QC Surgery: Insolvency
7th July 2022 - One Moorgate Place, London
Chairs' Opening Remarks
Hanh Nguyen, Partner
Charles Russell Speechlys

Hannah Davie, Partner
Grant Thornton
Directors’ Duties following the Supreme Court Judgment in BTI v Sequana (Maybe)

Tal Goldsmith, Partner
Stephenson Harwood

Joseph Curl QC, Barrister
9 Stone Buildings

Faith Julian, Barrister
9 Stone Buildings

Paul Wright , Barrister
9 Stone Buildings
Landlord challenges to CVAs – Caffe Nero, Regis, etc.

Mark Shaw , Partner, Licensed Insolvency Practitioner

Richard Fisher QC, Barrister
South Square

Georgina Peters, Barrister
South Square

Henry Phillips, Barrister
South Square
Refreshment Break
Restructuring plans – Part 26A Companies Act 2006 issues

Geoff Carton-Kelly, Partner
Matthew Weaver QC, Barrister
Radcliffe Chambers
Katie Longstaff, Barrister
Radcliffe Chambers
Reflective Loss – analysis of the Marex and Primeo cases
James Bailey QC, Barrister
Wilberforce Chambers

Daniel Lewis, Barrister
Wilberforce Chambers

Jessica Brooke, Barrister
Wilberforce Chambers

Rachael Earle, Barrister
Wilberforce Chambers
Bilta v Natwest Markets Plc – Court of Appeal decision overturning the judgment of Snowden J

Andrew Westwood QC, Barrister
Maitland Chambers

Laurence Emmett QC, Barrister
One Essex Court

Rebecca Hume, Partner
Howard Kennedy
Crypto – the New Asset of Choice for Fraudsters?

Gregory Banner KC, Barrister
Maitland Chambers

Maxim Cardew, Barrister
Maitland Chambers
Refreshment Break
Al Jaber v Mitchell and the utility of s.236 examinations

Simon Hurry, Partner
Collas Crill (Cayman)

Lesley Anderson QC, Barrister
Gatehouse Chambers

Sarah Clarke, Barrister
Gatehouse Chambers

Natalie Todd, Partner
Cooke, Young & Keidan
Black Swan and the State of Ancillary Interim Relief in Offshore Juisdictions
David Jones , Partner
Carey Olsen (Guernsey)

Andrew Ayres KC, Barrister
Twenty Essex

Tony Beswetherick KC, Barrister
Twenty Essex
Chairs' Summation & Close of Event
Drinks Reception
Hanh Nguyen - Partner - Charles Russell Speechlys
Hannah Davie - Partner - Grant Thornton
Tal Goldsmith - Partner - Stephenson Harwood
Joseph Curl QC - Barrister - 9 Stone Buildings
Faith Julian - Barrister - 9 Stone Buildings
Paul Wright - Barrister - 9 Stone Buildings
Mark Shaw - Partner, Licensed Insolvency Practitioner - BDO
Richard Fisher QC - Barrister - South Square
Georgina Peters - Barrister - South Square
Henry Phillips - Barrister - South Square
Geoff Carton-Kelly - Partner - FRP
Matthew Weaver QC - Barrister - Radcliffe Chambers
Katie Longstaff - Barrister - Radcliffe Chambers
James Bailey QC - Barrister - Wilberforce Chambers
Daniel Lewis - Barrister - Wilberforce Chambers
Jessica Brooke - Barrister - Wilberforce Chambers
Rachael Earle - Barrister - Wilberforce Chambers
Andrew Westwood QC - Barrister - Maitland Chambers
Laurence Emmett QC - Barrister - One Essex Court
Rebecca Hume - Partner - Howard Kennedy
Gregory Banner KC - Barrister - Maitland Chambers
Maxim Cardew - Barrister - Maitland Chambers
Simon Hurry - Partner - Collas Crill (Cayman)
Lesley Anderson QC - Barrister - Gatehouse Chambers
Sarah Clarke - Barrister - Gatehouse Chambers
Natalie Todd - Partner - Cooke, Young & Keidan
David Jones - Partner - Carey Olsen (Guernsey)
Andrew Ayres KC - Barrister - Twenty Essex
Tony Beswetherick KC - Barrister - Twenty Essex

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