Sovereign & States Disputes and Enforcement Summit 2024

Uniquely bringing the Sovereign Disputes and FIRE communities together

to address the latest in Sovereign and States Disputes and Enforcement.


6 & 7 February 2024 | The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London

View Agenda See All Speakers Book Now



Chairperson's Opening Remarks

Jon Felce, Partner
Cooke, Young & Keidan

Baiju Vasani, Arbitrator and Barrister
Twenty Essex

Keynote: Tim Marshall - New York Times Best Selling Author of 'Prisoners of Geography'

Tim Marshall, New York Times Bestselling Author of 'Prisoners of Geography'

Recent Attempts to deal with Achmea (Part 1)

  • Steps Within and Outside of the EU
  • Claims to Sovereign Immunity
  • Exploring Anti-Enforcement Injunctions

Jon Felce, Partner
Cooke, Young & Keidan

Alberto Fortún, Partner
Cuatrecasas (Spain)

Marco Eliëns, Attorney-at-Law / Partner
Lemstra Van Der Korst

Ankita Ritwik, Of Counsel
Gibson Dunn (USA)

Olivier Marquais, Senior Associate
Loyens Loeff

Nicolae Reutoi, Associate Director - Disputes

Networking & Refreshment Break

Disputes with the Additional Element of Sanctions

  • Perspectives from Around the World
  • Pursuing the Underlying Litigation or Arbitration
  • Enforcement of Awards and Judgements

Baiju Vasani, Arbitrator and Barrister
Twenty Essex

Mikhail Vishnyakov, Partner
Cooke, Young & Keidan

Elena Fedorova, Lawyer - Of Counsel
Bonifassi Avocats (France)

Laure-Hélène Gaicio-Fievez, Partner
BSP (Luxembourg)

Kian Meshkat, Principal Attorney
Meshkat Law, P.C. (US)

Around the World: Latest Disputes' Developments From:

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Middle East

Baiju Vasani, Arbitrator and Barrister
Twenty Essex

Dr. Alia Al-Gazzar, Senior Associate
Zulficar & Partners (Egypt)

Solomon Ebere, Partner

Jean-Paul Dechamps, Founding Partner
Dechamps International Law (Argentina)

Apoorva Patel, Counsel
Alston & Bird (US)

Networking & Lunch Break

The ECT Running Out of Energy

  • The Impact of Claims Involving EU States
  • Use of Court Systems Instead of Arbitration
  • What the Future Holds for the ECT

Samantha J. Rowe, Partner
Debevoise & Plimpton (UK)

Dániel Dózsa, Partner
Queritius (Hungary)

Marija Šobat, Associate
Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes (France)

Tomas Vail, Founder & Principal
Vail Dispute Resolution

Stephanie Collins, Associate Attorney
Gibson Dunn

The Fall Out from the Collapse of Credit Suisse

  • Exploring the Different Rights and Remedies Available
  • The Pursuit of Different Strategies

Nikos Asimakopoulos, Director - Disputes
Alaco (UK)

Natasha Harrison, Founder & Managing Partner
Pallas Partners LLP

Anya George, Partner
Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd (Switzerland)

Dirk Schütz, Editor-In-Chief

Networking & Refreshment Break

Recent attempts to deal with Achmea (Part 2)

  • Attempts to Downgrade Credit Ratings
  • Attempts to Cause a Sovereign Debt Default
  • Other Out of Court Strategies

Jon Felce, Partner
Cooke, Young & Keidan

Nick Cherryman, Partner
Kobre & Kim

Steven Friel, Chief Executive Officer

Maria-Clara Van den Bossche, Senior Associate - Attorney at Law
Loyens & Loeff (Belgium)

Tim Rauschning, Partner

Ginta Ahrel, Partner
Westerberg & Partners

Chairpersons Closing Remarks

Samantha J. Rowe, Partner
Debevoise & Plimpton (UK)

Emmanuel Kaspereit, Partner
Archipel (France)

Baiju Vasani, Arbitrator and Barrister
Twenty Essex

Drinks Reception and End of Day 1

Welcome Refreshments

Chairpersons Opening Remarks

Emmanuel Kaspereit, Partner
Archipel (France)

Nikos Asimakopoulos, Director - Disputes
Alaco (UK)

Baiju Vasani, Arbitrator and Barrister
Twenty Essex

Billion Dollar Whales: Recent Issues in Claims For and Against States

  • Malaysia: 1MDB and The Sultan of Sulu
  • Mozambique: The Tuna Bond Scandal
  • Nigeria: The PID Case

Nikos Asimakopoulos, Director - Disputes
Alaco (UK)

James Ramsden KC, Barrister
Astraea Group

Lim Wei Lee, Partner
Wong Partnership (Singapore)

Thomas Eymond-Laritaz, Founder & CEO

Raphael Kaminsky, Partner
Teynier Pic

Andrew Short, Partner
Mishcon de Reya LLP

Networking & Refreshment Break

The Inside Track - Views from Within a State

  • Bringing Claims to Light and Defending Claims
  • Legal, Domestic and International Political Perspectives
  • Broader Perspectives Outside of The Legal Lense

Samantha J. Rowe, Partner
Debevoise & Plimpton (UK)

Daniele Geronzi, Partner
Legance (Milan, Italy)

Axel Ben Herzberg, Partner

Jennifer Younan, Partner
Shearman & Sterling LLP

Robert Heuchling, Director of Investigations

Exploring International Claims Tribunals

  • Iran-US Claims Tribunal
  • Ukraine-Russia: What Does the Future Hold?

