Disputes Events

ThoughtLeaders4 Disputes events engage all facets of the Disputes community. Come together to learn, network and grow your practice.

Members will benefit from free attendance at all Virtual Events and discounts to the Physical and On-Demand Events. Look through the upcoming events below

1 Day Conferences
2 Day Summits
Virtual Event
On Demand

Upcoming Events

12 Jul 2024
UNCITRAL WGIII: Do States Really Need An Advisory Centre?

UNCITRAL is pitching an independent advisory centre as one of the key elements of ISDS reform for the 21st century. Join our panel of experts as we examine the rationale behind such a centre, how it might work in practice, and the hurdles it will need to overcome to be a valuable addition to the investor-State dispute settlement system. 

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19 Jul 2024
The Use of Evidence in International Arbitration: Procedure and Practice

The production and use of evidence in international arbitration tends to be governed by a flexible matrix of institutional and ad hoc rules and "soft law", selected by the parties and tribunal. The tribunal will oversee the production, use and management of evidence using those resources. But parties' legal backgrounds from common law and civil law traditions, and their expectations, may have to be managed and compromise sought.

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2 Day Summits • In-Person Event
18 Sep 2024
Contentious Trusts Next Gen Summit

We are delighted to bring you a brand new, innovative and unique event for the next generation of contentious trusts practitioners and for all other practitioners where trusts can be involved. Building on our track record of catering specific events for the next generation of legal practitioners we are delighted to bring together our next gen initiatives from across 4 of our communities at one event.  

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1 Day Conference • In-Person Event
08 Oct 2024
The International Arbitration and Enforcement Forum 2024

With arbitration becoming increasingly popular for resolving cross-border disputes, join this one-day conference to learn about changes to arbitration proceedings, Brexit's impact on enforcement, practical considerations for buying out arbitration awards and more.

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2 Day Summits • In-Person Event
15 Oct 2024
The UK Class Actions Forum - The 4th Annual

Join Experienced Practitioners to Navigate the Evolving UK Group Litigations and Class Actions Landscape

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1 Day Conference • In-Person Event
03 Dec 2024
Corporate Disputes 2024 - 4th Annual Forum

Attend our fourth annual corporate disputes forum, exclusively organised for disputes practitioners. This event offers a specialised platform to learn valuable lessons from recent and ongoing cases in areas such as securities litigation, post M&A disputes, valuation insights and lots more. 

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Past Events

2 Day Summits
12 Jun 2024
The European Class Actions Forum 2024

Historically, class action events have taken a broader, more generic look at global jurisdictions or more long-standing class action regimes such as the US. In contrast, this conference focuses specifically on Europe and its developing class action landscape.

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14 May 2024
Remedies Which Litigants Can Obtain in Order to Assist With The Enforcement of Judgments in Kenya, Ghana, and Nigeria

Andrew Moran KC and Anthony Kennedy are the authors of Commercial Litigation in Anglophone Africa (2nd Ed Juta), an authoritative work which details the broad framework of the private international law rules in operation in each of the sixteen Anglophone jurisdictions considered: Botswana, Gambia, Ghana, Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

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1 Day Conference
15 Feb 2024
Corporate Crime: Detection & Reaction

With the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act passed in UK Parliament, join this timely 1-day event to discuss Corporate Crime, detection and reaction, and what the future holds.

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29 Jan 2024
An Explanation of the Regimes Governing the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Ghana, Nigeria and the Republic of South Africa

Following the success of the first webinar on Commercial Disputes and Anti-Suit Relief in Anglophone Africa, the speakers will be back in 2024 for a second instalment, taking place on 29 January, entitled “An explanation of the regimes governing the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in Ghana, Nigeria and the Republic of South Africa”. Andrew Moran KC will once again chair the session. Further details on other panel members will be released soon.

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2 Day Summits
07 Jun 2023
India Dispute Resolution Forum

An advanced Forum discussing complex, multijurisdictional arbitration and court cases involving Indian parties. 

As India becomes an increasingly important nation for commercial parties, join our experts and leading practitioners in exploring the pressing issues and current developments.

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19 Apr 2023
Sanctions Enforcement - risks, penalties and prosecutions: an international perspective

The seminar is organised by Rahman Ravelli, Doughty Street Chambers and supported by ThoughtLeaders4.

The event will be of interest to stakeholders, individuals or companies who are, or may be, affected by financial and trade sanctions, and to professional advisors, general counsel and compliance professionals advising in this space.

