TL4 x 3PB x Bond Solon x Kingsley Napley: Expert Witnesses and Opinion Evidence - Reports and Cross-Examination in International Commercial Arbitration

In-Person | 25 September 2024

6:00pm - 9:00pm at Kingsley Napley, 20 Bonhill Street, London, EC2A 4DN

Three Sessions Followed by Canapes & Drinks 

Free to Attend - Register your place now

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Led by 3PB, Bond Solon and Kingsley Napley, join us on 25 September 2024 for an evening seminar of three insightful sessions followed by canapes and networking drinks. Hear from our unrivalled panel of expert speakers at this in-person session focused on Expert Witnesses and Opinion Evidence: Reports and Cross-Examination in International Commercial Arbitration.

This is the fourth seminar in the series and the first one in-person, hosted by Kingsley Napley together with 3PB and Bond Solon.

The purpose of expert evidence is to furnish the Tribunal with opinion evidence of a technical or scientific nature which may lie outside their field of expertise. Done well, expert evidence will be highly informative to the tribunal and can often be determinative of the whole dispute between the parties.

But best evidence comes from experts who remain free from bias, independent and impartial, and who can provide clear and transparent written and oral opinion evidence. On top of that, as is well known, an expert must only provide their opinion on matters that are within their expertise.

Any deviations therefrom can undermine the tribunal’s trust in both the expert and, more importantly, their evidence.

But how does one test that evidence and gain – or lose – the tribunal’s trust?

This seminar will cover how experts might think about presenting their opinions in a Report, the classic traps for the unwary, what should be kept in mind anticipating forensic scrutiny, all showing how that content can be subjected to cross-examination. We will also discuss some techniques for that, before some live examples to illustrate the points.

Meet Your Speakers

David Parratt KC
David Parratt KC Barrister
Dr Zhen Ye
Dr Zhen Ye Barrister
Patrick Heneghan
Patrick Heneghan Barrister
James Glaysher
James Glaysher Partner
Kingsley Napley
Simon Jelf
Simon Jelf Barrister & Trainer
Bond Solon

Agenda & Panel Details

5:45pm - Registration

6:10pm - Report Writing: Can You Have A Cross-Examination Proof Report?

6:50pm - Refreshment Break

7:00pm - Discussion of Presentational Skills For Your Expert

7:40pm - Refreshment Break

7:50pm - Techniques For Cross Examination

8:30pm - Canapes & Drinks Reception


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