The Anti-Bribery & Corruption Forum 2025 - 2nd Annual
Enhancing Practical Responses to Mitigating Corporate Crime.
In-Person | 18th March 2025 | The Dilly
Complimentary attendance for In-House Counsel, Regulatory Authorities and Government Representatives
Chairperson's Opening Remarks

Azizur Rahman, Senior Partner
Rahman Ravelli (UK)
Fireside Chat - In Conversation with the SFO

Matthew Wagstaff, Interim Director of Legal Services and General Counsel
Serious Fraud Office (SFO)
What Corporates Need to do to Avoid Facing a Failure to Prevent Charge
- Assessing the effectiveness and reasonableness of new guidance to avoid Failure to Prevent Charges
- What changes have corporates made to avoid charges following the 6-month grace period?
- Are there gaps in the guidance or improvements needed as things stand?

The Rt. Hon. Alex Chalk KC, Partner
Jones Day (former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice)

Ken Gazzaway, Global Head of ABC & Compliance
Corio Generation

Andrew Reeves, Partner
Norton Rose Fulbright

Charlotte Tregunna , Partner
Peters & Peters
Niall Hearty, Partner
Rahman Ravelli (UK)
Networking & Refreshment Break
Compliance in your Supply Chain: Mitigating dangers in High-Risk Jurisdictions and Third Parties
- Shifting from a compliance to active investigative approach to mitigating risk
- Identifying where the highest risk is for you or your clients
- Mitigating risk from third parties with inadequate compliance programmes or in hard to investigate jurisdictions

Jeanne Gellman, Director & Associate General Counsel, Global Ethics and Compliance
Meta (USA)

Eve Giles, Partner
A&O Shearman

Barry Vitou, Partner

Emily Agnoli, Partner
Simmons & Simmons
Multijurisdictional Compliance: Navigating Reporting, Investigations, and Conduct Across Multiple Jurisdictions
- Getting Evidence Across Jurisdictions
- Working across jurisdictions with conflicting compliance requirements
- Ensuring you’re maintaining reporting and conduct requirements across multiple jurisdictions

Matthew Cowie, Partner
Rahman Ravelli

Francesco Sbisà , Partner
BonelliErede (Italy)

Peter Lu, Partner, Global Head of China Practice
McDermott Will & Emery

Sara Susnjar, Partner
Winston & Strawn (France)
Networking & Lunch Break
Mock Scenario: Managing an Unexpected Crisis
In this session the panel will roleplay a potential real-world crisis scenario with an in-house practitoner wargame alongside experts to handle a crisis in real time.

Andrew Viloria, Sanctions Expert
Network for Financial Prevention - NFCP (Denmark)

Kate Miller, Partner
DRD Partnership

Simon Osborn-King, Partner
Willkie Farr & Gallagher
Building Effective Whistleblowing Protections and Compliance
- The impact of a potential US style whistleblower rewards programme on the UK
- Encouraging a corporate culture supporting speaking out against bad practice to reduce the need for blowing the whistle
- Assessing the effectiveness of the EU Whistleblower Directive
- Duty to disclose in supervision to avoid culpability as a ‘Professional Enabler’

Jens Werner, Head of Compliance Governance
RWE AG (Germany)

Mary Inman, Partner
Whistleblower Partners (USA)

Andrew Pepper-Parsons, Director of Policy

Francesca Cassidy-Taylor, Senior Associate
Rahman Ravelli
Networking & Refreshment Break
Convergence of ABC and Sanctions Risk Management
- The overlap and interplay of modern sanctions regimes and ABC compliance
- Adapting compliance risk management frameworks to identify and manage both ABC and evolving sanctions risks
- Adapting to sanctions against whole sectors which were traditionally immune

Paul Feldberg, Partner
Brown Rudnick

Elena Fedorova , Lawyer - Of Counsel
Bonifassi Avocats (France)

James G. Tillen, Member
Miller & Chevalier (USA)

Angelika Hellweger , Legal Director
Rahman Ravelli
Assessing the use of AI tools in investigations
- Effectively using AI in White Collar Crime investigations to enhance the use of established tools
- When can AI beat humans in eDiscovery and data analysis, and the where is the human touch still needed?
- Wider emerging technology to watch to improve your investigatory toolkit

