The Transatlantic Tax & Estate Planning Forum - 3rd Annual

The Leading Transatlantic Tax Conference tackling the latest US & UK Tax Trends and Challenges.

17th September 2024 | The Hallam | In-person

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Networking and Registration

Chair's Opening Remarks

Daniel Crouch, Partner

Understanding the Implications of the Non-Dom Changes

  • What the changes to the rules mean for US / UK persons in practice 
  • How the rule changes impact clients with different tax profiles 
  • Do the changes mean the UK is a less desirable jurisdiction in which to be resident 
  • The impact on inheritance, income and capital gains taxes and future changes 

Freddie Bjørn, Partner
Payne Hicks Beach

Siena Gold, Partner
Harbottle & Lewis

John Bull, Partner, Head of US/UK Private Client
Blick Rothenberg

Insights into Tax Controversies and Investigations

  • What the revenues are focusing on 
  • Tax compliance and tactics for avoiding controversy 
  • Compliance via amnesty programs 
  • Updates on the double tax treaty 

Kevin Brown, Partner

Brad Westerfield, Partner
Butler Snow

Richard Giangrande, Partner

Networking and Refreshment Break

Navigating US/UK Philanthropy and Gifting Opportunities 

  • Planning opportunities dual-qualified giving enables 
  • Planning pre and post changes to the Non-Dom regime 
  • Technicalities and efficiencies of giving and gifting 

Joe Crome, Head of Business Development and CAF American Donor Fund
CAF (Charities Aid Foundation)

Matthew Briggs, Wealth Protection Partner
Irwin Mitchell

Swaati Osborne, Head of Wealth Planning
LGT Wealth Management US Ltd

Examining Trust Considerations and Practicalities

  • Drafting offshore trust structures with transatlantic beneficiaries
  • The use of foreign trusts with US beneficiaries 
  • Planning and preparation for April 2025 

Stanley Barg, Partner
Kozusko Harris Duncan

Chris McLemore , Partner
McLemore Konschnik

Dominic Lawton-Smith, Trust Director

Liz Palmer, Partner
Howard Kennedy

Networking and Lunch Break

Discussing Updates on Estate Planning

  • Cross-border planning updates 
  • How the rule changes impact US-based clients 
  • Practicalities for probate and surrounding issues
  • Advising clients with multi-jurisdictional estates

Emma Gillies , Partner

Matthew Sperry, Partner

Katrina Williams, Client Services Director

Andrea Solana, Partner, Head of Advanced Planning
MASECO Private Wealth

Addressing Factors Surrounding Immigration and Expatriation

  • Tax considerations when planning for transatlantic migration 
  • Practicalities when families are moving 
  • What to know when navigating the expatriation process 

Jaime McLemore, Partner
Withers Worldwide

Suzanne Reisman, Principal
Law Offices of Suzanne M. Reisman

Jessica Yu, Partner
Stephenson Harwood

Networking and Refreshment Break

Understanding Divorce and Family Matters and their Impact on Transatlantic Tax

  • General family law trends 
  • The impact of surrogacy, adoption and same-sex marriage on estate planning and management 
  •  How pre and post-nuptial agreements work either side of the Atlantic 

Sam Longworth, Partner

Alexis Hille, Counsel
Farrer & Co

Jane Keir, Partner
Kingsley Napley

Kristin Schaefer, Head of Relationship Management
London & Capital

Election Fallout & Forecasting - What Can We Expect and How Can We Prepare

  • Planning for possible outcomes in the US election
  • Ramifications of the UK General Election
  • Post-election policies likely to be implemented 

