
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce events engage all facets of the divorce community. Come together to learn, network and grow your practice.

Members will benefit from free attendance at all 4Sight events and discounts to the others. Look through the upcoming events below

1 Day Conferences
2 Day Summits
Virtual Event
On Demand

Upcoming Events

1 Day Conference • In-Person Event
21 Nov 2024
HNW Divorce Litigation - 4th Annual Flagship Conference

ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Litigation Flagship conference returns for the fourth year, bigger, better and fresher than ever. With Jane Keir and Jonathan Hilliard KC back in the chair this is a day not to be missed. 

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2 Day SummitsEssay Competition • In-Person Event
HNW Divorce: Future Thought Leaders Essay Competition

ThoughtLeaders4 is proud to present our Future ThoughtLeaders Essay Competition:
Assessed by an illustriously experienced, senior and broad ranging panel of practitioners this is the chance for up-and-coming practitioners specialising in HNW Divorce to stick your head above the parapet and mark yourself as the one-to-watch. With the opportunity to attend and present your essay at flagship HNW Divorce conference as well as attend our other community events we look forward to your submissions and to welcoming to the HNW Divorce Next Gen community.  

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2 Day Summits • In-Person Event
18 Sep 2024
Contentious Trusts Next Gen Summit

We are delighted to bring you a brand new, innovative and unique event for the next generation of contentious trusts practitioners and for all other practitioners where trusts can be involved. Building on our track record of catering specific events for the next generation of legal practitioners we are delighted to bring together our next gen initiatives from across 4 of our communities at one event.  

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Past Events

08 Mar 2024
International Women’s Day 2024: Financial Wellbeing in Lawyers

RBC Brewin Dolphin is one of the UK and Ireland’s leading wealth managers and traces its origins back to 1762. They provide personalised financial advice and investment management services to individuals and families across the country, spanning investments, pensions, tax and estate planning.

RBC Brewin Dolphin’s specialist financial advisers will help you make the most of your financial situation, build a plan to realise your future ambitions, and provide for your loved ones.

Financial well-being issues are typically born out of not having sufficient financial education.

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1 Day Conference
04 Jul 2024
Contentious Trusts 2024: The 3rd Annual Summit

Join the very best in the international trust dispute field and where it overlaps with other areas of litigation to challenge the most up to date developments in the last 12 months. 

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4SightBreakfast Briefing
26 Jun 2024
TL4 x London & Capital: Dual Jurisdictions, Single Heartbreak: A Guide to International Divorce

Kindly hosted by London & Capital, join us for a morning of insightful discussions on the complexities of international separations. Our panel will cover a variety of topics that impact international divorce including tax, the legal framework, and financial planning.

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1 Day Conference
25 Jun 2024
The Crypto in Disputes Forum - 3rd Annual

Crypto's continued rapid, complex development across many fields of Law requires constant discussion and analysis. Join us at ThoughtLeaders4 for a one-day event exploring every area of disputes concerning Crypto, weaving our many communities together for a comprehensive look at the issues, opportunities, and strategies present in this space. 


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07 Jun 2024
International Children: Current Law and Practice

This webinar will be your guide to navigating international issues in private law children cases. Our experts will inform you about the latest legal developments as well as discussing topical issues and practical case studies.   

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26 Apr 2024
New Reform on Matrimonial Finance: How to Best Approach Financial Provision for Non-Marital Relationships

This webinar will be your guide to navigating financial arrangements outside of traditional marriages. Our experts will share their insights into the latest reforms and best practices shaping matrimonial finance outside of marriage. 

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18 Mar 2024
Insight into Divorce in the Digital Age

What are some of the main changes we have seen in the family law world, as a result of developments in digital, in the past few years?

Join this insightful debate on how the digital age influences clients and their decision making. As more and more clients own digital assets, family advisers will need to know what they are dealing with when it comes to financial disclosure.

