Elite Circle

Elite Circle is an exclusive and unique meeting place for more senior practitioners within Commercial Litigation and International Arbitration Disputes.  

We are currently putting together our founding advisory board for Elite Circle. Stay tuned for further news and contact anita@thoughtleaders4.com for updates. 

How does the Elite Circle work?

Elite Circle

Exclusive invitation only 

  • Strict cap on attendance
  • Handpicked invite only list of attendees
  • Facilitated discussions across 1.5 days of content


Residential interactive format

  • Evening arrival
  • Full day of discussions followed by dinner 
  • Half day followed by Lunch and close of event
  • Ticket cost includes all accomodation and meals 


Innovative roundtable and horseshoe set up

  • 4-5 roundtables running concurrently, 10 people on each table
  • Each with their own topic
  • Moderated by 1-2 people to lead discussion
  • Everyone goes to each topic table throughout the event

Upcoming Elite Circle Events

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13 Apr 2021
Most Controversial Decisions under CIS Treaties*

Join a stellar line-up of local and international experts who will drill down into the key decisions under CIS treaties 

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15 Apr 2021
India | Worldwide Strategy for Asset Recovery: Time to Look Beyond Jurisdictional Boundaries

Dealing with the endemic of fraud and asset recovery requires a concerted and coordinated multi-jurisdictional approach. Hear from the key experts from the region and internationally. 

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21 Apr 2021
Nizam: Nuclear powers face off in High Court over English trust law principles

India and Pakistan locked horns with each other and descendants of the 7th Nizam of Hyderabad in Pakistan v NatWest decided by Marcus Smith J in October 2019.  .  When Pakistan initiated new proceedings in 2013, the current Nizam instructed Eason Rajah QC, 10 Old Square, and Paul Hewitt, Withers LLP.  Eason and Paul will set out the historic and political context as well as the trust law principles debated.

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14 May 2021
LIDW21 Member-Hosted Event: Sanctions and Disputes

A presentation and discussion on current issues in the world of economic sanctions with particular emphasis on the effect of sanctions on legal rights and proceedings to enforce them

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19 May 2021
To Hear or Not to Hear, That is the Question – Challenging Jurisdiction and Service: The Defendant’s Toolkit

TL4 Disputes together with PCB Byrne are delighted to bring you the first of an innovative new series which will take you on a tour through the lifecycle of a dispute from the principal vantage point of the defendant’s lawyer.

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Our Disputes Community Partners
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Contact Us

If you are interested in Elite Circle and would like some more information please contact Anita on +44 7432 09 8122 or email anita@thoughtleaders4.com