Leveraging Corporate Investigators in Asset Recovery: An Update
16 Sep 2022
Location: 1.00pm - 2.00pm | Virtual Event (Zoom) Members: FREE to Attend - Book by 16 Sep Non Members: Register in Menu Above & Attend FREE of Charge - Book by 16 Sep

Asset recovery lawyers routinely work with investigation firms yet misconceptions remain...
Led by SFC Swiss Forensic & Compliance, this webinar will aim to lift the veil on how lawyers can really leverage investigators and also give a view of recent developments in their practice.
- When to use investigators
- How to engage with investigators
- How to manage investigators
Our Panel of Experts:

SFC Swiss Forensic & Compliance (Switzerland)
Nicolas Leroux is a member of the Geneva Bar. He holds a PhD in international law from Université Panthéon Assas Paris 2. He is also the founder and managing director of Kalexius, a leading provider of alternative legal services.
Nicolas Leroux is a frequent speaker at industry events and conferences on asset tracing and due diligence.

SFC Swiss Forensic & Compliance (Switzerland)

Associate Director
Control Risks
Lorna Van Oss is an Associate Director, responsible for Control Risks’ dispute support practice across EMEA. She leads complex, intelligence-led investigations across the region and advises clients in a range of contentious situations.
Recent tasks that Lorna has worked on include:
- Managing a Europe-wide asset tracing investigation into an individual accused of perpetrating a $400 million banking fraud.
- Assessing the credibility of whistle-blower allegations made against a senior executive of a multinational corporation headquartered in South Africa.
- Supporting an investment bank in its recovery of several hundred million dollars in debt owed by a UK-based Chinese national.
Prior to joining Control Risks, Lorna spent six years working in disputes-focused roles at London-based corporate intelligence firms. During this time, she developed an expertise in multi-jurisdictional asset recovery work and cross-border disputes, particularly those relating to the CIS, a region in which she has lived and worked.
Lorna was ranked as a notable practitioner in Chambers & Partners Litigation Support guide for 2022. She holds a first-class bachelor’s degree in History and Russian from Durham University and a master’s degree in Russian Studies from University College London.

Control Risks

Managing Partner
Mintz Group (US)
Chris is managing partner of the Mintz Group's Washington, D.C. office specializing in complex litigation and public-policy disputes. He co-heads the firm’s international asset tracing unit and leads the firm’s antitrust practice. His practice focuses exclusively on complex disputes — ranging from corporate litigation to international arbitration claims to trade disputes and corporate reputation management. He has conducted investigations in a wide variety of industries, from manufacturing to logistics to the financial services sector, and has worked as the lead investigator in some of the largest global asset investigations in recent years.
Chris and his team have particular expertise in areas they have found crucial to asset tracing and recovery, including: Banking, Offshore Structures, Shipping, Real Estate, Private Aircraft and Internet Forensics.
Chris has pioneered creative investigative asset tracing techniques in the energy and extractive industries tracking the shipment of commodities, and seeking injunctive relief in multiple jurisdictions to help enforce multi-billion dollar court judgments.
Chris joined the Mintz Group as an investigator in 1999 and has held senior investigator roles in both the New York and Washington, D.C. offices of the firm.
Chris was recognized as a leading practitioner in Who’s Who Legal Asset Recovery Experts in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. His asset tracing practice was commended for his “highly intelligent and responsive manner.” He also serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Enforcement of Arbitration Awards published by JurisNet.

Mintz Group (US)

Ryan is a commercial barrister with a broad practice in commercial litigation and international arbitration, including in civil fraud and asset recovery, banking and finance, insolvency and bankruptcy, and professional negligence.
He has appeared as sole counsel in the High Court (Commercial Court and Chancery Division), is instructed in complex, high-value litigation (including offshore) and arbitration proceedings, and appears in the County Court in commercial, retail banking and consumer disputes.
Before coming to the Bar, Ryan worked in Shell’s Global Litigation Team. Ryan gained extensive experience in both ad hoc and institutional arbitration under the LCIA, ICC, UNCITRAL, LMAA and SIAC rules. He worked independently and as part of a team advising Shell entities on a range of matters including commercial contracts, tax, construction, JOA disputes, bilateral investment treaty claims and general commercial disputes in various upstream and downstream oil and gas sectors.


I’m a Partner of Mourant Ozannes (Jersey) LLP and have broad experience in multi-jurisdictional commercial litigation, arbitration and regulatory matters.
I regularly advise on a wide range of commercial disputes, insolvencies and restructurings with a particular focus in the areas of contentious trust matters, partnership and investment fund disputes, banking litigation and corporate liquidations and reorganisations.
I’ve been involved in some of the largest and most complex trust proceedings, funds disputes and insolvencies in Jersey and the Cayman Islands, and have regularly appeared before courts in these jurisdictions. Recent cases include: Financial Technology Ventures II (Q) LP & Ors -v- (1) ETFS Capital Limited and (2) Graham Tuckwell [2020]; Representation Lydian Holdings Limited [2020]; Dick Stock v GB Trustees and Ors [2019]; CMC Holdings Limited and Anor v Martin Forster and Ors [2019]; Representation of Virtue Trustees (Switzerland) AG, re The C Trust [2018] and HSBC CI v Kwong [2018].
I am recommended in both Chambers & Partners and Legal 500, and I feature on the Citywealth Leaders List, the Who's Who Legal: Private Client list, and on the Legal Week Private Client Global Elite: Rising Leaders list.
I am the co-editor of the Jersey chapter of the current Chambers & Partners Global Insolvency Guide.

Nicolas Leroux - Founder - SFC Swiss Forensic & Compliance (Switzerland)
Nicolas Leroux - Founder - SFC Swiss Forensic & Compliance (Switzerland)
Christopher Weil - Managing Partner - Mintz Group (US)
Ryan Ferro - Barrister - 3VB
Lorna Van Oss - Associate Director - Control Risks
Stephen Alexander - Partner - Mourant
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