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1 Day ConferenceHalf Day Conference
14 Mar 2024
The Second Annual HNW Divorce Next Gen Summit

Join us for the second annual HNW Divorce Next Gen conference and hear from balanced panels of both experienced and on-the-rise speakers. This event will arm junior and next generation practitioners with the knowledge and tools to become well-versed in all things HNW Divorce.

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1 Day Conference
15 Feb 2024
The Practitioner’s Forum on Trusts in Divorce

Arm yourself with tactics that have proven successful in courtroom battles and negotiations alike. "Trusts in Divorce" equips you with the arsenal to safeguard your clients' assets and interests.

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13 Oct 2023
The Pensions’ Minefield Uncovered

George Mathieson is well-known to most family lawyers as the “go to” expert of all things regarding pensions on divorce.  He has written many thousands of expert witness reports, been involved in multiple cases of alleged negligence against family lawyers where pensions are involved (acting for defendant lawyers only) and written/had published countless articles in legal journals.  He has also spoken at numerous legal events on pensions and divorce, where his ability to explain, in simple terms, knotty pensions issues in a humorous way, keeps him constantly in demand as a speaker.

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4SightTL4 Evening
13 Jul 2023
TL4 Cross Community Next-Gen Networking Drinks Reception

Whether you are in private client, family, competition, commercial, or chancery, TL4 are co-hosting a cross-community next gen drinks reception with Withers.

ThoughtLeaders4 are serious about providing opportunities to up-and-coming practitioners. We strrongly believe the next generation of practitioners should be attending events in order to build their network and further their careers. With this in mind, join us on Thursday 13 July at 6pm for an informal evening designed for simply building your professional network in FIRE, HNW Divorce, Private Client, Disputes and Competition.

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03 Jul 2023
Non-Matrimonial Property in Divorce Proceedings

Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process, often involving the division of assets accumulated during the course of a marriage. However, not all assets are considered "matrimonial property" and subject to equal division under family law.

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4SightBreakfast Briefing
22 Jun 2023
TL4 x London & Capital: US-UK Divorce – Navigating the Tax, Legal and Financial Planning complexities

Following last year’s success, London & Capital will be hosting their breakfast briefing discussing US-UK Divorce, with an updated and fresh perspective for this year.

In this breakfast briefing, our esteemed panel will tackle two to three case studies and discuss some of the intricacies from a legal, tax, financial planning and investment perspective when a US-UK divorce is taking place.

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02 Jun 2023
“What goes in must go out” - Dealing with psychology and emotions in the workplace

Dealing with psychological issues do not just affect our clients, they are also prominent for practitioners in the workplace when dealing with emotive family law matters.

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26 May 2023
Divorce for the Digital Generation

Over the last 10 years, digital assets have influenced clients going through their divorces. As new types of assets are emerging, so are the processes for divorce. Whether it is new ways to hide assets, new sources of income or online harassment issues, the actual process for divorce must adapt itself to the digital revolution. 

In this webinar, our panel of experts will address the risks involved in digital assets and what can be done to trace and value these assets to bring them to Court.

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22 May 2023
Navigating Volatile Values in Divorces

Valuations for divorce proceedings can be affected by external forces such as market volatility and geo-political upheaval. Covid, Brexit, the Russia-Ukraine war and the recent bank collapses are all examples of recent world events which have had a significant impact on how assets are valued in divorce proceedings.

In this session, our panel of experts will discuss key considerations for Divorce Lawyers when faced with valuations in turbulent times.

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17 Apr 2023
Knowledge is power: creating a generation of financially empowered women

Whether managing family wealth or navigating a divorce, knowledge is power. Historically, men have been the breadwinners of the family and made the financial decisions for the family even if the woman was employed and well educated. In modern times, there has been increase in financially literate women taking an active role in their family finances. However, this is not a uniform trend.

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06 Mar 2023
International Women’s Day: Are Women More Risk Averse Than Men?

