FIRE Starters: Summer School
The Ultimate Insider's Guide for the Next Generation of Asset Recovery Practitioners
17th - 19th September 2025, Downing College, Cambridge
Building The Foundations of Asset Recovery: Legal Insights and Practical Skills
Welcome & Plan of the Day
Chris Recker - Legal Director - Kingsley Napley
David Chalcraft - Legal Director - HFW
Sarah Twohig - Senior Associate - Pinsent Masons
The Evolution of Asset Recovery: Challenges and Opportunities
- Insights into the global landscape of asset recovery
- Emerging trends in fraud, insolvency, and cross-border disputes
Michael Adkins - Partner - Collas Crill
Ben Ko - Senior Associate - Baker Mckenzie
Practitioners of the Future: Personal Brand, Career Progression, Diversity & Inclusion
- Strategies for networking in-person and online
- Charting a career path – the importance of mentorship
- Addressing unconscious bias, microaggressions, and creating inclusive teams
- Adapting to technological advancements and new areas of law
Networking & Refreshment Break
Assembling The A-Team: Role of Professionals in Asset Recovery
- The collaborative nature of asset recovery teams
- Who are the key players?
- Look out for specialised knowledge
Stephen Ross - Partner - Withersworldwide
Tom McKernan - Partner - PCB Byrne
Chairs' Summary & Close of Day 1
Pub Quiz & Welcome Drinks
Morning Refreshments
Chairs' Opening Remarks & Plan for the Day
Key Things to Know About Cross-Border Asset Recovery
- Jurisdictional barriers and international cooperation
- An update on treaties and frameworks
- What to know about offshore jurisdictions
Joanna Bogdanska - Attorney at law, Partner - KW Kruk and Partners Law Firm
Jonathan Barham - Partner - Collas Crill
Legal Tools for Tracing, Freezing and Confiscating Assets
- Basics of tracing funds domestically and internationally
- Key court orders: freezing orders, disclosure orders, and search orders
- Practical challenges in tracing assets through complex structures
Simon Jerrum - Partner - Russell Cooke
Joe Mitchell - Senior Associate - Stewarts Law
Jessica Lavelle - Barrister - XXIV Old Buildings
Networking & Refreshment Break
Class Photo 2025
Use of Technology in Your Legal Practice
- The role of forensic accounting in uncovering fraud
- Using artificial intelligence in fraud detection
- Digital forensic investigations and eDiscovery
Annabel Kerley - Partner, Head of Fraud and Financial Crime - Evelyn Partners
Funding Your Cases
- Explore funding strategies for complex and high-cost recovery cases
- What are your litigation funding options
- Is it worth pursuing?
Joseph Sithole - Director - KRyS Global
Networking & Lunch Break
Life Cycle of An Insolvency
- A foundational understanding of insolvency frameworks
- Difference between liquidation and restructuring
- Role of Insolvency Practitioners and Trustees
Katrina Mather - Barrister - Gatehouse Chambers
Ryan Al-Hakim - Associate - Milbank
How To Win A Client: Business Development in The Asset Recovery World
- Key referral sources to be aware of, and collaboration
- Understanding the ultimate client’s objectives
- Cultivating client relationships
- Post-matter relationship building
Chair's Closing Remarks
Drinks Reception
College Bar Open
Chairs' Welcome Back
Unravelling Fraud
- Types of frauds
- Investigating a fraud and the tools available
- Drafting applications for fraud cases
Fiona Boyle - Associate - Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner
Digital Assets: A New Frontier in Recovery
- Legal considerations for tracing and freezing digital assets
- Unpacking the varying levels of regulations across jurisdictions
- Leveraging blockchain analytics for cryptocurrency tracing
- Tools and techniques for digital asset recovery
Andrew Sidaway - Associate Director - Grant Thronton
Ashley Fairbrother - Partner - Edmonds Marshall McMahon
Networking & Refreshment Break
How Trust and Divorce Coincide with Asset Recovery
- Key issues related to trust disputes, hidden assets and enforcement of financial settlements
- Challenges in cross-border divorce cases involving offshore trusts
- Techniques for identifying undisclosed assets in divorce cases
The International World: Ensuring your Cross-Border Practice
- Practical tips on working with an international team
- Ensuring cultural understanding
- Key jurisdictions to be aware of
Chairs' Summary & Thank you
Lunch & Close of Event
Chris Recker - Legal Director - Kingsley Napley
David Chalcraft - Legal Director - HFW
Sarah Twohig - Senior Associate - Pinsent Masons
- Insights into the global landscape of asset recovery
- Emerging trends in fraud, insolvency, and cross-border disputes
Michael Adkins - Partner - Collas Crill
Ben Ko - Senior Associate - Baker Mckenzie
- Strategies for networking in-person and online
- Charting a career path – the importance of mentorship
- Addressing unconscious bias, microaggressions, and creating inclusive teams
- Adapting to technological advancements and new areas of law
- The collaborative nature of asset recovery teams
- Who are the key players?