Samantha J. Rowe, Partner
Debevoise & Plimpton (UK)

Barbara Concolino, Partner
BonelliErede (Italy)

Dmytro Marchukov, Partner, Head of Cross-Border Litigation

Antreas Koualis, Partner

Networking & Lunch Break

Developing in Sovereign Immunity: Worldwide Perspectives

  • Australia (CCDM Holdings v India)
  • UK: State Hacking, Terrorist Funding and Enforcement Action
  • US: Central Bank Immunity

Emmanuel Kaspereit, Partner
Archipel (France)

Paul Austin, Senior Vice President

Fabio Trevisan , Partner
BSP (Luxembourg)

Trevor Withane, Partner
Ironbridge Legal (Australia)

Worldwide Developments in Enforcement

  • Asset Discovery
  • Use of RICO
  • Claims Against State Agents

Prosha Dehghani, Partner

Maureen Ward, Partner
Bennett Jones (Canada)

Robert K. Kry, Founding Partner
MoloLamken LLP (US)

Antreas Koualis, Partner

Daniel Rubel, Partner
Zeichner Ellman & Krause LLP (US)

Networking & Refreshment Break

Sovereign State Horizon Scanning for 2024: Anticipating Future Disputes and Geopolitical Issues

  • Forecasting Predictions Based on Geopolitical Trends and Upcoming Government Elections

Jon Felce, Partner
Cooke, Young & Keidan

Robert Amsterdam, Partner
Amsterdam & Partners

Conway Blake, Partner
Debevoise & Plimpton

Peter Griffin, Director
Slaney Advisors

Anastasia Bondarenko, Senior Vice President
Fortress Investment Group

Chairperson's Closing Remarks

Samantha J. Rowe, Partner
Debevoise & Plimpton (UK)

