Can No Contest Clauses “Make Wills Great Again”?
20 Mar 2023
Location: 12:30pm - 1:30pm UK Time Virtual Event (Zoom) Members: FREE to attend - Book by 20 Mar Non Members: Register above and attend for free - Book by 20 Mar

Tom Deely, Alexandra Giles and James Poole will discuss the use and effect of No Contest Clauses and whether they are a sufficient deterrent to a prospective Claimant seeking to bring a claim against an estate. Aimed at stemming the tide of unmeritorious claims under the Inheritance Act, are No Contest Clauses a necessity to uphold the principle of testamentary freedom, or are they ineffective, inflammatory and contrary to public policy?
The panel will discuss (and debate):
- The pros and cons of including No Contest Clauses in wills
- Drafting considerations
- Alternatives to No Contest Clauses
Our panel of experts

Senior Associate
Russell Cooke
Tom Deely is a solicitor specialising in trust and estate disputes. He acts for a range of clients on a variety of matters, including succession disputes, will challenges, and trust and administration disputes.
Tom is a Senior Associate in the Trusts and Estates Disputes team. He has extensive experience acting for a wide range of clients, from UHNW individuals to vulnerable clients and protected parties, both as claimants and defendants.
Tom is a confident negotiator with significant experience of solicitor-led mediations and round-table meetings. Tom is a pragmatic and decisive litigator who prides himself on his technical knowledge and his client manner, ensuring that the client's needs are at the forefront of his advice.
Tom is a regular contributor to articles and publications is a member of the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS) and ConTrA, a network for Contentious Trusts Associates.

Russell Cooke

Howard Kennedy LLP
Alexandra Giles is a solicitor specialising in trusts and estates disputes.
Alexandra Giles advises individuals, beneficiaries and trustees, as both claimants and defendants, in a full range of trusts and estates disputes.
Her practice encompasses acting in claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975, challenges to the validity of wills, promissory estoppel claims, breach of trust claims and the removal of executors and trustees.
Alexandra also advises on disputed Court of Protection applications, including the appointment and removal of deputies or attorneys, management disputes, and statutory will applications.
She understands the emotional difficulty clients can face dealing with private wealth disputes. She is compassionate, whilst providing an analytical and pragmatic focus to resolving her clients' disputes.

Howard Kennedy LLP
Ten Old Square
James is regularly recommended for the quality of his legal analysis, his persuasive oral advocacy in court, the practicality of his advice, and his sensitive and responsive interaction with clients.
His busy practice spans a number of Chambers’ key practice areas, and particularly focuses on:
- Probate, inheritance and trust disputes, including 1975 Act claims, trustee/executor removal and TLATA claims.
- Non-contentious private client work.
- Commercial and contractual disputes, including arbitrations and interim applications such as freezing injunctions.
- Partnership/LLP – both advisory and contentious work.
- Court of Protection and associated litigation.
- Charity law.
- Landlord and Tenant issues – both residential and commercial, including pubs and licensed premises.
- Property, including covenants, easements and boundary disputes.
- Insolvency, both individual and company.
James is a skilled and highly effective advocate, who appears regularly in the High Court and County Courts. He also has significant experience of offshore litigation, particularly in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
Before coming to the Bar, James taught at secondary and tertiary level in England and Vanuatu, and is equally comfortable being instructed in both English and Bislama.
James is also a qualified mediator, and welcomes instructions as a mediator in any of the areas in which he practices.
Ten Old Square
Alexandra Giles - Solicitor - Howard Kennedy LLP
James Poole - Barrister - Ten Old Square
Tom Deely - Senior Associate - Russell Cooke

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