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23 Mar 2022
TL4 Disputes Community Annual Social: Psychological Impact of Remote Hearings (By Invitation Only)

The Disputes Community and BRG are bringing together lawyers, expert witnesses, arbitrators and legal psychologists for an insightful and lively social gathering. 


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01 Dec 2021
“Yo, I’ll Tell You What I Want, What I Really, Really Want …”

  Join us for a practical and interactive session where our panel will provide their insights on what clients want (and what they don't want) from their legal service providers.  


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26 Oct 2021
Taming the Dragon: Gaining Certainty over the Costs of Litigation in Asia

The panel will discuss the commercial and practical aspects of litigation funding in Asia, sharing knowledge and case experience from funder, dispute resolution practitioner and lawyer perspectives

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06 Oct 2021
The Fault Lines in India’s Arbitration Landscape

Join us for the next episode of Tl4D's India related dispute resolution series. Featuring thought-provoking fireside chat with preeminent Indian legal figure, Justice G.S. Patel, Judge of the Bombay High Court and leading English silk, Khawar Qureshi QC. 

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30 Sep 2021
Defusing the Court’s Nuclear Weapons: 13 Ways to Save Your World

The end of the world is nigh, or so it can feel for a defendant facing a trigger happy claimant armed with invasive ex parte relief. But is that the high point for the claimant? How best can the defendant return fire?


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28 Sep 2021
Class Actions in Digital Markets

Following our highly popular launch event, make sure to book your seat early for the next episode in a series of VIRTUAL discussions on the latest developments in class action regimes. 

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02 Jul 2024
Deconstructing Property Finance: Breach of Covenants In Loan Agreements

Finance is the lifeblood of many businesses and credit is operationally critical in every business sector. Whilst no business intends to default on its repayment obligations, all businesses should be aware of the implications and consequences of doing so. 

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28 Jun 2024
Seizing and Selling Crypto Assets in Civil and Commercial Disputes

As digital assets continue to reshape the global economy, examining the complexities of cryptocurrency within legal conflicts is essential.

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1 Day Conference
25 Jun 2024
The Crypto in Disputes Forum - 3rd Annual

Crypto's continued rapid, complex development across many fields of Law requires constant discussion and analysis. Join us at ThoughtLeaders4 for a one-day event exploring every area of disputes concerning Crypto, weaving our many communities together for a comprehensive look at the issues, opportunities, and strategies present in this space. 


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25 Jun 2024
Mitigating Sanctions Breach Risks: A Real-World Scenario and Strategic Response

In today’s complex global environment, companies must navigate the intricate landscape of sanctions compliance. Join us for an in-depth webinar where Control Risks experts will walk you through a hypothetical scenario—rooted in reality—of a company embroiled in a sanctions breach. The scenario involves sensitive restricted goods, like precision tools potentially used for weapon manufacturing, being discovered in Russia. 

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24 Jun 2024
Crypto-Disputes and Regulatory Regimes in Hong Kong, Singapore and UAE

In this webinar, our panel of experts will discuss the highlights of Crypto-Disputes and Regulatory Regimes in Hong Kong, Singapore and the UAE. They will evaluate the legal tools available in each jurisdiction, policy considerations, recent developments and liquidation on cryptocurrency exchanges and priority of account holders.

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17 Jun 2024
An Introduction to Pleadings in International Arbitration: Practice and Procedure

One of the first tasks of a Tribunal, seized of jurisdiction, is to determine the form of pleadings in the arbitration. Most arbitration laws do not make express provision for rules of evidence. Institutional rules usually leave it to the arbitral tribunal to determine matters of evidence and procedure. It is usual therefore, in most cases, for one of the first directions of the Tribunal to be an order for comprehensive written pleadings.

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20 May 2024
Corporate Disputes: Navigating The Fallout From Accounting Fraud

In recent years, a number of high profile accounting frauds have hit the headlines and English courtrooms, from Patisserie Valerie to Carillion to NMC Health plc.  The fallout from these scandals has embroiled not only the companies and their creditors, but also their directors, business partners, auditors and bankers.  In our current tough economic environment, many businesses will be under stress.  To stay afloat, unscrupulous managers may be tempted to manipulate financial accounts to placate shareholders, lure in new investments, or avoid breaching lending covenants.  Meanwhile, as businesses begin to fail, history suggests that more cases of accounting fraud will be exposed. 

