FIRE Networking Voyage
Legal Networking Walk
Duration of Walk | 10:00am - 11:30am
This walk provides an excellent opportunity to network with fellow attendees while taking in the beautiful Guernsey coastline. Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a bottle of water. The walk is designed to be a casual, relaxed event to foster conversation and connection.
Register Your Free Place Here
'Women in FIRE' Networking Brunch
Duration of Lunch | 11:30am - 1:15pm
Register Your Free Place Here
Walk to Hotel for the Conference Registration
15 min Walk to the Conference Venue | 1.15pm - 1.30pm
Conference Registration
Advisory Board Welcome
Managing The Costs and Timelines of Asset Recovery Efforts
- Careful planning from the beginning and being flexible throughout the process
- Strategies for budgeting recovery efforts
- Avoiding procedural delays
Polly Sprenger - Partner - Addleshaw Goddard
Rebecca Newell - Counsel - Hogan Lovells
Mastering Freezing Injunctions
- The need for preserving assets during legal proceedings
- Enforcing freezing orders on the Islands
- Defending against wrongful injunction
Andy McGregor - Partner - Enyo Law
Jason Woodland - Partner - Peters & Peters
Refreshment Break
The Burning Questions for the Year Ahead
Each speaker has 5 minutes to say what they think the main FIRE topic will be, with the opportunity for a 30 second rebuttal and then it goes to an audience vote
Advisory Board - Thank you to FIRE Starters
Welcome Drinks Reception
Chairs' Opening Remarks
Legal & Regulatory Update from the Islands
- Key legislative instruments governing asset recovery in Jersey and Guernsey
- Collaboration between Channel Islands jurisdictions and international partners
- Exploring the Insolvency Practitioners registry
A Review of Where We Are on Director’s Liabilities
- BHS decision – what it means for directors
- Will this change the landscape?
- What are directors doing now with their professional advice
Sophie van de Graaff - Partner - Agorax
Amita Chohan - Barrister - Troutman Pepper Locke
Dipti Hunter - Partner - HCR Law
Networking & Refreshment Break
Comparing And Contrasting the Insolvency Toolkit
- What tools do different jurisdictions have to use
- Unpacking the modernisation to the Isle of Man Insolvency Law
- Winding up structures for efficiency
Karen Petch - Barrister - Twenty Essex
Ensuring a Successful Enforcement
- Key challenges in enforcing court orders in complex asset recovery cases
- Leveraging cross-border collaboration to ensure enforcement success
- Balancing privacy laws and accessing critical information
Caroline Phipps - Partner - LK Law
Fabio Trevisan - Partner - BSP
The Intersection of Trust Structures And FIRE
- Common use of offshore trusts in asset protection
- Unwinding trust arrangements to recover assets
- Understanding trust assets in insolvency cases
Brandon O'Neil - Partner - A&O Shearman
Oliver Auld - Partner - Charles Russell Speechlys
Gareth Bell - Managing Partner - Collas Crill
Preventing Fraud and Analysing MONEYVAL Assessment
- MONEYVAL Assessment and what it means
- How the assessment shapes the work that goes in and out
- Comparing Jersey and Guernsey’s assessment
Ian Hargreaves - Partner - Quillon Law
Refreshment Break
Exploring an Administration Regime
- Exploring changes to the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991
- Impacts to the creation of an administration regime
Rebecca Walker - Partner and Head of Restructuring & Insolvency - Lester Aldridge
Jonathan Barham - Partner - Collas Crill
Life Cycle of a Guernsey Administration
- What we can learn from other jurisdictions with similar regimes
- A case study on the whole appointment process
- What it looks like from Day One, and how you end it
Crispin Daly - Partner - Howard Kennedy
Advisory Board Closing Remarks
Networking Drinks Reception
Duration of Walk | 10:00am - 11:30am
This walk provides an excellent opportunity to network with fellow attendees while taking in the beautiful Guernsey coastline. Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a bottle of water. The walk is designed to be a casual, relaxed event to foster conversation and connection.
Register Your Free Place Here
Duration of Lunch | 11:30am - 1:15pm
Register Your Free Place Here
15 min Walk to the Conference Venue | 1.15pm - 1.30pm
- Careful planning from the beginning and being flexible throughout the process
- Strategies for budgeting recovery efforts
- Avoiding procedural delays
Polly Sprenger - Partner - Addleshaw Goddard
Rebecca Newell - Counsel - Hogan Lovells
- The need for preserving assets during legal proceedings
- Enforcing freezing orders on the Islands
- Defending against wrongful injunction
Andy McGregor - Partner - Enyo Law
Jason Woodland - Partner - Peters & Peters
Each speaker has 5 minutes to say what they think the main FIRE topic will be, with the opportunity for a 30 second rebuttal and then it goes to an audience vote
- Key legislative instruments governing asset recovery in Jersey and Guernsey
- Collaboration between Channel Islands jurisdictions and international partners
- Exploring the Insolvency Practitioners registry
- BHS decision – what it means for directors
- Will this change the landscape?
- What are directors doing now with their professional advice
Sophie van de Graaff - Partner - Agorax
Amita Chohan - Barrister - Troutman Pepper Locke
Dipti Hunter - Partner - HCR Law
- What tools do different jurisdictions have to use
- Unpacking the modernisation to the Isle of Man Insolvency Law
- Winding up structures for efficiency
Karen Petch - Barrister - Twenty Essex
- Key challenges in enforcing court orders in complex asset recovery cases
- Leveraging cross-border collaboration to ensure enforcement success
- Balancing privacy laws and accessing critical information
Caroline Phipps - Partner - LK Law
Fabio Trevisan - Partner - BSP
- Common use of offshore trusts in asset protection
- Unwinding trust arrangements to recover assets
- Understanding trust assets in insolvency cases
Brandon O'Neil - Partner - A&O Shearman
Oliver Auld - Partner - Charles Russell Speechlys
Gareth Bell - Managing Partner - Collas Crill
- MONEYVAL Assessment and what it means
- How the assessment shapes the work that goes in and out
- Comparing Jersey and Guernsey’s assessment
Ian Hargreaves - Partner - Quillon Law
- Exploring changes to the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991
- Impacts to the creation of an administration regime
Rebecca Walker - Partner and Head of Restructuring & Insolvency - Lester Aldridge
Jonathan Barham - Partner - Collas Crill
- What we can learn from other jurisdictions with similar regimes
- A case study on the whole appointment process
- What it looks like from Day One, and how you end it
Crispin Daly - Partner - Howard Kennedy

Contact Us
For Speaking enquiries please contact Melody on 020 3997 8527 or email melody@thoughtleaders4.com
For Marketing enquiries please contact Yelda on 020 3398 8551 or email yelda@thoughtleaders4.com
For Partnership enquiries please contact Ben Sullivan on 020 3965 4386 or email ben@thoughtleaders4.com
For Bookings enquiries please contact Bookings on 020 3321 9680 or email info@thoughtleaders4.com