Mitigating and Managing HMRC Investigations for HNW Private Clients
Unlike other events that focus on the core of investigations, this unique one day event will cover the full gambit of challenges when managing and mitigating an investigation including reputation, jurisdictions, and the impact on the wider family.
In-person | 12th October 2023 | The Royal Horseguards Hotel
Join us on 12 October at Mitigating & Managing HMRC Investigations for HNW Private Clients, taking place at The Royal Horseguards Hotel in London. Unlike other events that focus on the core of investigations, we will cover the full gambit of challenges when managing and mitigating an investigation including reputation, jurisdictions, and the impact on the wider family.
In just one content-packed day explore:
Current Trends in HNW Global Mobility
- Which Jurisictions are most Attractive
- Residency Rules
- What trends are we seeing
- What incentives exist for HNW Individuals
Exploring how Tax Law can Overlap with
- Divorce & Family Law
- Offshore Structures
- Litigation Management
- Succession Planning
Protecting Your Client
- The first 72 hours after an investigation is launched
- Income from influencers
- Where and how they source their information
- Where are we post-Tooth?
HMRC Perspectives: Insights into HNW Investigations
- Focus Areas for 2023 and beyond
- Recent experiences and expectations
- Global exchange of information
- HMRC Powers
A Changing Political Landscape
- Key objectives of a future government
- How these objectives will be achieved
- Implications for HNW Individuals

Joseph Hage Aaronson

Joseph Hage Aaronson
This Year's Speakers Include




Hughes Fowler Carruthers

Edwin Coe

Charles Russell Speechlys
Stephenson Harwood

Evelyn Partners

Grant Thornton


5 Stone Buildings

Pump Court Tax Chambers

New Quadrant Partners

Kingsley Napley




Kingsley Napley

Henley & Partners

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We can provide bespoke value-adding partnerships. We will work in collaboration with you to develop a marketing solution to meet your objectives across varying events and thought leadership content. We will ensure that you gain value through the right medium, focused on your desired audience, with a true partnership that delivers value to your marketing needs. Want to know more?
Please contact James on 07739311749 or email

Contact Us
For Speaker enquiries please contact Seth on +44 (0) 20 3433 2282 or email
For Partnership enquiries please contact James on +44 (0) 20 3398 8546 or email
General & Booking
For General & Booking enquiries please contact ThoughtLeaders4 on +44 (0) 20 3398 8551 or email
For Venue enquiries please contact Sarah on +44 (0) 20 3398 8560 or email