Talking Trusts: Landmark Privy Council Decision
In-Person | Monday 23rd January 2023
6:00pm - 8:00pm at Serle Court
Evening Panel Followed by Drinks
The panel will discuss the recent landmark Privy Council decision in ITG Ltd v Fort Trustees Limited and Equity Trust (Jersey) Ltd v Halabi [2022] UKPC 36.
They will explain the decision and identify the priority issues that remain to be decided; and will discuss the possible impact of the decision on future appointments and retirements of trustees, including the likely approach trustees will take to retention of trust assets and security.
Our Experts:

John Machell KC
Serle Court
Serle Court

Emma Hargreaves
Serle Court
Serle Court

John Eldridge
Serle Court
Serle Court

Andrew Gurr
Serle Court
Serle Court

Contact Us
For enquiries please contact Maddi on +44 (0) 20 3398 8545 or email maddi@thoughtleaders4.com