Elizabeth Kubanik, European Counsel
Sullivan & Cromwell

Oliver Jones, Global SaT Markets, Sustainability and Geostrategy Leader

Chairperson's Summation & Close of Conference

Daniel Crouch, Partner

Networking & Drinks Reception

Networking and Registration
Chair's Opening Remarks
Daniel Crouch - Partner - EY
Understanding the Implications of the Non-Dom Changes
  • What the changes to the rules mean for US / UK persons in practice 
  • How the rule changes impact clients with different tax profiles 
  • Do the changes mean the UK is a less desirable jurisdiction in which to be resident 
  • The impact on inheritance, income and capital gains taxes and future changes 
Freddie Bjørn - Partner - Payne Hicks Beach
Siena Gold - Partner - Harbottle & Lewis
John Bull - Partner, Head of US/UK Private Client - Blick Rothenberg
Insights into Tax Controversies and Investigations
  • What the revenues are focusing on 
  • Tax compliance and tactics for avoiding controversy 
  • Compliance via amnesty programs 
  • Updates on the double tax treaty 
Kevin Brown - Partner - Anchin
Brad Westerfield - Partner - Butler Snow
Richard Giangrande - Partner - Macfarlanes
Networking and Refreshment Break
Navigating US/UK Philanthropy and Gifting Opportunities 
  • Planning opportunities dual-qualified giving enables 
  • Planning pre and post changes to the Non-Dom regime 
  • Technicalities and efficiencies of giving and gifting 
Joe Crome - Head of Business Development and CAF American Donor Fund - CAF (Charities Aid Foundation)
Matthew Briggs - Wealth Protection Partner - Irwin Mitchell
Swaati Osborne - Head of Wealth Planning - LGT Wealth Management US Ltd
Examining Trust Considerations and Practicalities
  • Drafting offshore trust structures with transatlantic beneficiaries
  • The use of foreign trusts with US beneficiaries 
  • Planning and preparation for April 2025 
Stanley Barg - Partner - Kozusko Harris Duncan
Chris McLemore - Partner - McLemore Konschnik
Dominic Lawton-Smith - Trust Director - Saffery
Liz Palmer - Partner - Howard Kennedy
Networking and Lunch Break
Discussing Updates on Estate Planning
  • Cross-border planning updates 
  • How the rule changes impact US-based clients 
  • Practicalities for probate and surrounding issues
  • Advising clients with multi-jurisdictional estates
Emma Gillies - Partner - Forsters
Matthew Sperry - Partner - Katten
Katrina Williams - Client Services Director - Accuro
Andrea Solana - Partner, Head of Advanced Planning - MASECO Private Wealth
Addressing Factors Surrounding Immigration and Expatriation
  • Tax considerations when planning for transatlantic migration 
  • Practicalities when families are moving 
  • What to know when navigating the expatriation process 
Jaime McLemore - Partner - Withers Worldwide
Suzanne Reisman - Principal - Law Offices of Suzanne M. Reisman
Jessica Yu - Partner - Stephenson Harwood
Networking and Refreshment Break
Understanding Divorce and Family Matters and their Impact on Transatlantic Tax
  • General family law trends 
  • The impact of surrogacy, adoption and same-sex marriage on estate planning and management 
  •  How pre and post-nuptial agreements work either side of the Atlantic 
Sam Longworth - Partner - Stewarts
Alexis Hille - Counsel - Farrer & Co
Jane Keir - Partner - Kingsley Napley
Kristin Schaefer - Head of Relationship Management - London & Capital
Election Fallout & Forecasting - What Can We Expect and How Can We Prepare
  • Planning for possible outcomes in the US election
  • Ramifications of the UK General Election
  • Post-election policies likely to be implemented 
Elizabeth Kubanik - European Counsel - Sullivan & Cromwell
Oliver Jones - Global SaT Markets, Sustainability and Geostrategy Leader - EY
Chairperson's Summation & Close of Conference
Daniel Crouch - Partner - EY
Networking & Drinks Reception

Event Partners

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For Speakers enquiries please contact Seth on +44 (0) 20 3433 2282 or email


For Partnerships enquiries please contact James on +44 (0) 20 3398 8546 or email

Booking & General

For Booking & General enquiries please contact Amy on +44 (0) 20 3059 9796 or email

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