- Look out for specialised knowledge
Stephen Ross - Partner - Withersworldwide
Tom McKernan - Partner - PCB Byrne
- Jurisdictional barriers and international cooperation
- An update on treaties and frameworks
- What to know about offshore jurisdictions
Joanna Bogdanska - Attorney at law, Partner - KW Kruk and Partners Law Firm
Jonathan Barham - Partner - Collas Crill
- Basics of tracing funds domestically and internationally
- Key court orders: freezing orders, disclosure orders, and search orders
- Practical challenges in tracing assets through complex structures
Simon Jerrum - Partner - Russell Cooke
Joe Mitchell - Senior Associate - Stewarts Law
Jessica Lavelle - Barrister - XXIV Old Buildings
- The role of forensic accounting in uncovering fraud
- Using artificial intelligence in fraud detection
- Digital forensic investigations and eDiscovery
Annabel Kerley - Partner, Head of Fraud and Financial Crime - Evelyn Partners
- Explore funding strategies for complex and high-cost recovery cases
- What are your litigation funding options
- Is it worth pursuing?
Joseph Sithole - Director - KRyS Global
- A foundational understanding of insolvency frameworks
- Difference between liquidation and restructuring
- Role of Insolvency Practitioners and Trustees
Katrina Mather - Barrister - Gatehouse Chambers
Ryan Al-Hakim - Associate - Milbank
- Key referral sources to be aware of, and collaboration
- Understanding the ultimate client’s objectives
- Cultivating client relationships
- Post-matter relationship building
- Types of frauds
- Investigating a fraud and the tools available
- Drafting applications for fraud cases
Fiona Boyle - Associate - Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner
- Legal considerations for tracing and freezing digital assets
- Unpacking the varying levels of regulations across jurisdictions
- Leveraging blockchain analytics for cryptocurrency tracing
- Tools and techniques for digital asset recovery
Andrew Sidaway - Associate Director - Grant Thronton
Ashley Fairbrother - Partner - Edmonds Marshall McMahon
- Key issues related to trust disputes, hidden assets and enforcement of financial settlements
- Challenges in cross-border divorce cases involving offshore trusts
- Techniques for identifying undisclosed assets in divorce cases
- Practical tips on working with an international team
- Ensuring cultural understanding
- Key jurisdictions to be aware of

For Partnership enquiries please contact Ben Sullivan at +44 (0) 20 3965 4386 or email

Contact Us
For Partnership enquiries please contact Ben Sullivan on +44 (0) 20 3965 4386 or email
For Speakers enquiries please contact Melody Mok on +44 (0) 20 3965 4386 or email
Booking & General
For Booking & General enquiries please contact Amy Barrett on +44 (0) 20 3059 9796 or email
Venue & Logistics
For Venue & Logistics enquiries please contact Ewan Brown on +44 (0) 20 3433 2292 or email