Chairs Opening Remarks
Morning Keynote
Navigating the Drafting and Litigation of International Prenups
- Key differences in enforceability of prenups across jurisdictions
- Drafting strategies to ensure prenups hold up under international scrutiny
- Cultural and legal considerations when negotiating cross–border agreements
- Asset protection through prenups for HNW clients with multi–jurisdictional assets
- Case law updates: Lessons from recent international prenup disputes
Networking & Refreshment Break
Understanding Enforcement of Awards and and Orders in Foreign Jurisdictions
- Navigating the challenges of jurisdictional conflicts and reciprocity
- International enforcement mechanisms: The Hague Convention and beyond
- Strategies for locating and recovering assets hidden across borders
- Practical considerations for dealing with non–compliant parties in foreign jurisdictions
- Updates on judicial cooperation and mutual recognition treaties
Navigating Modern Families, Adoption and Surrogacy
- Legal recognition of surrogacy arrangements in different jurisdictions
- Cross–border adoption: Navigating the patchwork of international laws
- The impact of evolving family structures on divorce proceedings
- Citizenship and parental rights issues for children born through international surrogacy
- Ethical and legal dilemmas in modern family–building practices
Networking & Lunch Break
Roundtable Discussions
During these interactive sessions, delegates will be able to select 2 out of 4 roundtable discussions, with each one focused on a key jurisdiction.
Discussion 1 - Scotland
Discussion 2 - Dubai
Discussion 3 - Switzerland
Discussion 4 - Channel Islands
Roundtable Discussions (Repeated)
Networking & Refreshment Break
Exploring Matrimonial Regimes and Community Property
- Comparative analysis of community property systems worldwide.
- The role of marital agreements in mitigating disputes under different regimes.
- Division of international assets under varying matrimonial regimes.
- Valuation challenges and treatment of business interests in community property.
- Handling cases involving dual or conflicting matrimonial regimes.
Analysing EU Regulations and Relations Post-Brexit
- How have things moved on in the years since the referendum
- Spousal Maintenance in EU jurisdictions
- Court proceedings and the rush to get judgments
- The application of international law in foreign courts
Chairs Closing Remarks
Chairs Opening Remarks
Understanding International NCDR Options
- How NCDR can work in cross-border disputes
- Will NCDR over litigation impact international cases
- How costs are impacted
- Ensuring best practice
Managing Matters of International Child Abduction and Relocation in Proceedings
- Key provisions and practical application of the Hague Convention on Child Abduction
- Litigating relocation disputes involving international jurisdictions
- Balancing parental rights and the best interests of the child
- Trends in judicial approaches to habitual residence and wrongful retention
- Remedies and strategies for preventing abduction
Networking & Refreshment Break
Exploring Foreign Trusts, Trustees and Assets
- Foreign asset tracing
- The interplay between divorce law and offshore trusts
- Piercing the corporate veil: Accessing hidden trust assets
- Trustee duties and liabilities in divorce proceedings
- Jurisdictional challenges in disputes involving international trusts
- Case studies: Success stories in tracing and recovering trust assets
Examining HNW Mobility and Immigration
- Factors and consequences to consider when clients move jurisdictions
- Immigration considerations and how they intersect with family law
- Navigating cross–border tax implications in divorce settlements
- Planning for the impact of residency and domicile changes on family law matters
- Managing citizenship issues for international families during divorce
- The influence of wealth migration trends on family law
- Advising clients moving to the UK – schools, visas, tax matters etc
Chairs Closing Remarks and End of Conference
Chairs Opening Remarks
Morning Keynote
Navigating the Drafting and Litigation of International Prenups
- Key differences in enforceability of prenups across jurisdictions
- Drafting strategies to ensure prenups hold up under international scrutiny
- Cultural and legal considerations when negotiating cross–border agreements
- Asset protection through prenups for HNW clients with multi–jurisdictional assets
- Case law updates: Lessons from recent international prenup disputes
Networking & Refreshment Break
Understanding Enforcement of Awards and and Orders in Foreign Jurisdictions
- Navigating the challenges of jurisdictional conflicts and reciprocity
- International enforcement mechanisms: The Hague Convention and beyond
- Strategies for locating and recovering assets hidden across borders
- Practical considerations for dealing with non–compliant parties in foreign jurisdictions
- Updates on judicial cooperation and mutual recognition treaties
Navigating Modern Families, Adoption and Surrogacy
- Legal recognition of surrogacy arrangements in different jurisdictions
- Cross–border adoption: Navigating the patchwork of international laws
- The impact of evolving family structures on divorce proceedings
- Citizenship and parental rights issues for children born through international surrogacy
- Ethical and legal dilemmas in modern family–building practices
Networking & Lunch Break
Roundtable Discussions
During these interactive sessions, delegates will be able to select 2 out of 4 roundtable discussions, with each one focused on a key jurisdiction.
Discussion 1 - Scotland
Discussion 2 - Dubai
Discussion 3 - Switzerland
Discussion 4 - Channel Islands
Roundtable Discussions (Repeated)
Networking & Refreshment Break
Exploring Matrimonial Regimes and Community Property
- Comparative analysis of community property systems worldwide.
- The role of marital agreements in mitigating disputes under different regimes.
- Division of international assets under varying matrimonial regimes.
- Valuation challenges and treatment of business interests in community property.
- Handling cases involving dual or conflicting matrimonial regimes.
Analysing EU Regulations and Relations Post-Brexit
- How have things moved on in the years since the referendum
- Spousal Maintenance in EU jurisdictions
- Court proceedings and the rush to get judgments
- The application of international law in foreign courts
Chairs Closing Remarks
Chairs Opening Remarks
Understanding International NCDR Options
- How NCDR can work in cross-border disputes
- Will NCDR over litigation impact international cases
- How costs are impacted
- Ensuring best practice
Managing Matters of International Child Abduction and Relocation in Proceedings
- Key provisions and practical application of the Hague Convention on Child Abduction
- Litigating relocation disputes involving international jurisdictions
- Balancing parental rights and the best interests of the child
- Trends in judicial approaches to habitual residence and wrongful retention
- Remedies and strategies for preventing abduction
Networking & Refreshment Break
Exploring Foreign Trusts, Trustees and Assets
- Foreign asset tracing
- The interplay between divorce law and offshore trusts
- Piercing the corporate veil: Accessing hidden trust assets
- Trustee duties and liabilities in divorce proceedings
- Jurisdictional challenges in disputes involving international trusts
- Case studies: Success stories in tracing and recovering trust assets
Examining HNW Mobility and Immigration
- Factors and consequences to consider when clients move jurisdictions
- Immigration considerations and how they intersect with family law
- Navigating cross–border tax implications in divorce settlements
- Planning for the impact of residency and domicile changes on family law matters
- Managing citizenship issues for international families during divorce
- The influence of wealth migration trends on family law
- Advising clients moving to the UK – schools, visas, tax matters etc
Chairs Closing Remarks and End of Conference
Contact Us
For Speaker enquiries please contact Seth on +44 (0)20 3433 2282 or email
For Partnership enquiries please contact Dan on +44 (0)20 3059 9524 or email
Booking & General
For Booking & General enquiries please contact Amy on +44 (0)203 059 9796 or email