FIRE UK: Welcome Back Summit

22nd September 2022 | One Moorgate Place

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Keynote Afternoon 

Insolvency law regime change has been ripped up across the globe in the last 18 months

When entering the new normal what does the landscape now look like? Hear from distinguished industry experts discussing how the toolbox is now different when it comes to Asset Recovery. With unlocking of the economy happening at different rates and priorities across the globe, where does this leave the asset recovery practitioner. 

What on earth is the future of the industry? The financial crash brought the financial system to its knees, with government bailouts, bank insolvencies and long running litigation. What will the impact of Covid bring? 

Gaze into the future with this cross disciplinary panel who will touch on the future of fraud cases post-Covid and what type of cases can we expect in 2021/22 and moving forward. Will this actually result in more opportunities for asset recovery practitioners, and what will the next mega case look like? 

In actual person hear direct from Dan McCrum on the inside story of Wirecard. From the outset of his initial investigation to the global breaking of the shattering story. 

Dan is a multi-award winning investigative journalist. His work for the Financial Times has helped expose accounting problems and fraud at several listed companies, most recently Wirecard. Formerly the Editor of FT Alphaville, over his 13 year career at the FT he’s also run part of the newspapers markets team, worked as the FT’s Investment Correspondent in New York and for the Lex Column. Dan’s previous experience includes four years in Citigroup’s equity research department. 

Listen on on Dan McCrum and John Howell interviewed by our advisory board with their specialist views and experience on global asset recovery.

John is currently coordinating one of the largest asset recovery processes to come out of the 2008 crash as well as on projects relating to Private Sector Development and Derisking. John specialises in reducing the risk of policy failure. He was a founder member of the National Audit Office's Expert Panel on Better Regulation. He has undertaken a number of independent reviews including for UK regulators, the European Council and the European Commission. Other clients include the EBRD, the Dutch Ministry of Justice, the National Banks of Kazakhstan, Hungary and the Netherlands as well as the Regulatory Management and Reform Group, OECD.


FIRE Starters Workshop 

Experience unique formats and fresh content

Around the FIREPit roundtables covering all aspects of FIRE. After a short intro, each table will discuss the topics led by the FIRE Starter table chairs, and then tables are swapped around.

Learn, network and meet new people all at once 

Market yourself and build your personal brand in a relaxed environment with your peers discuss building a fraud practice, conencting with overseas professionals and maintaing relationships amongst others.

The floor is yours. 

Escape Room: Step up to the challenge

An impressive and exciting departure from reality, The Escape Room is the ultimate immersive problemsolving team activity. Grab your most trusted comrades, sharpen your mind and senses, and see if you can outwit The Escape Room!

Each team is presented with a chained and padlocked safe. Before the game commences each member of each team are physically restrained to one another, around their wrists.

Once the countdown timer begins, teams must work together to solve a series of puzzles and clues that are retrieved in the many layers of the safe.

The pressure cooker situation makes for a great atmosphere as teams race head to head to be the first to crack the safe and take home the prize.

FIRE Workshops 

The morning of Day 2 take your pick from a selection of in-depth, collaborative and fun workshops covering the more specific areas of your practice. 

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Essential Funding Toolkit for the FIRE Practitione
  • Assembling & Funding the A Team: Who is often involved in Asset Recovery and how do you fund it?
  • Asset Recovery in Divorce Proceedings
  • Locating Insolvency Proceedings as a Result of a Fraud
  • The Right Legal Path with Inadequate Information
  • Fraud & Insolvency X Over for FIRE Practitioners
  • Asset Recovery in Differing Sectors

*Available topics and facilitators will be constantly updated 

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For speakers enquiries please contact Paul Barford on +44 (0) 20 3398 8510 or email


For partnerships enquiries please contact Chris on +44 (0) 20 3398 8554 or email


For general enquiries please contact Danushka on +44 (0) 20 3580 5891 or email


For marketing enquiries please contact Yelda on +44 (0) 20 3398 8551 or email