The Crypto in Disputes Forum - 3rd Annual
The only Forum dedicated to Cryptocurrency issues in Litigation, Arbitration, Enforcement and more.
In-person | 25th June 2024 | One Whitehall Place, London
Networking & Registration
Chairpersons' Opening Remarks

Darragh Connell, Barrister
Carmel King, Director
Grant Thornton

Henry Farris, Partner

Stephen Palley, Partner
Brown Rudnick
Keynote Address: High Court Perspective on Crypto Fraud
- Implications of Boonyaem v Persons Unknown
- Developments in Crypto Fraud Litigation, Ongoing and Upcoming
- Relationship between the judiciary, litigation and regulatory bodies

Richard Salter KC, Deputy High Court Judge
Queen's Bench Division
Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration: International Approaches to Regulation and Arbitrage
- Collaboration between various regimes on consumer protection, securities buying and money laundering
- The logistics of Cross-Border Arbitrage
- Strategies for effectively engaging with other regulatory jurisdictions

Ali Khan, Web 3.0 / DeFi Principal
AS Legal Consultants (UAE)

Alexander Shirtcliff, Partner
Blake Morgan

Charlotte Eborall, Barrister
Networking & Refreshment Break
Evaluating Litigation Costs in Cryptocurrency Disputes as Opposed to Arbitration
- When does a contract apply when concerning digital assets?
- Alternative methods of disputes resolution beyond arbitration
- Evaluating costs and benefits of pursuing cryptocurrency issues in court
- Digital contract law, understanding your rights in a decentralized ecosystem

Henry Farris, Partner

Jonas Habert, Senior Associate
Enyo Law

Helen Pugh, Barrister
Outer Temple Chambers
Assessing the Obstacles to Recovering Digital Assets, Tracing, Bringing Claims and Pursuing Them
- Extrajudicial Barriers to seeking justice under common law regime
- Public injunctions and the thresholds of cost effective litigation
- Developments in asset tracing technology and techniques
Andrew Bowden-Brown, Partner

Flavia Kenyon, Barrister
36 Group

Philippe Kuhn, Barrister
39 Essex Chambers

Darragh Connell, Barrister
Networking & Lunch Break
Exploring Different Strategies for Enforcement, Obtaining Orders for Delivery and Options for Transfer of Crypto AssetsĀ
- Pursuing decentralized parties without stable residence in various jurisdictions
- Bringing judgements to foreign courts and having them recognized
- Different approaches to transfering crypto assets

Chris Recker, Legal Director
Kingsley Napley

Sam Thompson, Associate Director
Grant Thornton

Sivan Daniels, Partner, Finance Disputes & Commercial Litigation
Addleshaw Goddard

Simona Peter , Senior Associate
Bird & Bird
Determining the Legal Responsibilities of Crypto Exchanges and Lessons Learned from Previous Mismanagement
- Trust vs Deposit, how current cryptocurrency exchanges hold consumer assets
- Lessons learned in the wake of the FTX collapse
- Reviewing compliance standards for cryptocurrency exchanges: How should we safeguard consumers?

Laura Clatworthy, Partner, Dispute Resolution

Stephen Palley, Partner
Brown Rudnick

Stephen Elam, Partner
Cooke, Young & Keidan

Daniel Tunkel, Partner, Head of Financial Regulation
Networking & Refreshment Break
Disentangling Cryptocurrencies in Insolvency Proceedings, Novel Issues and Resolutions
- How digital assets are treated during bankruptcy proceedings
- Protocol for dealing with obscured assets, mixed or Stealth Coins
- Appropriately valuing digital assets
Stephen O’Grady, Partner

Graham Small, Partner
JMW Solicitors
Carmel King, Director
Grant Thornton

Nik Yeo, Barrister
Fountain Court
What is a DAO and How Do You Sue It?
- Benefits and drawbacks of DAOs as organizational structures
- Legal responsibilities to shareholders in event of asset mismanagement
- Mechanisms through which DAOs can be held responsible in court
Ioanna Patsalidou, PhD Candidate
King's College London

Simon Deane-Johns, Partner
Keystone Law

Marcus Bagnall, Partner
Wiggin LLP
Chairpersons' Closing Remarks
Drinks Reception
Sponsored by Brown Rudnick
Darragh Connell - Barrister - Maitland
Carmel King - Director - Grant Thornton
Henry Farris - Partner - Withers
Stephen Palley - Partner - Brown Rudnick
- Implications of Boonyaem v Persons Unknown
- Developments in Crypto Fraud Litigation, Ongoing and Upcoming
- Relationship between the judiciary, litigation and regulatory bodies
- Collaboration between various regimes on consumer protection, securities buying and money laundering
- The logistics of Cross-Border Arbitrage
- Strategies for effectively engaging with other regulatory jurisdictions
Alexander Shirtcliff - Partner - Blake Morgan
Charlotte Eborall - Barrister - 3VB
- When does a contract apply when concerning digital assets?
- Alternative methods of disputes resolution beyond arbitration
- Evaluating costs and benefits of pursuing cryptocurrency issues in court
- Digital contract law, understanding your rights in a decentralized ecosystem
Jonas Habert - Senior Associate - Enyo Law
Helen Pugh - Barrister - Outer Temple Chambers
- Extrajudicial Barriers to seeking justice under common law regime
- Public injunctions and the thresholds of cost effective litigation
- Developments in asset tracing technology and techniques
Flavia Kenyon - Barrister - 36 Group
Philippe Kuhn - Barrister - 39 Essex Chambers
Darragh Connell - Barrister - Maitland
- Pursuing decentralized parties without stable residence in various jurisdictions
- Bringing judgements to foreign courts and having them recognized
- Different approaches to transfering crypto assets
Sam Thompson - Associate Director - Grant Thornton
Sivan Daniels - Partner, Finance Disputes & Commercial Litigation - Addleshaw Goddard
Simona Peter - Senior Associate - Bird & Bird
- Trust vs Deposit, how current cryptocurrency exchanges hold consumer assets
- Lessons learned in the wake of the FTX collapse
- Reviewing compliance standards for cryptocurrency exchanges: How should we safeguard consumers?
Stephen Palley - Partner - Brown Rudnick
Stephen Elam - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan
Daniel Tunkel - Partner, Head of Financial Regulation - MemeryCrystal
- How digital assets are treated during bankruptcy proceedings
- Protocol for dealing with obscured assets, mixed or Stealth Coins
- Appropriately valuing digital assets
Graham Small - Partner - JMW Solicitors
Carmel King - Director - Grant Thornton
Nik Yeo - Barrister - Fountain Court
- Benefits and drawbacks of DAOs as organizational structures
- Legal responsibilities to shareholders in event of asset mismanagement
- Mechanisms through which DAOs can be held responsible in court
Simon Deane-Johns - Partner - Keystone Law
Marcus Bagnall - Partner - Wiggin LLP
Sponsored by Brown Rudnick

Contact Us
For Speaking enquiries please contact Paul on +44 (0) 20 3398 8510 or email paul@thoughtleaders4.com
For Partnership enquiries please contact Chris on +44 (0) 20 3398 8554 or email chris@thoughtleaders4.com
Booking & General
For Booking & General enquiries please contact Danushka on +44 (0) 20 3580 5891 or email danushka@thoughtleaders4.com
Venue & Logistics
For Venue & Logistics enquiries please contact Sarah on +44 (0) 20 3398 8560 or email sarah@thoughtleaders4.com