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17 May 2024
Arbitration Clauses: Purpose, Type, Scope and Clarity

The parties’ agreement to arbitrate is the very foundation of Arbitration, and it is most often found in contractual clauses. Effective drafting, and knowledge of the purposes and effects of the various components in such a clause are essential. Contractual disputes subject to the clause will arise after the drafting, when it is too late to make any material changes to the clause. Not infrequently, badly drafted clauses are the subject of time-consuming and expensive litigation, and even if such a clause survives, there may be later problems at the enforcement stage.

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1 Day Conference
16 May 2024
The Media Disputes: Defamation, Privacy & Reputation Management Forum

Hear those actively involved in live cases address recent and forthcoming developments in the increasingly changing world of media litigation.

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03 May 2024
ESG Litigation: The Current Climate

As governments and businesses focus more of their resources on tackling ESG challenges, so the legal world seeks to offer innovative solutions. However the development of ESG litigation, particularly as it relates to addressing environmental harm, is still in its infancy. All stakeholders, but especially environmental groups and CO2 intensive industries, are scanning the horizon to see how the law will adapt and how courts will address ESG challenges. This round-up will look at recently decided cases, cases currently before the courts, and consider what may be on its way, just over the horizon…

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1 Day Conference
18 Apr 2024
The Sanctions in Disputes Forum 2024

The only Sanctions forum dedicated to navigating Litigation Disputes by tackling the challenges that arise from various interactions between key sanction regimes

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1 Day Conference
16 Apr 2024
The Tech Disputes Conference 2024

In partnership with the Tech Disputes Network this one day event brings together professionals from the technology and legal industries interested in avoiding, managing and winning tech disputes.

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18 Mar 2024
International Women’s Day 2024: Striving for Balance

Our panel will discuss some of the barriers that women face in achieving work-life balance, including societal expectations, cultural norms, and workplace structures. Through honest personal experiences, our panellists aim to share knowledge with their peers, and pave the way for future generations.

Join us for an inspiring and thought-provoking discussion as we celebrate International Women's Day and empower women around the world to embrace their unique journey of balancing work and lifestyle in the legal profession.

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1 Day Conference
12 Mar 2024
ESG Litigation Second Annual Summit 2024

Elevating Legal Practice: A Comprehensive Approach to Meeting the Imperative of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance

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1 Day Conference
29 Feb 2024
The UK Commercial Property Litigation and Disputes Forum 2024

This conference arms you with the necessary tools to navigate the commercial property litigation and disputes maze. Join us for an exclusive gathering of key figures from around the property law eco-system from solicitors to consultants and surveyors discussing issues both topical and perennial.

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1 Day Conference
28 Feb 2024
Financial Institutions Litigation - The Second Annual Conference 2024

Building on Last Year’s Success, delve into the Financial Services Sector as they face heightened litigation risks due to evolving regulations and changing business practices. Attend the conference to gain expert perspectives on a wide spectrum of subjects, from the recent developments in PAACAR to Updates on Non-Financial Misconduct.

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19 Feb 2024
Funding Litigation Against Financial Institutions & Big Corporates in 2024 - Issues For Your Radar

New opportunities for claims against financial institutions and corporate giants continue to arise; fuelled not least by an increased focus on ESG issues, and new classes of financial assets. There continues to be a strong appetite for funding group actions among funders who see the potential for substantial returns.

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16 Feb 2024
Crypto Crime: Fraud Awareness, Mitigating Emerging Risks and Best Practices Across Different Regimes

Join us on an insightful panel discussion into Crypto Crime, as our expert speakers delve into the intricacies of mitigating risks and implementing best practices across different regulatory regimes.

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2 Day Summits
06 Feb 2024
Sovereign & States Disputes and Enforcement Summit 2024

Join this two-day conference uniquely bringing the sovereign disputes and international asset recovery communities together.

Hear from global elites on key topics including developments in investment arbitration, identifying and enforcing against assets, practical strategies and much more.

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26 Jan 2024
Leveraging Media, Public Opinion and Politics in High-Stakes Litigation, Disputes and Arbitral Award Enforcement Against Sovereigns

This special webinar, hosted by ThoughtLeaders4 in partnership with Vantage Influence, delves into the complexities of high-stakes litigation, disputes and enforcement of arbitration awards against sovereign entities.

Our expert panel will offer essential insights into how media and public opinion can influence outcomes in these critical cases.