Matthew Cowie, Partner
Rahman Ravelli

Elena Elia, Assistant General Counsel, Financial Crime
Wells Fargo

Clara Poglia, Partner, Co-Head of the Dispute Resolution Group
Schellenberg Wittmer (Switzerland)

Caroline Greenwell, Partner
Charles Russell Speechlys

Tim Bowden, Partner
Chairperson's Summary & Close of Event

Azizur Rahman, Senior Partner
Rahman Ravelli (UK)
Drinks Reception Kindly Hosted by:
Matthew Wagstaff - Interim Director of Legal Services and General Counsel - Serious Fraud Office (SFO)
- Assessing the effectiveness and reasonableness of new guidance to avoid Failure to Prevent Charges
- What changes have corporates made to avoid charges following the 6-month grace period?
- Are there gaps in the guidance or improvements needed as things stand?
Ken Gazzaway - Global Head of ABC & Compliance - Corio Generation
Andrew Reeves - Partner - Norton Rose Fulbright
Charlotte Tregunna - Partner - Peters & Peters
Niall Hearty - Partner - Rahman Ravelli (UK)
- Shifting from a compliance to active investigative approach to mitigating risk
- Identifying where the highest risk is for you or your clients
- Mitigating risk from third parties with inadequate compliance programmes or in hard to investigate jurisdictions
Eve Giles - Partner - A&O Shearman
Barry Vitou - Partner - HFW
Emily Agnoli - Partner - Simmons & Simmons
- Getting Evidence Across Jurisdictions
- Working across jurisdictions with conflicting compliance requirements
- Ensuring you’re maintaining reporting and conduct requirements across multiple jurisdictions
Francesco Sbisà - Partner - BonelliErede (Italy)
Peter Lu - Partner, Global Head of China Practice - McDermott Will & Emery
Sara Susnjar - Partner - Winston & Strawn (France)
In this session the panel will roleplay a potential real-world crisis scenario with an in-house practitoner wargame alongside experts to handle a crisis in real time.
Andrew Viloria - Sanctions Expert - Network for Financial Prevention - NFCP (Denmark)Kate Miller - Partner - DRD Partnership
Simon Osborn-King - Partner - Willkie Farr & Gallagher
- The impact of a potential US style whistleblower rewards programme on the UK
- Encouraging a corporate culture supporting speaking out against bad practice to reduce the need for blowing the whistle
- Assessing the effectiveness of the EU Whistleblower Directive
- Duty to disclose in supervision to avoid culpability as a ‘Professional Enabler’
Mary Inman - Partner - Whistleblower Partners (USA)
Andrew Pepper-Parsons - Director of Policy - Protect
Francesca Cassidy-Taylor - Senior Associate - Rahman Ravelli
- The overlap and interplay of modern sanctions regimes and ABC compliance
- Adapting compliance risk management frameworks to identify and manage both ABC and evolving sanctions risks
- Adapting to sanctions against whole sectors which were traditionally immune
Elena Fedorova - Lawyer - Of Counsel - Bonifassi Avocats (France)
James G. Tillen - Member - Miller & Chevalier (USA)
Angelika Hellweger - Legal Director - Rahman Ravelli
- Effectively using AI in White Collar Crime investigations to enhance the use of established tools
- When can AI beat humans in eDiscovery and data analysis, and the where is the human touch still needed?
- Wider emerging technology to watch to improve your investigatory toolkit
Elena Elia - Assistant General Counsel, Financial Crime - Wells Fargo
Clara Poglia - Partner, Co-Head of the Dispute Resolution Group - Schellenberg Wittmer (Switzerland)
Caroline Greenwell - Partner - Charles Russell Speechlys
Tim Bowden - Partner - Dechert

Contact Us
For Speakers enquiries please contact Alexander Edgal on +44 (0) 20 3998 9752 or email alexander@thoughtleaders4.com
For Partnership enquiries please contact Ben Jobson on +44 (0) 20 3059 9525 or email ben.jobson@thoughtleaders4.com
For Booking enquiries please contact Amy Barrett on +44 (0) 20 3059 9796 or email info@thoughtleaders4.com
For Marketing enquiries please contact Sebastian Dzienis on +44 (0) 20 3545 4447 or email sebastian@thoughtleaders4.com
Venue & Logistics
For Venue & Logistics enquiries please contact Stella-Quinn Hernandez on +44 (0) 203 398 8592 or email stella-quinn@thoughtleaders4.com