Exposing bad trustees in a post-pandemic landscape: Who’s had their hand in the till or taken their eye off the ball
10 Jun 2020
Location: 4pm - 5pm Virtual Event (zoom) Members: TL4 & ConTrA Members £10+VAT - Book by 10 Jun

Delighted to partner with ConTrA to bring you this unique webinar where all proceeds are being donated to the National Emergencies Trust Coronavirus Appeal.
Exposing bad trustees in a post-pandemic landscape: Who’s had their hand in the till or taken their eye off the ball?
- Trustees’ duties and how they are impacted by the current landscape
- Claims against trustees and the role of exclusion clauses and anti-Bartlett clauses – and whether these achieve the right balance of liability
- Exposure of fraud and other forms of wrongdoing in relation to trust assets
R&H Trust Co (Cayman)
R&H Trust Co (Cayman)

Payne Hicks Beach
Jessica is a private client partner specialising in risk and disputes in relation to trusts and estates.
Jessica has accrued extensive trust litigation experience both in England and offshore. Her cases have included both seeking and defending the removal of trustees, protectors and executors; rectification and variation of trusts; setting aside and defending trusts on the basis of sham allegations; challenging trustees’ decisions and advising trustees on making decisions in contentious circumstances; challenging trustees’ fees; claims for breach of fiduciary duty; and associated professional negligence proceedings against tax and legal advisors.
Equally, Jessica frequently advises on probate and estate disputes, including invalidity claims, capacity and construction issues, as well as claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975.
Jessica has also built up particular expertise in advising trustees and beneficiaries on issues of trust law in the context of divorce proceedings – both in relation to proceedings in the Family Division and in the corresponding offshore trust jurisdictions.

Payne Hicks Beach

Collas Crill (Jersey)
James is a Group Partner in Private Client and Trusts team. He joined Collas Crill in January 2024. James is an English barrister and Jersey Advocate and has a busy practice with a particular focus on contentious and non-contentious trust work.
He advises, undertakes drafting work, and acts for beneficiaries, trustees and other power-holders in relation to breach of trust claims, asset tracing/recovery and claims for secondary liability against accessories, issues concerning trust administration, the appointment and removal of trustees and the exercise of powers, applications to court for directions, the variation and rectification of trusts and the disclosure of information to beneficiaries and third parties, jurisdiction disputes and the enforcement of foreign judgments against trustees and beneficiaries and issues concerning trustees’ rights of indemnity, fees and legal cost.
James also advises in relation to a broad range of contentious commercial and company law disputes. He is named as a Rising Star in Legal 500 UK 2023 and ranked in Chambers UK and Global 2023.

Collas Crill (Jersey)

LK Law

LK Law
In a landscape where investments have fallen abruptly and adverse market conditions prevail, portfolio performance and investment decisions fall under the full glare of the spotlight. Where trust assets are involved, the action or inaction of the trustees will attract intense scrutiny. That scrutiny may even reveal serious wrong-doing on the part of the trustees. As Warren Buffet put it: “Only when the tide goes out, do you discover who has been swimming naked”. This session will explore:
- Trustees’ duties and how they are impacted by the current landscape
- Claims against trustees and the role of exclusion clauses and anti-Bartlett clauses – and whether these achieve the right balance of liability
- Exposure of fraud and other forms of wrongdoing in relation to trust assets
The panel encourages questions at any time during the discussion and these can be submitted using the Q&A button, either in your own name or anonymously.
Speakers:Philippa Stokes - Partner - R&H Trust Co (Cayman)
James Sheedy - Partner - Collas Crill (Jersey)
Simon Goldring - Partner - Fladgate
Jessica Henson - Partner - Payne Hicks Beach
Amy Harvey - Partner - LK Law

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