Defeating the Queen’s Gambit: How to Play Your Opening Moves
13 Jul 2021
Location: 12.00pm - 1.30pm UK Time Virtual Event (Zoom) Members: FREE - Book by 13 Jul Non Members: Register in Menu Above & Attend FREE of Charge - Book by 13 Jul

The initial skirmishes in a dispute often set the tone for the rest of the matter. Looking down the barrel of potential or actual claims, how best can a defendant preserve its position – and go on the counter-attack?
TL4Disputes is delighted to bring you the 2nd episode of the innovative ‘ACTING FOR DEFENDANT’ series on its tour through the lifecycle of a dispute from the principal vantage point of the defendant’s lawyer.
Book your free seat to drill into:
- Pre-action processes;
- Strategies for the Defence;
- The approach in actions involving multiple parties;
- Counterclaims and other additional claims;
- Dealing with information requests and disclosure;
- Security for costs
Your Expert Speaker Panel:

Cooke, Young & Keidan (UK)
Recognised by The Legal 500 as a “rising star” “headed for the very top”, and by Who’s Who Legal as a Global Elite Thought Leader for both Asset Recovery and Commercial Litigation, Jon specialises in high-value, complex international commercial disputes with particular expertise in civil fraud, enforcement and asset recovery (including both commercial and sovereign debt), and he has obtained a number of ground-breaking orders in this regard. Chambers & Partners describes Jon as “incredibly impressive” and “an incredible tactician”, recognising him for his civil fraud work. The Legal 500 has called Jon a “bright young gun with a shrewd mind and a calm approach” and states there is “complete trust and faith in Jon’s advice and his expertise”, recognising him as a leading individual for civil fraud, a next generation partner for banking litigation, and recommending him for premium commercial litigation, international arbitration and commodities disputes. Jon has an international practice with clients including states, financial institutions, corporate clients, high-net-worth individuals and insolvency practitioners, and has acted on a number of complex and high value Russian/CIS cases.

Cooke, Young & Keidan (UK)
Radcliffe Chambers
In his first few years at the Bar, Shantanu Majumdar practised in most areas known to the law, once even cross-examining a police officer in the Court of Appeal.
For the past 20 years he has specialised in commercial and commercial Chancery litigation and arbitration and professional negligence. He thinks very hard about his cases for, as a famous Roman once said: “Grasp the subject matter and the words will follow”. Shantanu undertakes litigation, arbitration and advisory work in the following fields, much of it of an international nature involving foreign parties and/or foreign law and/or foreign proceedings.
Radcliffe Chambers

Cooke, Young & Keidan
Rosie has a wide range of experience of high value litigation and arbitration cases. She has particular experience in civil fraud, shareholder disputes including unfair prejudice petitions, and issues of contractual interpretation.
Rosie has worked on a number of high profile cases, including a global business email compromise fraud in which CYK obtained England’s first worldwide freezing injunction of assets of ‘persons unknown’.
Rosie has been involved on a number of ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL, HKIAC and SIAC arbitrations and has experience of commercial arbitrations, particularly in the oil and gas sector, as well as a number of investment treaty arbitrations. Rosie also has significant experience dealing with financial complex products and has spent time on secondment to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA).

Cooke, Young & Keidan

Partner, Dispute Resolution
Memery Crystal
Jenni’s litigation practice incorporates a broad range of commercial disputes with a focus on commercial fraud and insolvency. She has extensive experience of applying for and opposing interim relief such as freezing orders, disclosure orders and contempt applications.

Memery Crystal

Andrew has deepest experience in disputes about international trade, shipping, civil fraud, insurance and reinsurance. Many of his cases concern very substantial sums of money.


Senior Associate
David is a commercial litigator, specialising in complex disputes usually involving elements of international civil fraud and insolvency. He also has significant experience in offshore trust and contentious insolvency litigation in various Caribbean jurisdictions.

Shantanu Majumdar QC - Barrister - Radcliffe Chambers
Rosie Wild - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan
Jon Felce - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan (UK)
Jenni Jenkins - Partner, Dispute Resolution - Memery Crystal
Andrew Pearson - Barrister - 7KBW
David Chalcraft - Senior Associate - HFW (UK)

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