With International Women’s Day approaching, in this webinar, we will look at the increasingly important role than women play in creating and preserving wealth alongside their attitude and aspirations to future planning and finance.

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21 Nov 2022
Social Media and Divorce - a Recipe for Disaster?

During divorce proceedings, it is not uncommon for social media to be used as a platform for ex-spouses to voice their opinion to the world, however it has the potential to seriously damage the case.

In this session, our panellists will discuss the impact of social media and divorce, how it can affect the division of finances, how it might impact child custody, and what clients should or should not do during divorce proceedings. 

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1 Day ConferenceHalf Day Conference
30 Jun 2022
Enforcing a Divorce Award

In a focused half day, understand best practice in planning for enforcement at the outset of a divorce proceeding from a multi-disciplinary panel of experts. 

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1 Day ConferenceHalf Day Conference
30 Jun 2022
QC Surgery: Complex Finances in HNW Divorce

In a focused half day event, attend in-person the latest our unique series of QC surgeries that will delve into the technical issues dealt with by HNW Divorce practitioners day-to-day 

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27 Jun 2022
Pensions on Divorce and Pension Sharing

In this presentation we will delve into the complex world of pensions and identify some key points of negotiation for a lawyer to use when determining a fair split of a pension fund(s). 

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1 Day ConferenceHalf Day ConferenceVirtual
20 Jun 2022
The Good Divorce: Reflections on The Split

Joined by experts from the legal and media industry we will explore the storylines from the BBC drama The Split. The session will touch on the cases which kept Hannah, Nina and Ruth Defoe busy during each episode and explore the overall theme of the good divorce. 

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08 Jun 2022
US Persons & Divorce: Complexities of US Persons Divorcing in the UK

Divorce is always an emotive topic. Add into the mix a US connected individual and the level of complexity rises further.  At this breakfast briefing we will tackle a few key points around the areas of US/UK tax, investments, and pensions, when working with US persons and divorce in the UK.

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1 Day ConferenceHalf Day Conference
10 May 2022
DR: Future of Family Practice: Models, Participation & Flexibility in Family Law

What does the future of Family practice look like? Join a stellar line-up of speakers for a focused half day discussion around models, participation and flexibility now available in family law. 

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11 Feb 2022
What you need to know about mediation in family cases, trusts cases and where the two cross-over

This is aimed at those who are not qualified mediators but want to know how more about how mediation works, so they can advise and support clients in mediation but also to understand how they can be involved.

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02 Feb 2022
Naming & Renaming a Child: A Comparison between England, France, Italy & the USA

The webinar will consider the process in each jurisdiction, how easy it is to do, and what the hurdles or pitfalls may be. 

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24 Jan 2022
Global Strategies for Managing Wealth Post-Divorce

In this presentation our experts will drill down into post-divorce financial requirements and to take time consider how this might look across multiple jurisdictions and the tax implications that will bring. 

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01 Oct 2021
Predatory Marriage: Protecting Vulnerable Clients, and Hopes for Reform

A predatory marriage occurs where a vulnerable person is induced to marry by someone seeking to inherit his or her estate or otherwise gain some financial advantage. A marriage by a person lacking capacity is not void from the outset, so can wreak havoc with his or her estate planning. Join our expert panel who will drill down into the key issues.

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09 Sep 2021
What is in a Name? Changing Name & Title on Divorce: Comparing France, England, Italy & the US Approaches

Who has the right to the family name and title on divorce? Join us for a truly international discussion on this thorny issue. 

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2 Day SummitsEssay Competition
20 Jul 2021
ThoughtLeaders4 Summit

Welcome to the ThoughtLeaders4 Summit

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13 Jul 2021
Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien…..Tips & Tricks for International Pre & Post Nups: A Comparative English, French & US Perspective

A unique event summarising the approaches in England, France and the US. 

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29 Jun 2021
Vive la Difference! Is Family & Trust Law in Jersey more like the French or English?