Jon Felce, Partner
Cooke, Young & Keidan

Close of Conference

Chairperson's Opening Remarks
Jon Felce - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan
Baiju Vasani - Arbitrator and Barrister - Twenty Essex
Keynote: Tim Marshall - New York Times Best Selling Author of 'Prisoners of Geography'
Tim Marshall - New York Times Bestselling Author of 'Prisoners of Geography' -
Recent Attempts to deal with Achmea (Part 1)
  • Steps Within and Outside of the EU
  • Claims to Sovereign Immunity
  • Exploring Anti-Enforcement Injunctions
Jon Felce - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan
Alberto Fortún - Partner - Cuatrecasas (Spain)
Marco Eliëns - Attorney-at-Law / Partner - Lemstra Van Der Korst
Ankita Ritwik - Of Counsel - Gibson Dunn (USA)
Olivier Marquais - Senior Associate - Loyens Loeff
Nicolae Reutoi - Associate Director - Disputes - Alaco
Networking & Refreshment Break
Disputes with the Additional Element of Sanctions
  • Perspectives from Around the World
  • Pursuing the Underlying Litigation or Arbitration
  • Enforcement of Awards and Judgements
Baiju Vasani - Arbitrator and Barrister - Twenty Essex
Mikhail Vishnyakov - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan
Elena Fedorova - Lawyer - Of Counsel - Bonifassi Avocats (France)
Laure-Hélène Gaicio-Fievez - Partner - BSP (Luxembourg)
Kian Meshkat - Principal Attorney - Meshkat Law, P.C. (US)
Around the World: Latest Disputes' Developments From:
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Middle East
Baiju Vasani - Arbitrator and Barrister - Twenty Essex
Dr. Alia Al-Gazzar - Senior Associate - Zulficar & Partners (Egypt)
Solomon Ebere - Partner - DWF Law LLP
Jean-Paul Dechamps - Founding Partner - Dechamps International Law (Argentina)
Apoorva Patel - Counsel - Alston & Bird (US)
Networking & Lunch Break
The ECT Running Out of Energy
  • The Impact of Claims Involving EU States
  • Use of Court Systems Instead of Arbitration
  • What the Future Holds for the ECT
Samantha J. Rowe - Partner - Debevoise & Plimpton (UK)
Dániel Dózsa - Partner - Queritius (Hungary)
Marija Šobat - Associate - Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes (France)
Tomas Vail - Founder & Principal - Vail Dispute Resolution
Stephanie Collins - Associate Attorney - Gibson Dunn
The Fall Out from the Collapse of Credit Suisse
  • Exploring the Different Rights and Remedies Available
  • The Pursuit of Different Strategies
Nikos Asimakopoulos - Director - Disputes - Alaco (UK)
Natasha Harrison - Founder & Managing Partner - Pallas Partners LLP
Anya George - Partner - Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd (Switzerland)
Dirk Schütz - Editor-In-Chief - BILANZ
Networking & Refreshment Break
Recent attempts to deal with Achmea (Part 2)
  • Attempts to Downgrade Credit Ratings
  • Attempts to Cause a Sovereign Debt Default
  • Other Out of Court Strategies
Jon Felce - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan
Nick Cherryman - Partner - Kobre & Kim
Steven Friel - Chief Executive Officer - Woodsford
Maria-Clara Van den Bossche - Senior Associate - Attorney at Law - Loyens & Loeff (Belgium)
Tim Rauschning - Partner - Luther
Ginta Ahrel - Partner - Westerberg & Partners
Chairpersons Closing Remarks
Samantha J. Rowe - Partner - Debevoise & Plimpton (UK)
Emmanuel Kaspereit - Partner - Archipel (France)
Baiju Vasani - Arbitrator and Barrister - Twenty Essex
Drinks Reception and End of Day 1
Welcome Refreshments
Chairpersons Opening Remarks
Emmanuel Kaspereit - Partner - Archipel (France)
Nikos Asimakopoulos - Director - Disputes - Alaco (UK)
Baiju Vasani - Arbitrator and Barrister - Twenty Essex
Billion Dollar Whales: Recent Issues in Claims For and Against States
  • Malaysia: 1MDB and The Sultan of Sulu
  • Mozambique: The Tuna Bond Scandal
  • Nigeria: The PID Case
Nikos Asimakopoulos - Director - Disputes - Alaco (UK)
James Ramsden KC - Barrister - Astraea Group
Lim Wei Lee - Partner - Wong Partnership (Singapore)
Thomas Eymond-Laritaz - Founder & CEO - Highgate
Raphael Kaminsky - Partner - Teynier Pic
Andrew Short - Partner - Mishcon de Reya LLP
Networking & Refreshment Break
The Inside Track - Views from Within a State
  • Bringing Claims to Light and Defending Claims
  • Legal, Domestic and International Political Perspectives
  • Broader Perspectives Outside of The Legal Lense
Samantha J. Rowe - Partner - Debevoise & Plimpton (UK)
Daniele Geronzi - Partner - Legance (Milan, Italy)
Axel Ben Herzberg - Partner - BODENHEIMER (Germany)
Jennifer Younan - Partner - Shearman & Sterling LLP
Robert Heuchling - Director of Investigations - Alaco
Exploring International Claims Tribunals
  • Iran-US Claims Tribunal
  • Ukraine-Russia: What Does the Future Hold?
Samantha J. Rowe - Partner - Debevoise & Plimpton (UK)
Barbara Concolino - Partner - BonelliErede (Italy)
Dmytro Marchukov - Partner, Head of Cross-Border Litigation - INTEGRITES (Ukraine)
Antreas Koualis - Partner - Erotocritou
Networking & Lunch Break
Developing in Sovereign Immunity: Worldwide Perspectives
  • Australia (CCDM Holdings v India)
  • UK: State Hacking, Terrorist Funding and Enforcement Action
  • US: Central Bank Immunity
Emmanuel Kaspereit - Partner - Archipel (France)
Paul Austin - Senior Vice President - Highgate
Fabio Trevisan - Partner - BSP (Luxembourg)
Trevor Withane - Partner - Ironbridge Legal (Australia)
Worldwide Developments in Enforcement
  • Asset Discovery
  • Use of RICO
  • Claims Against State Agents
Prosha Dehghani - Partner - Archipel
Maureen Ward - Partner - Bennett Jones (Canada)
Robert K. Kry - Founding Partner - MoloLamken LLP (US)
Antreas Koualis - Partner - Erotocritou
Daniel Rubel - Partner - Zeichner Ellman & Krause LLP (US)
Networking & Refreshment Break
Sovereign State Horizon Scanning for 2024: Anticipating Future Disputes and Geopolitical Issues
  • Forecasting Predictions Based on Geopolitical Trends and Upcoming Government Elections
Jon Felce - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan
Robert Amsterdam - Partner - Amsterdam & Partners
Conway Blake - Partner - Debevoise & Plimpton
Peter Griffin - Director - Slaney Advisors
Anastasia Bondarenko - Senior Vice President - Fortress Investment Group
Chairperson's Closing Remarks
Samantha J. Rowe - Partner - Debevoise & Plimpton (UK)
Jon Felce - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan
Close of Conference

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