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60-Seconds With: Daniel Thorpe, Barrister, Radcliffe Chambers
Date: 05/01/2022 Type: 60 seconds with Community Magazine Interviews ThoughtLeaders 4 Content Topic: Private Client | Trusts | Wills and Estates | Inheritance | Next Generation Wealth | Investment and HNWI’s | Tax |Q) What is your key area of practice?
A) I am building a varied practice across all of Chambers’ core areas of work. This includes private client, insolvency, commercial and real property disputes.
Q) What are you most going to focus on in the next 12 months?
A) Being so junior it is difficult to say at the moment! I have been taking on my own cases since April 2021 and have been working on a wide range of things. I’d like to continue getting experience in as many different areas as possible so as to give myself a solid grounding for years to come.
Q) What do you see as the biggest upcoming challenge you face as a practitioner?
A) Starting practice during the pandemic was not without its difficulties, but the result is that I will likely find it challenging to start attending things in person! This is probably at odds with more senior colleagues, but having only appeared in court via telephone or Microsoft Teams, an in-person hearing will be quite the sea change.
Q) Why did you choose to attend TL4 x ConTrA’s Private Client Summer School and what did you achieve from attending?
A) The Summer School seemed like it would a great opportunity to meet junior private client practitioners and it was exactly that. It was great talking to people from different law firms and chambers and sharing experiences.
Q) How did it feel to be back at a physical event?
A) Fantastic – I think everyone enjoyed their freedom from the well-known limitations of virtual events.
Q) What was your key takeaway from any one of the sessions at Private Client Summer School over the 2 days?
A) It was interesting listening to Richard Manyon (Payne Hicks Beach) and Gemma Willingham (Baker McKenzie) on the fine distinction between winning and losing clients and how best to apply yourself in seeking work whilst not going too far.
Q) What would you say to people thinking of attending one of our summer schools in the future?
A) If you’re eager to learn something about that practice area amongst people of similar experience from different backgrounds, then definitely sign up.
Q) What does the perfect weekend look like?
A) 25 degrees with blue skies and sunshine (i.e. not like August 2021).
Q) What is the one thing you could not live without?
A) Although not particularly exciting, it probably is my laptop.
Q) Who would you most like to invite to a dinner party?
A) Sir Alex Ferguson – who else?

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