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11 Jan 2024
Asset Recovery: Onshore and Offshore Strategies

In our interconnected global economy, businesses frequently confront challenges related to enforcement and recovery. The complex dynamics of offshore and onshore jurisdictions play a pivotal role in the recovery of assets, adding a layer of intricacy to the global asset recovery landscape. Our forthcoming webinar seeks to shed light on the nuanced aspects of global asset recovery, encompassing both onshore and offshore strategies, in response to the evolving demands of the business environment. This event aims to distil insights from experts across key jurisdictions, offering a comprehensive exploration into understanding these jurisdictions, navigating cross-border challenges, and addressing the diverse nature of assets they host.

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08 Dec 2023
Chat GPT: Its Impact on Law and The Legal Profession

It is not long since Open AI released its ChatGPT for use by the public.  And now lawyers, educators and legal experts have started to confront the possibilities of what generative artificial intelligence (AI) could mean for the practice of law, currently and in the future.

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2 Day Summits
01 Dec 2023
India Disputes Mumbai

India has proven to be an important jurisdiction in terms of disputes and arbitration. This Forum will bring together experts and leading practitioners who will explore current trends and developments and what to expect and strategies to help navigate the courts.

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4SightBreakfast Briefing
16 Nov 2023
TL4 x Blackstone Chambers: Commercial Breakfast Briefing - The Sunshine Show

Blackstone Chambers are hosting their next breakfast breifing discussing key developments, hot topics and the latest cases in commercial dispute resolution, with the morning supported by ThoughtLeaders4.

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03 Nov 2023
AI, The Opportunities and Threats for Disputes Practitioners

Delving into the discussion in further detail, the panel will evaluate the current AI offering for disputes lawyers, considering areas where AI can be used to value engineer the resolution of complex disputes as part of the professional offering

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30 Oct 2023
What to Derive from Recent Applications Concerning Derivative Claims?

The panel will consider recent case law from 2023 concerning derivative claims, including issues such as the creative use of these applications, the relationship with unfair petitions and costs orders.

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16 Oct 2023
TL4 x Keidan Harrison & Fieldfisher: Risks and Opportunities in the GCC Region for Disputes, Insolvency and Asset Recovery Practitioners

Join us in the lead up to FIRE Middle East, where Keidan Harrison and Fieldfisher are hosting an evening discussing the risks and opportunities in the GCC region for disputes, insolvency and asset recovery practitioners.

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06 Oct 2023
Commercial Disputes and anti-suit relief in Anglophone Africa – a panel discussion

The anti-suit injunction or interdict is a powerful tool in the court's weaponry when dealing with both domestic and cross-border commercial disputes. Courts in Anglophone Africa, and especially those in Nigeria and the Republic of South Africa, have recently given guidance to litigants on the requirements which have to be satisfied in order to obtain anti-suit relief. 

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1 Day Conference
05 Oct 2023
FIRE, Disputes & Investigations: Central Asia

ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE & Disputes community is delighted to bring you a fresh, new and unique event focusing on Central Asia and ‘The Stans’. Covering litigation, arbitration, and enforcement, in just one day drill-down into the key issues with the main players from across the region.

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13 Sep 2023
What is the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision in Philipp v Barclays on the development of ” The Quincecare” duty?

The Quincecare duty was first recognised over three decades ago, but it is only in recent years that it has really come to prominence, with the Court having to consider its application and scope.  Unsurprisingly, given the dramatic rise in APP fraud (with over £1billion worth of losses over the past three years), claimants have sought to apply the duty in that context. 

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04 Sep 2023
Art, Crime and Finance: The Full Picture

This webinar will be hosted by Rahman Ravelli and examine a range of legal issues and risks currently facing those who operate in the art world.

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17 Aug 2023
Litigation Finance Unlocked: Exploring Trends, Challenges and Ethical Considerations

Litigation finance has emerged as a dynamic industry, transforming the landscape of legal proceedings and providing opportunities for litigants to access justice. This webinar aims to delve into the intricacies of litigation finance – examining key issues across various dimensions. By bringing together experts and thought leaders, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the nuances within the litigation finance industry, while shedding light on trends, ethical considerations, and its impact on the legal landscape.

