Sanctions, Political Policy and the Law
In-Person | Wednesday 24th May 2023
6:00pm - 9:00pm at The Bingham Room, Gray's Inn, 8 South Square, London (and online)
Evening Panel Hybrid Panel - Attend in person or Online
Join our evening panel session organised by Stuart Leach Associates, 9BR Chambers and supported by ThoughtLeaders4.
The need for tough economic penalties to undermine Russia’s capacity to wage war in Ukraine is widely accepted. Yet one year in, we need a review of whether current sanctions are doing the job.
There is concern amongst many lawyers that the due process this country prides itself on is being undermined - not one legal challenge concerning Russian sanctions has been heard despite 2,000 entities being sanctioned. Nor is it being scrutinised by Parliament - a select committee investigation was last month shut down without hearing evidence. In Europe there are also many concerning anomalies emerging from judicial enquiry.
With the IMF predicting that while the UK economy will shrink this year, Russia’s will grow, the need for there to be a robust and fair process is vital to maintain confidence in the country.
The discriminatory use of these measures by the UK, will have the effect of diminishing confidence in impartial governance by our political institutions. The UK Courts may likewise suffer if they avoid reviewing the laws absent principles of human rights. Was the government too hasty in its rush to avenge the invasion of Ukraine?
Make sure you sign up to this event, available in-person and by a livestream, our expert panel will bring different perspectives and experiences to many of the questions around sanctions. After registering your place, please send a question in advance that you would like the panel's view on to Maddi.
Your Panellists

9BR Chambers

Amsterdam & Partners

9BR Chambers
Belgravia Law / Chairman of CIS Forum (Eurasian & CIS Legal Professionals’ Forum)

Kiejman & Marembert

Contact Us
For Booking enquiries please contact Maddi on +44 (0) 20 3398 8545 or email maddi@thoughtleaders4.com
For Panel enquiries please contact Paul on +44 (0) 20 3398 8510 or email paul@thoughtleaders4.com