With Jersey being geographically located between England and France, a panel of experts will explore how family law and trust law work in Jersey. Are they more like the French or the English system?

The panel will also look at finances on divorce, prenups, the law of cohabitation.

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On Demand
04 Jun 2021
HNW Advisors Leadership Programme: Training and development for future leaders

Leading complex relationships, working through challenging strategy and training your professional mindset makes a good advisor. But what makes a great, trusted advisor? What skills do you need to become a well-rounded HNW practitioner to grow your niche and succeed?

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On Demand
14 May 2021
Divorce: Understanding the Impact on Trustees, Beneficiaries & Other Fiduciaries

This is not a technical/legal session but we will instead be focusing on practical, ‘on the ground’ experiences.

Typically, these sorts of sessions focus on the legal impact of trusts on divorce but today we will be turning the telescope around and looking at the practical impact of divorce on trustees, beneficiaries and other fiduciaries.

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12 May 2021
Planning for and Implementing a Divorce Award

Understand best practice in planning for enforcement at the outset of a divorce proceeding, as opposed to only at the point of award when the other side refuses to pay up. 

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05 May 2021
International Finance & Children Forum

Join 2 bullet sessions over 2 days to drill down into the latest developments in Finances & Children across HNW Divorce. 

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14 Apr 2021
What a Difference a Year Makes

After the most unstable 12 months in a generation, what has happened in HNW Divorce? Chaired by Suzanne Kingston - enjoy key updates across the practice in just 90 minutes

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On Demand
09 Apr 2021
Cross Border Wealth Planning for Divorce - AVAILABLE NOW

On-Demand Full Day Event to Watch at Your Leisure

A full day of pre-recorded on-demand insight, this event will delve into the technical details of divorce proofing your clients. 

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On Demand
31 Mar 2021
Inter-Generational Wealth Planning: The Private Client Practitioner of the Future - Available Now

On-Demand Full Day Event 
With the old guard of HNWs passing on their wealth to the next generation, how should advisors adapt and change their approach when dealing with the next wave of HNW millenials and Generation Z

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On Demand
31 Mar 2021
Death and Divorce: Vows and Promises - Available Now

Pre-Recorded Half Day Event - 5 Separate Sessions to Watch at Your Leisure

Understand the technicalities and practicalities of 1975 Act claims and how they interact with divorce. Chaired by Eason Rajah QC and includes a host of industry luminaries. 

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24 Mar 2021
Divorce is just the Start: How it all goes wrong - A Unique Series brought to you by Peters & Peters

Join us for a unique limited series of 3 episodes covering the unfolding drama of a divorce.

Illustrated with an unfolding narrative join our expert speakers as a they take you through a fast moving divorce case, taking in criminal, asset recovery and private client related issues.

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23 Mar 2021
Sudden Incapacity: Legal implications under the prevalence of Covid

On the day of national reflection, Sarah Williams from Payne Hicks Beach, will be chairing a panel who will share their expertise on issues arising from sudden incapacity. Topics for discussion will include: ascertaining wishes of P, navigating disputes between the clinical team and the family, the role of ICU mediation, perspectives on contested disputes, recent COVID-related judgments, as well as looking at the impact upon P’s property, financial and family affairs from a Trust and Family Law perspective. 


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On Demand
01 Mar 2021
QC Surgery: Complex Finances in HNW Divorce - Available Now

Unique technical knowledge through focused sessions each led by an eminent QC. Chaired by by eminent solicitors this is a technical update not to be missed. 

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26 Feb 2021
HNW Divorce Year in Review: A Year Like No Other

HNW Divorce Year in Review is the ultimate showdown between 10 of the top divorce practitioners. In a year like no other, which has been the most important divorce topic of the year? You decide!

