The International Arbitration and Enforcement Forum 2025

Join Cross-Jurisdictional Experts Navigating an Increasingly International Arbitration Landscape

8th October 2025 | Central London

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With a rising number of international arbitrations, and the following enforcements, it is more important than ever to have an in-depth understanding of how other regions are handling this attractive method of resolving disputes.

Meet Your Expert Advisory Board:

Just Some of the Key Topics Being Discussed:

Reform in an Evolving
Arbitration Landscape

Interim measures LCIA, ICC changes to confidentiality summary disposal and strike out  
IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest

Understanding the Implications of Sanctions
for Arbitration and Enforcement

Impact sanctions on the arbitration process 
Enforcement against sanctioned/high risk entities  
Addressing counter sanctions adopted by Russia 

Buying, Selling and
Enforcing Awards 

Practical consideration and aftermath when an award is sold off and broken off  
Due diligence process prior to investments  
Structuring monetization arrangements 

New Opportunities For Funding
and Insuring Disputes

Funding international arbitration and foreign litigation 
Recoverability of funding costs  
Dispute resolution insurance 

Why and When to Arbitrate:
A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Prospects for enforcing arbitral awards versus judgements  
Practical advantages of arbitrating a dispute    
Cost comparison between litigation and arbitration  

Discussing Enforcement Against
Sovereign Entities

Obtaining Evidence in Sovereign & States Disputes  
State immunity from enforcement and when immunity is waived     
Sovereign arbitration based on criminal allegations

With Diverse Panels of Arbitration and Enforcement Experts:

With speakers that have first-hand experience of arbitrating and enforcing awards around the world, delegates will learn about the complex interactions present when dealing with cases that concern multiple jurisdictions.

Attendees will hear about the opportunities which exist for practitioners to be involved in cases outside of their home jurisdiction! Whether instructing local counsel, or becoming involved in the enforcement of an award, your geographically diverse speaking panels will discuss the many avenues of cross-border cooperation that exist

Connect with international peers!

Having a network that covers a range of jurisdictions has proven key to resolving disputes effectively, being able to draw from the experience and precedent being set worldwide. Expand yours by meeting with professionals both in and outside of your speciality, and develop contacts that will assist with the various stages and features of arbitration and enforcement.

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For Speaking enquiries please contact Owen on +44 (0) 20 3998 9971 or email

Booking & General

For Booking & General enquiries please contact Amy on +44 (0) 20 3059 9796 or email


For Partnership enquiries please contact Ben Jobson on +44 (0) 20 3059 9525 or email

Venue & Logistics

For Venue & Logistics enquiries please contact Ewan Brown on +44 (0) 20 3433 2292 or email