’d like to take part in with your peers.

Discussion 1: Examining the Damages Limitation Regime

Discussion 2: Preparing for Private Enforcement Cases

Discussion 3: Discussing Practical Challenges to Case Management

  • Discussing recent ECJ rulings on Limitation and it’s impacts
  • In this 10th year of the Damages Directive is there need to amend it?
  • Claimant perspectives on strategies for bringing a claim
  • Defendant perspectives on preparing for follow-on when facing public enforcement
  • Examining procedures for access to evidence
  • Why are there no settlements in the EU?

Roundtable Discussions 2: Case Management, Damages Limitation and Action Preparation Roundtables

Choose one of the discussions you did not take part in at the 11:45 session.

Networking & Lunch Break

National Judges Roundtable: Multijurisdictional Views from the Bench

Judge Dr. Gerhard Klumpe, Presiding Judge
Regional Court of Dortmund (Germany)

Unpacking Developments in Damages Valuations Through Europe

  • The role of expert valuations in litigation across jurisdictions
  • Discussing the uses Court vs Party experts
  • Judicial estimations as an alternative to expert valuations

Alex Petrasincu, Managing Partner
Hausfeld (Germany)

Tim Reuter, Principal
RBB Economics (Belgium)

Machteld de Monchy, Partner
De Brauw (Netherlands)

Exploring Abuse of Dominance and DMA Claims

  • Reviewing current cases and developments in Article 102 
  • Why are abuse of dominance cases on the rise?
  • DMA Gatekeepers and Abuse of Dominance

Simone Gambuto, Founding Partner
Nunziante Magrone (Italy)

Assimakis Komninos, Partner
White & Case (Belgium)

Networking & Refreshment Break

Examining Eastern European Jurisdictions

  • Examining the implementation of EU private enforcement directives
  • Hureaka v Google: key cases and procedural innovations in eastern European jurisdictions
  • Engaging in Collective Redress and Abuse of Dominance claims in more limited regimes

Radovan Kubáč, Partner
Nedelka Kubáč advokáti (Czech Republic)

Dorothy Hansberry-Bieguńska, Partner
Hansberry Tomkiel (Poland)

Zoltán Marosi, Partner Co-Head of Competition and Antitrust
DLA Piper (Hungary)

Navigating the Intersection Between Competition and Wider Regulatory Enforcement

  • The Digital Markets Regime and competition private enforcement in Europe
  • The increasing blur between antitrust and consumer protection enforcement
  • Data Protection claims intersecting with antitrust breaches

Andoni de la Llosa, Partner
Redi Abogados (Spain)

Dominique S. Wagener, Partner / Founder
COMMEO (Germany)

Chairperson’s Closing Remarks

Close of Conference

Michele Carpagnano, Partner
Dentons (Italy)

Drinks Reception

Chairperson’s Welcome
Michele Carpagnano - Partner - Dentons (Italy)
Judicial Keynote: Court of Justice of the European Union on the State of EU Private Enforcement
Discussing the Implementation of the EU Directive on Collective Redress
  • The state of Collective Redress across jurisdictions 
  • Bundled claims and alternatives to traditional collective redress
  • Requirements for collective claimant groups throughout the EU
María Pérez Carrillo - Partner - Cuatrecasas (Spain)
Rüdiger Lahme - Partner - Quinn Emanuel (Germany)
Jan-Willem De Jong - Partner - Scott + Scott (Netherlands)
Henner Schläfke - Partner - Noerr
Exploring Jurisdiction Preferences and Cross-Border Litigation
  • Key regimes bringing cases from foreign jurisdictions
  • Why do some regimes not have claims taken across border?
  • Practical considerations when deciding how and where to take a claim
Henry Abbott - Policy Officer - European Competition Network & Private Enforcement - DG COMP - European Commission (Belgium)
Ana Rita Barroca - Partner - Sousa Ferro & Associados (Portugal)
Pepijn van Ginneken - Partner - Brinkhof (Netherlands)
Networking & Refreshment Break
Roundtable Discussions 1: Case Management, Damages Limitation and Action Preparation Roundtables

During this session you'll have the opportunity to select your choice of topics to build an agenda that best suits your practice, with three roundtable discussions on key challenges in the Private Enforcement Regime.

With three roundtables to select from on key challenges in the private enforcement regime, choose which discussion you’d like to take part in with your peers.

Discussion 1: Examining the Damages Limitation Regime

Discussion 2: Preparing for Private Enforcement Cases

Discussion 3: Discussing Practical Challenges to Case Management

  • Discussing recent ECJ rulings on Limitation and it’s impacts
  • In this 10th year of the Damages Directive is there need to amend it?
  • Claimant perspectives on strategies for bringing a claim
  • Defendant perspectives on preparing for follow-on when facing public enforcement
  • Examining procedures for access to evidence
  • Why are there no settlements in the EU?
Roundtable Discussions 2: Case Management, Damages Limitation and Action Preparation Roundtables

Choose one of the discussions you did not take part in at the 11:45 session.

Networking & Lunch Break
National Judges Roundtable: Multijurisdictional Views from the Bench
Judge Dr. Gerhard Klumpe - Presiding Judge - Regional Court of Dortmund (Germany)
Unpacking Developments in Damages Valuations Through Europe
  • The role of expert valuations in litigation across jurisdictions
  • Discussing the uses Court vs Party experts
  • Judicial estimations as an alternative to expert valuations
Alex Petrasincu - Managing Partner - Hausfeld (Germany)
Tim Reuter - Principal - RBB Economics (Belgium)
Machteld de Monchy - Partner - De Brauw (Netherlands)
Exploring Abuse of Dominance and DMA Claims
  • Reviewing current cases and developments in Article 102 
  • Why are abuse of dominance cases on the rise?
  • DMA Gatekeepers and Abuse of Dominance
Simone Gambuto - Founding Partner - Nunziante Magrone (Italy)
Assimakis Komninos - Partner - White & Case (Belgium)
Networking & Refreshment Break
Examining Eastern European Jurisdictions
  • Examining the implementation of EU private enforcement directives
  • Hureaka v Google: key cases and procedural innovations in eastern European jurisdictions
  • Engaging in Collective Redress and Abuse of Dominance claims in more limited regimes
Radovan Kubáč - Partner - Nedelka Kubáč advokáti (Czech Republic)
Dorothy Hansberry-Bieguńska - Partner - Hansberry Tomkiel (Poland)
Zoltán Marosi - Partner Co-Head of Competition and Antitrust - DLA Piper (Hungary)
Navigating the Intersection Between Competition and Wider Regulatory Enforcement
  • The Digital Markets Regime and competition private enforcement in Europe
  • The increasing blur between antitrust and consumer protection enforcement
  • Data Protection claims intersecting with antitrust breaches
Andoni de la Llosa - Partner - Redi Abogados (Spain)
Dominique S. Wagener - Partner / Founder - COMMEO (Germany)
Chairperson’s Closing Remarks
Close of Conference
Michele Carpagnano - Partner - Dentons (Italy)
Drinks Reception

Event Partners

Claims Administration Partner
Drinks Partner
Knowledge Partner

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