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21 Jul 2023
Civil Fraud Claims: Recent Updates and Practical Tips

The seminar will review the fundamental elements of civil fraud and tracing claims. It aims to provide an update on recent legal decisions relevant to those claims (on limitation, the availability of insolvency and proprietary claims, and other recent trends), and a focussed discussion of the current practical issues on prosecuting and defending fraud claims in the civil courts.

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4SightTL4 Evening
13 Jul 2023
TL4 Cross Community Next-Gen Networking Drinks Reception

Whether you are in private client, family, competition, commercial, or chancery, TL4 are co-hosting a cross-community next gen drinks reception with Withers.

ThoughtLeaders4 are serious about providing opportunities to up-and-coming practitioners. We strrongly believe the next generation of practitioners should be attending events in order to build their network and further their careers. With this in mind, join us on Thursday 13 July at 6pm for an informal evening designed for simply building your professional network in FIRE, HNW Divorce, Private Client, Disputes and Competition.

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12 Jul 2023
TL4 x Keidan Harrison & Serle Court: The AI Revolution for Disputes Practitioners

With the technological advancements in AI demonstrated by Chat GPT, has AI finally arrived for disputes practitioners? How can it be harnessed to save time getting to the facts? Can AI draft documents? Does it now have the capability of predicting outcomes? Is machine assisted human intelligence a more promising way forward? Where will AI take us over the next 10 years?

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10 Jul 2023
Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill 2023 – the potential impact on corporates and other stakeholders

The event will be moderated by Rahman Ravelli's Senior Partner, Aziz Rahman. He will be joined by Rahman Ravelli Senior Associates Zulfi Meerza and Francesca Cassidy-Taylor, as well as Steve Holt, Partner at Grant Thornton, and Miranda Hill KC, Barrister at 6KBW.

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29 Jun 2023
TL4 x Bond Solon: From Summons to the Stand: How to Best Prepare Your Witness?

Led by Bond Solon, this evening event will take a deep dive into the key stages of witness evidence, from the process of choosing a credible witness and what is considered best practice interviewing, to the vital ingredients that make up an effective witness on the stand.

Chaired by Alex Clements, Director of Witness Familiarisation at Bond Solon, our expert panel will explore the core character traits that make up a credible witness, cognitive interviewing techniques to get the most out of a witness, and how the principles of behavioural psychology can enhance a witness’ performance in court. All this will be considered again the backdrop of Practice Direction PD57AC and its impact on witness evidence. 


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24 May 2023
Sanctions, Political Policy and the Law

Hosted by Stuart Leach Associates and 9BR, this Question Time style evening with our expert panel will bring different perspectives and experiences to many of the questions around sanctions.

The need for tough economic penalties to undermine Russia’s capacity to wage war in Ukraine is widely accepted. Yet one year in, we need a review of whether current sanctions are doing the job.

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04 May 2023
TL4 x Kingsley Napley: From Pixels to Problems: Addressing Disputes in the Metaverse

The metaverse has given rise to a number of issues facing legal professionals in the context of disputes. In this engaging, thought-provoking evening event led by Kingsley Napley, our expert panel will discuss what the metaverse means, the risk of fraud, investigations around the metaverse, NFT’s, cryptocurrency, damages claims likely to arise and more.

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28 Apr 2023
Digital Asset Disputes Demystified

Led by Singularity Legal, this webinar will explore the intricacies, best practices and solutions for resolving issues related to various digital assets including cryptocurrencies, NFTs, decentralised finance, metaverse, and stablecoins. This multi-disciplinary webinar is sure to interest to all levels of experience in this innovative space.

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27 Apr 2023
TL4 x Gatehouse Chambers & Byfield: Sweet Dreams my FTX

Led by Gatehouse Chambers and Byfield Consultancy, this evening panel event will discuss the FTX case, what this means for legal professionals, and the effect of how the mainstream media views crypto. This panel will also dive into the reputational issues surrounding a collapse of this magnitude, how you manage these when dealing with multiple investigations by international regulatory bodies, whilst also discussing the mass litigation that will follow for years to come.

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18 Apr 2023
TL4 x CYK: Arbitration Act 1996 Reform: Second Consultation Paper Unwrapped

Led by Cooke, Young & Keidan, join us for an insightful evening discussing the key potential changes we will see to the Arbitration Act 1996 that are expected to be published later this year. 

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30 Jan 2023
Global Sanctions: (Almost) everything you wanted to know about sanctions but were afraid to ask

In this webinar, the panel comprising sanctions specialists from Germany, Switzerland, the US and the UK will discuss the latest developments in their jurisdictions. Our experts will discuss a variety of topics, including the latest sanctions that have been imposed, enforcement of breaches, asset confiscations and what we can expect in the future.

