What you need to know about mediation in family cases, trusts cases and where the two cross-over
11 Feb 2022
Location: 12.00pm - 1.00pm UK Time Virtual Event (Zoom) Members: FREE - Book by 11 Feb Non Members: Become a Member above and Register for FREE - Book by 11 Feb

This is aimed at those who are not qualified mediators but want to know how more about how mediation works, so they can advise and support clients in mediation but also to understand how they can be involved.
The session will be online for an hour and cover:
- the different types of mediation; (mediation in family matters, trust matters, different types of mediation)
- what it can and can't be used for;
- who can participate and in it, in what role (to include how you can be involved in mediation if you are not a qualified meditator);
- the role of the mediator and of the other participants in mediation (the particular skills and practice requirements);
- how to get the most out of mediation;
- Mediation for the clients, how to manage it and how to help them prepare
- Concluding agreements or next steps if agreement is not reached
Your Expert Speakers include:

Claire is a partner in the divorce and family team.
She brings commitment, energy, strong technical expertise and sound judgement to all her work, spanning the full range of family law issues. Claire goes the extra mile for her clients with whom she has solid relationships.
Whether working with domestic or international clients, she deals with complex financial claims, children issues, pre and postnuptial agreements and cohabitant disputes and has extensive experience advising on cases involving trusts.
Her clients are in commerce, finance and tech, professionals, families with inherited wealth and those in the public eye. Whilst being highly experienced in difficult litigation she also has a busy dispute-resolution practice as a collaborative lawyer and mediator.
She has acted for (and for the spouses of) trustees, doctors, lawyers, hedge fund managers, members of aristocracy and people in the public eye. With clients involved in anything from sports and retail to pharmaceuticals and technology, Claire is well versed in dealing with clients holding senior positions in many different sectors.


Dawn is a partner in the trust, estate and inheritance disputes team.
Having a wealth of experience of litigation in most offshore jurisdictions, as well as in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Dawn advises all parties who may be involved in a dispute arising out of lifetime estate planning or on death, whether about trusts, foundations, professional negligence, fraud or succession. Previously a divorce lawyer, she also specialises in advising trustees and beneficiaries caught up in divorce proceedings.
Dawn uses her experience as to what can go wrong to advise trustees and protectors on their duties and how to manage and reduce their risk. Settlors are advised on how to create robust structures.
Once a problem has arisen she advises on methods to defuse contention, risk mitigation and alternative dispute resolution as well as on proceedings if necessary, ranging from consensual to the most hostile.
Dawn features in Who’s Who Legal’s list of International Private Client Lawyers as one of the ‘most highly regarded practitioners in the world’, described as ‘phenomenal’ according to their sources who praise her ‘responsiveness’.


Mindset Coach
Nichole Farrow
Nichole Farrow is one of the UK's leading mindset coaches, specialising in supporting divorcing parents and complex blended families. She has a wealth of experience at dealing with complicated divorce cases between high-net-worth individuals.
Renowned for her skills and top-level practice, for Nichole discretion is key concerning her clients. Well respected for having the skills to help parents focus on the bigger picture, putting them at ease and supporting them in dealing with complicated situations.
Nichole is regularly endorsed by numerous high-profile lawyers. She is also known for her acute grasp in dealing with trust and relationship issues.
A certified Robbins Madanes trained coach and Neuro-linguistic programming practitioner, she is an active member of Resolution who empowers individuals and supports them to take back control of their lives to create the future they want.
A pioneer in her field, Nichole’s focus lies in changing the stigma surrounding divorce so it’s seen as the first step on your journey to supporting your family. Described by a peer as ' a leading light in this field ', Nichole’s known for dealing with both sides, and believes it is the best way for everyone to move forward in a healthy family dynamic. But, fear not, if this approach can’t be brokered it is no barrier to working with Nichole or achieving success.
It is also important to stress that Nichole knows first-hand the impact of divorce. Using her own experience of being born into a blended family and seeing the impact of her own marriage break down, Nichole knows how painful these situations can be. But through coaching, she was able to work on her mindset and subconscious beliefs that were holding her back. This approach allows her to help clients cope and empathise with everything from heartbreak to betrayal and severe conflict.
Always looking to take on new challenges, Nichole is unafraid to deal with the biggest of issues and relishes the chance to help people attain the success they so richly deserve as a family – be it blended, extended or nuclear. She is also known for her writings on mindset/divorce, and her guest appearances on various media programmes.

Nichole Farrow
Claire Blakemore - Partner - Withers
Dawn Goodman - Partner - Withers
Nichole Farrow - Mindset Coach - Nichole Farrow

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If you are interested in this event and would like some more information before making your decision to attend please contact Paul on +44 2071 014155 or email paul@thoughtleaders4.com