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28 Jan 2021
Hashtag #This - Protecting the Privacy and Security of HNW Families and their Children

For many children, learning and living are now taking place as much in the digital world, as in the physical. Never has this been more true than in the post-Covid age. As children ‘grow-up’ online, a surge in screen-time is amplifying a host of concerns for parents. Join us to discover how you can help your HNW family clients protect and safeguard against the risks that will empower their children to thrive in today’s digital landscape.

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19 Jan 2021
HNW Divorce: Family Mediation Week

Taking place from 18-22 January 2021, Family Mediation Week aims to raise awareness of mediation and how it can help separating families manage their issues collaboratively and productively.

TL4 HNW Divorce is delighted to present 3 unique bullet sessions around mediation and ADR for HNW Divorce. 

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31 Dec 2020
Brexit and Family Law: UK Departure but European Problems

On-Demand Session - In case you missed the live session watch On Demand

English and French specialist family lawyers examine some of the family law problems which will arise in practice from January 2021 onwards on the UK leaving the EU

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19 Nov 2020
TL4 Virtual Community X-Over

A unique virtual event bringing together HNW Divorce, FIRE and Private Client experts. We will be discussing how the various practice areas overlap with each other and how best to work across disciplines 

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18 Nov 2020
The Worldwide Webb: The Future of Trusts

Delighted to bring you the first joint event between ConTrA and TL4 Next Gen Wealth

Designed for Contentious & Non-Contentious practitioners alike. 

Bringing you an examination of the impact of the recent Privy Council decision in Webb v. Webb 

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05 Oct 2020
Spotlight on - Villiers vs Villiers

Does the case of Villiers v Villiers open up a loophole for forum shoppers to exploit? And how might this interact with the impending Brexit on the various different possible scenarios? 

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24 Sep 2020
Quickfire HNW Divorce: Hot Topics in Finances & Children

Join the iFLG team, chaired by David Hodson OBE MCIArb, for a quickfire round up of the hottest areas in HNW divorce across finances and children. 

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06 Jul 2020
Trusts in Divorce Virtual Conference

What is the shape of trusts and divorce in the emerging new world? Benefit from a unique 1.5 hours of coverage led by a cross disciplinary team from Withers and featuring quickfire presentations, panel debate, discussion and debate. 

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12 Jun 2020
A Guide to Remote Private Hearings: Arbitrations, Private FDRs and Early Neutral Evaluations

This Webinar will seek to explain the details, grapple with the issues currently facing all practitioners undertaking remote family hearings and suggest guidance and ground rules for a successful remote hearing.

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26 May 2020
Unmarried Couples & Schedule 1 Update

Listen in on James Pirrie of Family Law in Partnership, Charlotte Bradley of Kingsley Napley and Laura Moys from 1KBW discuss some of the most common issues that can arise when we are asked to advise an unmarried couple who are going through a separation.

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26 May 2020
Compensation Claims on Divorce – how exceptional do they have to be

Virtual Conference 12.00pm - 1.00pm
This virtual event will look at how the principle of relationship generated disadvantage has developed and why so few cases have succeeded in establishing the payment of compensation and provide a comprehensive update on this area of the law since McFarlane.

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21 May 2020
HNW Divorce - The Latest from 29 Bedford Row

Virtual Conference - 4.30pm - 5.30pm 
Delighted to bring you a quickfire roundup of key issues in HNW divorce. Chaired by HH Judge Wright, benefit from the insight of 6 leading barristers and ask questions live either via text or be brought into the webinar

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20 May 2020
Trustees and Divorce: Navigating Stormy Waters

Virtual Conference - 12.00pm - 1.00pm 
Divorce can be particularly troublesome for trustees, who can find themselves in a difficult position when a beneficiary of a discretionary trust divorce. Find out the ramifications for Trustees and action points for family lawyers

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21 Apr 2020
Love Hurts: Divorce Proofing Inter-Generational Wealth Planning

Virtual Conference 12.00pm - 1.00pm Our inaugural HNW Divorce Next Gen event is now virtual. Registration is £10 per person and all proceeds will be donated to Refuge. 

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