KC Surgery: Asset Recovery
28th November 2023 - DoubleTree Tower of London
Booking Information
£599 + VAT
£699 + VAT
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Go to Registration Page
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Fill in the simple form, accept the Terms and Conditions and click Continue
Fill in the Member Information section with your details and Submit
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Partnering on an event or indeed the community as a whole will increase your company’s profile and brand awareness.
We can provide bespoke value adding partnerships. We will work in partnership with you to develop a bespoke marketing solution to meet your objectives across varying events and thought leadership content. We will ensure that you gain value through the right medium, focused on your desired audience, with a true partnership that delivers value to your marketing needs. Want to know more?
Please contact Chris on 0207 101 4151 or email chris@thoughtleaders4.com

Contact Us
For enquiries please contact Paul on 020 3398 8510 or email paul@thoughtleaders4.com
For enquiries please contact Chris on 020 3398 8554 or email chris@thoughtleaders4.com
For enquiries please contact Danushka on 020 3580 5891 or email danushka@thoughtleaders4.com
For enquiries please contact Yelda on 020 3398 8551 or email yelda@thoughtleaders4.com