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28 Nov 2022
Complex Fraud: Arbitration, Litigation or Both?

In any commercial fraud there are likely to be a number of potential defendants. Those potential defendants will often include a contracting party, other entities in the same group, the individuals behind them, co-conspirators and recipients of the proceeds of fraud. Any claim against the contracting party will frequently be subject to an arbitration clause, but the other potential defendants will not be subject to that clause.

This webinar considers those issues, by reference to a recent dispute in which some of those complexities arose.

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11 Nov 2022
Courtcraft a 3 Part Series - Session 3: And now the end is near… Trial to hand down of judgment

In the final part of the three part series, led by Stephenson Harwood, our panellists will discuss the top do's and don'ts when preparing for trial, and what to look out for when it comes to hand down.



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4SightTL4 Evening
08 Nov 2022
Working With And Against Experts In Business Valuation Disputes

Tom McDonnell and Katy-Jade Church of Brown Rudnick's Litigation team invite you to join us on Tuesday 8 November for a panel discussion about getting the most from your instruction and cross-examination of expert witnesses in business valuation disputes. We are delighted to be joined by Fraser Campbell of Blackstone Chambers and Travis Taylor and Abigail of Secretariat, who will share some of their experiences, anecdotes and top-tips with us.

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07 Nov 2022
M&A Disputes Part 2

In the second of a two-part series of discussions on the topic and following the launch of BRG’s M&A Disputes Report 2022, legal and accounting experts will discuss key sector takeaways, trends and the outlook for 2023.

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04 Nov 2022
The Expanding Scope of English Jurisdiction?

The October 2022 amendments to the Civil Procedure rules have brought about significant change to the service of claims out of the jurisdiction.

In this talk Tim Chelmick and Hannah Daly of 4 New Square and Andrew James of PCB Byrne will consider the impact of these amendments on the scope of the English court’s jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters and the opportunities and difficulties these changes may bring for foreign litigants in England.  

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14 Oct 2022
Courtcraft a 3 Part Series - Session 2: Evidence

In session 1 we looked at how to get your claim off the ground. In this session, you have got all the way to trial and we now focus on how to (and how not to) present your evidence to maximise your chances of winning your case.

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03 Oct 2022
Crypto Beyond Fraud: Resolving Digital Disputes

It's not all about fraud when it comes to crypto assets and distributed ledger technology.  Join us to hear about the other types of disputes on the rise and the ways they are being resolved.

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TL4 Evening
21 Sep 2022
Middle East NPL’s

The panel will explore the current non-performing loan market in the Middle East, how the region is dealing with their historic debt issues, the complexities surrounding asset recovery on these debts and what the future holds for the region and its debt.

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16 Sep 2022
Leveraging Corporate Investigators in Asset Recovery: An Update

Asset recovery lawyers routinely work with investigation firms yet misconceptions remain. This webinar will aim at lifting the veil on how lawyers can really leverage investigators and also give a view of recent developments in their practice.

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12 Sep 2022
Courtcraft a 3 Part Series - Session 1: How to Start Proceedings

In partnership with Stephenson Harwood, this virtual event is the first of a three-part series of discussions on the practical issues that litigators face when bringing a claim.

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04 Jul 2022
M&A Disputes

In partnership with BRG, the first of a two-part series of discussions on the topic, our legal, accounting and market experts will discuss M&A deal volumes, deal structures, new investment vehicles, advances in technology and the rapidly changing economic conditions, which have contributed to the number of M&A disputes in recent years. 

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TL4 Evening
09 Jun 2022
FIRE Middle East & TL4 Disputes: MENA Asset Recovery and Enforcement Challenges

Join us for a mid year Middle East focused gathering in London which brings together many of the leading firms and practitioners who may be thinking about attending the Thought Leaders 4 FIRE event in Dubai in November.

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TL4 Evening
05 May 2022
The Emerging Landscape: Class Action Lawsuits and Litigation Funding

Join us for a FIRE Eveing panel session hosted with The Female Fraud Forum and Howden followed by drinks & nibbles! 

