FIRE UK: Welcome Back Summit

22nd September 2022 | One Moorgate Place

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Chairs' Welcome

Jane Colston , Partner
Brown Rudnick

Paul Allen, Partner
FRP Advisory Services

Rachael Gregory, Partner
Grosvenor Law

Grant Noble, Director
Grant Thornton

Would I Lie to You? Explore the Science of Lying and How you tell when people are lying

Jane Colston , Partner
Brown Rudnick

Professor Aldert Vrij, Professor in Psychology
University of Portsmouth

Dan McCrum, Investigative Journalist

Refreshment Break

Can you Escape? Crack the Code  

In this fast-paced prison-themed escape room style activity, you and your team will be given 45-60 minutes on the clock to solve all of the puzzles and break in the governor’s office and escape over the wall.

With a variety of activities that are mental, hands-on and creative, the challenge is designed to keep teams engaged in this classic race against time!

Expect to be immersed in the race to escape prison as you break out of your prison cell, decipher puzzles and conundrums to win points for your team.

Not only are you racing against time and the other teams, but you are also trying to discover who is the ‘corrupt’ prison guard.

Throughout the event, you will collect digits in order to make your way into the governor’s office. What will you find when you finally break in…? get ready for the finale where all teams go head-to-head in a race against each other to build something that will allow them to escape over the wall and be crowned the winners of ‘Cracked It!’

Do you think you have what it takes to escape?


Around the FIRE Pit Roundtable: The Vocabulary of Crypto – How Should the industry be Describing it to Judges?

After a short intro, each table will discuss the topics led by the table chairs

Dani Haston, Head of Global Asset Management
Chainalysis, Inc

Tim Penny KC, Barrister
Wilberforce Chambers

Jessica Lee, Partner
Brown Rudnick

Sam Roberts, Partner
Cooke Young & Keidan

Jennifer Craven , Legal Director
Pinsent Masons

Emma Walker, Senior Consultant
Control Risks

Natalia Hidalgo, Senior Associate
Monfrini Bitton Klein

Keynote: Mechanics of an Investigative Journalist

Cynthia O’Murchu, Investigative Journalist
Financial Times

Refreshment Break

Search Order Update

Jonathan Tickner, Head of Commercial Litgation & Civil Fraud
Peters & Peters

Dan McCourt Fritz KC, Barrister
Serle Court

Stuart Leach, Founder
Stuart Leach Associates

Debate: The Future of the Industry & Likely Future Disputes

Anthony Riem, Senior Partner
PCB Byrne

William Christopher, Partner
Kingsley Napley

Tatiana Menshenina, Partner

Lynne Gregory, Partner
Baker & Partners

Bébhinn Bollard , Senior Associate
McCann FitzGerald

Natalia Hidalgo, Senior Associate
Monfrini Bitton Klein

Chairs’ Summation & Close of Event

Drinks Reception

Chairs' Welcome
Jane Colston - Partner - Brown Rudnick
Paul Allen - Partner - FRP Advisory Services
Rachael Gregory - Partner - Grosvenor Law
Grant Noble - Director - Grant Thornton
Would I Lie to You? Explore the Science of Lying and How you tell when people are lying
Jane Colston - Partner - Brown Rudnick
Professor Aldert Vrij - Professor in Psychology - University of Portsmouth
Dan McCrum - Investigative Journalist - FT
Refreshment Break
Can you Escape? Crack the Code  

In this fast-paced prison-themed escape room style activity, you and your team will be given 45-60 minutes on the clock to solve all of the puzzles and break in the governor’s office and escape over the wall.

With a variety of activities that are mental, hands-on and creative, the challenge is designed to keep teams engaged in this classic race against time!

Expect to be immersed in the race to escape prison as you break out of your prison cell, decipher puzzles and conundrums to win points for your team.

Not only are you racing against time and the other teams, but you are also trying to discover who is the ‘corrupt’ prison guard.

Throughout the event, you will collect digits in order to make your way into the governor’s office. What will you find when you finally break in…? get ready for the finale where all teams go head-to-head in a race against each other to build something that will allow them to escape over the wall and be crowned the winners of ‘Cracked It!’

Do you think you have what it takes to escape?

Around the FIRE Pit Roundtable: The Vocabulary of Crypto – How Should the industry be Describing it to Judges?

After a short intro, each table will discuss the topics led by the table chairs

Dani Haston - Head of Global Asset Management - Chainalysis, Inc
Tim Penny KC - Barrister - Wilberforce Chambers
Jessica Lee - Partner - Brown Rudnick
Sam Roberts - Partner - Cooke Young & Keidan
Jennifer Craven - Legal Director - Pinsent Masons
Emma Walker - Senior Consultant - Control Risks
Natalia Hidalgo - Senior Associate - Monfrini Bitton Klein
Keynote: Mechanics of an Investigative Journalist
Cynthia O’Murchu - Investigative Journalist - Financial Times
Refreshment Break
Search Order Update
Jonathan Tickner - Head of Commercial Litgation & Civil Fraud - Peters & Peters
Dan McCourt Fritz KC - Barrister - Serle Court
Stuart Leach - Founder - Stuart Leach Associates
Debate: The Future of the Industry & Likely Future Disputes
Anthony Riem - Senior Partner - PCB Byrne
William Christopher - Partner - Kingsley Napley
Tatiana Menshenina - Partner - Withers
Lynne Gregory - Partner - Baker & Partners
Bébhinn Bollard - Senior Associate - McCann FitzGerald
Natalia Hidalgo - Senior Associate - Monfrini Bitton Klein
Chairs’ Summation & Close of Event
Drinks Reception

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