Planning for and Implementing a Divorce Award
12 May 2021
Location: 12.00pm - 1.30pm Virtual Event (Zoom) Members: FREE - Book by 12 May Non Members: Register Above - Book by 12 May

Understand best practice in planning for enforcement at the outset of a divorce proceeding, as opposed to only at the point of award when the other side refuses to pay up.
Featuring 2 unique discussion sessions drill down into:
- Assembling and funding the A team with enforcment in mind
- Who is involved at the outset
- Capitalising on all available expertise
- Breaking the offshore firewall?
- How do you enforce offshore?
Your expert speakers include:
Chief Executive Officer
Schneider Financial Solutions
Alex is one of the co-founders of Schneider Financial Solutions and is responsible for the company’s continued growth, product development and chairs the credit committee. Alex has been responsible for writing some of the largest and most complicated loans in the matrimonial funding space, often including jurisdictional disputes and or Part III applications.
Before setting up Schneider Financial Solutions Alex ran a private wealth consulting business with clients including offshore trustees, family offices, investment managers and chartered accountants. He has significant experience in the commercial real estate sector, especially in the structuring and implementation of alternative finance arrangements.
Schneider Financial Solutions

Dawn is a partner in the trust, estate and inheritance disputes team.
Having a wealth of experience of litigation in most offshore jurisdictions, as well as in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Dawn advises all parties who may be involved in a dispute arising out of lifetime estate planning or on death, whether about trusts, foundations, professional negligence, fraud or succession. Previously a divorce lawyer, she also specialises in advising trustees and beneficiaries caught up in divorce proceedings.
Dawn uses her experience as to what can go wrong to advise trustees and protectors on their duties and how to manage and reduce their risk. Settlors are advised on how to create robust structures.
Once a problem has arisen she advises on methods to defuse contention, risk mitigation and alternative dispute resolution as well as on proceedings if necessary, ranging from consensual to the most hostile.
Dawn features in Who’s Who Legal’s list of International Private Client Lawyers as one of the ‘most highly regarded practitioners in the world’, described as ‘phenomenal’ according to their sources who praise her ‘responsiveness’.

Farrer & Co
Amy Radnor is a Partner in the family team at Farrers. She has 15 years’ experience representing clients in all areas of family law, ranging from highly contentious and high value financial litigation, to pre-nuptial agreements, to international, cross-border children work. On the financial side, the majority of her cases have an international element and will involve trusts and/or corporate structures. Amy has wide experience acting for intervenors and trustees who become involved in litigation between spouses, as well as advising family offices, trustees, and family members “behind the scenes” on how these issues can best be avoided for the future.
Farrer & Co
Serle Court
Professor Jonathan Harris KC (Hon.) practises in all core areas of commercial and chancery litigation. He has a pre-eminent reputation in the field of private international law and specialises in cross-border disputes (particularly disputes raising issues of jurisdiction, arbitration, anti-suit injunctions, recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and choice of law- both under the European legislation and the common law rules). He also specialises in offshore litigation. He has also drafted firewall and asset protection legislation for a number of offshore jurisdictions (including BVI and Gibraltar).
Jonathan is joint general editor (with Lord Collins of Mapesbury) of the leading work Dicey, Morris and Collins, The Conflict of Laws (and is also responsible for eleven chapters).
Jonathan was instructed for the successful appellant in the Privy Council in Hutcheson v Spread Trustees, a case concerning trustee exemption clauses in Guernsey. He was also instructed for the successful respondent in the landmark Supreme Court case of Granatino v Radmacher on pre-nuptial agreements.
He has been instructed in landmark offshore cases including Charman v Charman and Mubarak v Mubarak.
Jonathan also regularly provides expert opinions on English law for foreign proceedings as well as on the law of offshore jurisdictions.
Jonathan is a member of the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Private International Law. He was legal advisor to the Ministry of Justice in negotiations on the EU Succession Regulation. He gave evidence to the House of Lords EU Select Committee on the implications of Brexit for cross-border dispute resolution.
He is author of The Hague Trusts Convention and co-author of International Sale of Goods in the Conflict of Laws. He has also contributed to two editions of Underhill and Hayton, Law of Trusts and Trustees and to Benjamin’s Sale of Goods (8th edition). He is co-editor of the Journal of Private International Law, joint general editor of the Oxford Private International Law Series and an editorial board member of Trusts and Trustees. He is a member of STEP and honorary member of ACTAPS.
Jonathan also holds the position of Professor of International Commercial Law at King’s College, London on a part-time basis; and is Senior Research Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford and Harris Manchester College, Oxford. He has previously been Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore and Visiting Professorial Fellow at the University of New South Wales, Australia.
Serle Court
Global Senior Partner
Rachael is Global Senior Partner at Ogier, based in the Cayman Islands Dispute Resolution team. She has particular expertise in contentious trust matters, fund disputes and restructuring and insolvency and is a part of Ogier's multi-disciplinary Restructuring and Corporate Recovery team. Her practice regularly involves fraud and international asset tracing claims. Rachael was named Offshore Litigator of the Year at the Citywealth IFC Awards 2020. Rachael is also part of Ogier's multi-disciplinary Private Equity team. She specialises in PE fund disputes, and has acted as an expert in international arbitration proceedings concerning Cayman PE structures.
Managing Partner
Ian Mann is our Asia managing partner and a member of our Litigation, Insolvency and Restructuring Group in Hong Kong.
Ian specialises in restructuring, insolvency, shareholder disputes and contentious trusts. He is an experienced advocate and continues to appear in Court regularly. He advises elite families and is usually retained on a long-term basis for strategic global offshore litigation advice.
Ian lectures to judicial, professional and academic bodies and is regularly asked to provide expert opinions on offshore law to various tribunals