Changes to litigation funding in recent years have transformed the viability of class actions in the UK. Regularly utilised in jurisdictions such as the US and Australia, class actions have in recent years been a more prominent tool for mass claimants in the UK. This event will examine the changes to litigation funding and consider recent high profile class action cases, such as the Supreme Court decision in Lloyd v Google, which addressed the question of whether representative action was a suitable vehicle for claims in the sphere of data protection. 

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11 Feb 2022
What you need to know about mediation in family cases, trusts cases and where the two cross-over

This is aimed at those who are not qualified mediators but want to know how more about how mediation works, so they can advise and support clients in mediation but also to understand how they can be involved.

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10 Feb 2022
Welcome to the Jungle: Civil Procedure Rules and Guerilla Duels

Approaches to settlement have become as creative as they are confidential, but many parties still find themselves reaching in the dark. How are litigators to know the new rules of the jungle?

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13 Jul 2021
Defeating the Queen’s Gambit: How to Play Your Opening Moves

The second of the innovative ‘ACTING FOR THE DEFENDANT’ series on its tour through the lifecycle of a dispute from the principal vantage point of the defendant’s lawyer.

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08 Jul 2021
YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY HERE (JACKIE WEAVER) … Jurisdiction clauses and arbitration clauses in a post Brexit world | Where are we now and why does it matter?

Jurisdiction clauses and arbitration clauses in a post Brexit world | Where are we now and why does it matter?

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08 Jun 2021
UK Class Actions – “Big Bang” or False Start?

Join this virtual event discussing the latest developments and the future of the UK class action regime.

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19 May 2021
To Hear or Not to Hear, That is the Question – Challenging Jurisdiction and Service: The Defendant’s Toolkit

TL4 Disputes together with PCB Byrne are delighted to bring you the first of an innovative new series which will take you on a tour through the lifecycle of a dispute from the principal vantage point of the defendant’s lawyer.

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14 May 2021
LIDW21 Member-Hosted Event: Sanctions and Disputes

A presentation and discussion on current issues in the world of economic sanctions with particular emphasis on the effect of sanctions on legal rights and proceedings to enforce them

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13 May 2021
LIDW21 Member-Hosted Event: How to Find the Right Partner in a Foreign Jurisdiction

Cross-border litigation often requires cooperation from firms in multiple jurisdictions. How can you ensure that you choose a firm with the right expertise that can deliver a seamlessservice to your client?

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07 May 2021
Risks Faced by Whistle Blowers & How to Counter Them

In 2012, Jonathan Taylor provided evidence about bribes being offered in return for lucrative contracts at Dutch oil firm SBM Offshore. Jonathan Taylor has been stuck in Croatia since July 2020. His wife and children returned home but he remains in legal limbo, unable to leave Zagreb, while the Croatian authorities decide whether he can be extradited. Tune in to hear his story and a unique insight into Whistleblowers. 

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28 Apr 2021
I’m A Litigant … Get Me Out of Here!

Join us for a practical and interactive session where a panel of experts on litigation and settlement share their expertise on key issues including getting yourself in the best position before exploring settlement, approaching the other side without giving an impression of weakness, assessing the settlement value of a claim, is horse trading the only way to arrive at an agreed number, creative ways to find a settlement when the numbers don’t work and the key issues to consider before signing the settlement agreement. 


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21 Apr 2021
Nizam: Nuclear powers face off in High Court over English trust law principles

India and Pakistan locked horns with each other and descendants of the 7th Nizam of Hyderabad in Pakistan v NatWest decided by Marcus Smith J in October 2019.  .  When Pakistan initiated new proceedings in 2013, the current Nizam instructed Eason Rajah QC, 10 Old Square, and Paul Hewitt, Withers LLP.  Eason and Paul will set out the historic and political context as well as the trust law principles debated.

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15 Apr 2021
India | Worldwide Strategy for Asset Recovery: Time to Look Beyond Jurisdictional Boundaries

Dealing with the endemic of fraud and asset recovery requires a concerted and coordinated multi-jurisdictional approach. Hear from the key experts from the region and internationally. 

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13 Apr 2021
Most Controversial Decisions under CIS Treaties*

Join a stellar line-up of local and international experts who will drill down into the key decisions under CIS treaties 

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10 Dec 2020
FIRE India Virtual - NPL’s: Unlocking The Conundrum

Featuring industry heavyweight Mr. Arijit Basu, Recently Retired Managing Director of the State Bank of India (SBI), join our global panel of experts as they drill down into the key issues relating to Non-Performing Loans in a cross border context. 

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