Psychology of Trust Disputes and the family dynamics that lead to them
10 May 2022
Location: 13:30 pm - 14:30 pm UK Time, Virtual Event (Zoom) Members: FREE - Book by 10 May Non Members: Become a Member above and Register for FREE - Book by 10 May

Challenging family dynamics and heated disputes are nothing new, however what makes them occur in the first place?
- What are the psychological triggers in family disputes?
- Identifying the red flags in family relationships
- Inter-generational conflict
- How to intervene at the earliest stage to avoid disputes
- Reducing the fallout from disputes: how to avoid escalation
Your Expert Speakers include:

McDermott Will & Emery (UK)

McDermott Will & Emery (UK)

Joe has over 30 years’ experience in the finance industry, most of it as a professional trustee. His own experience has given him unique insight into the workings of trust companies and their clients.

Director & Head of Family Office
Richard is a Director of Highvern and Head of Family Office. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1997 and holds an MBA from Warwick University. As well as having expertise in financial accounting and strategic financial planning, Richard has devoted the last 20 years of his career to the Family Office sector. He was the Director of a prominent Single Family Office from 2002-2012 and led the Multi-Family Office division of a prominent international fiduciary services firm from 2013 to 2021, dealing with Ultra High Net Worth individuals and their families from many jurisdictions including Europe, the US, the UAE and Russia. He has specific expertise in private equity, luxury assets, cryptocurrencies and philanthropy. At Highvern, Richard is responsible for managing some of the more complex client relationships, often with innovative structures. He is frequently asked to write articles for leading publications and regularly speaks at international conferences on specific issues relating to Family Offices.

Segment One: Understanding and identifying psychological drivers and triggers in family relationships and disputes
Segment Two: Early stage dispute avoidance
Segment Three: Dispute management and minimization when avoidance has failed
Speakers:Joe Donohoe - Consultant -
Richard Joynt - Director & Head of Family Office - Highvern
Ziva Robertson - Partner - McDermott Will & Emery (UK)

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