Grant Thornton
I am an insolvency practitioner with 12 years’ experience of dealing with complex, contentious assignments; with an emphasis on fraud investigation, identification of assets, tracing exercises, enforcement of judgments and recovery of assets for those who have suffered financial loss or have a claim against another party.
I focus on assisting beneficiaries, trustees and representatives in matrimonial, family, trust and probate disputes. I work to find strategies that ensure the most appropriate action is taken in order to achieve maximum recovery. I use the Insolvency Act, along with other civil legislation, such as the use of liquidations, bankruptcies and court appointed receiverships, as a tool to assist with investigation, asset tracing and recovery processes.

Grant Thornton
Chief Operating Officer
Schneider Financial Solutions
Alex is responsible for the planning, monitoring and implementation of the company’s strategies, goals and procedures. Alex oversees product development, lending opportunities and the daily operations of the executives, as well as general day to day supervision and management of the company’s loan book, underwriting and other projects.
Alex was formerly a solicitor at two of the City’s most respected law firms. Alex has significant experience in domestic and multi-jurisdictional HNW and UHNW divorces including those with complex trust and corporate structures, pre-acquired wealth and non-disclosure issues.
Schneider Financial Solutions
Taylor Wessing
Taylor Wessing

I’m a Partner of Mourant Ozannes (Jersey) LLP and have broad experience in multi-jurisdictional commercial litigation, arbitration and regulatory matters.
I regularly advise on a wide range of commercial disputes, insolvencies and restructurings with a particular focus in the areas of contentious trust matters, partnership and investment fund disputes, banking litigation and corporate liquidations and reorganisations.
I’ve been involved in some of the largest and most complex trust proceedings, funds disputes and insolvencies in Jersey and the Cayman Islands, and have regularly appeared before courts in these jurisdictions. Recent cases include: Financial Technology Ventures II (Q) LP & Ors -v- (1) ETFS Capital Limited and (2) Graham Tuckwell [2020]; Representation Lydian Holdings Limited [2020]; Dick Stock v GB Trustees and Ors [2019]; CMC Holdings Limited and Anor v Martin Forster and Ors [2019]; Representation of Virtue Trustees (Switzerland) AG, re The C Trust [2018] and HSBC CI v Kwong [2018].
I am recommended in both Chambers & Partners and Legal 500, and I feature on the Citywealth Leaders List, the Who's Who Legal: Private Client list, and on the Legal Week Private Client Global Elite: Rising Leaders list.
I am the co-editor of the Jersey chapter of the current Chambers & Partners Global Insolvency Guide.

Alex Cooke - Chief Executive Officer - Schneider Financial Solutions
Dawn Goodman - Partner - Withers
Hannah Davie - Partner - Grant Thornton
Amy Radnor - Partner - Farrer & Co
Alex Hulbert - Chief Operating Officer - Schneider Financial Solutions
Stephen Alexander - Partner - Mourant
Rachael Reynolds QC - Global Senior Partner - Ogier
Ian Mann - Managing Partner - Harneys
Prof Jonathan Harris KC (Hon.) - Barrister - Serle Court
Emma Jordan - Partner - Taylor Wessing

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