The UK Class Actions Forum - The 4th Annual

Join Experienced Practitioners to Navigate the Evolving UK Group Litigations and Class Actions Landscape

15th - 16th October 2024 - One Whitehall Place / Royal Horseguards

View Agenda See All Speakers Book Now


Registration & Networking

Chairperson’s Opening Remarks:

Wessen Jazrawi, Partner

Boris Bronfentrinker, Partner
Willkie Farr & Gallagher

Keynote: A View From The Competition Appeal Tribunal Bench

Justice Marcus Smith, President
Competition Appeal Tribunal

Keeping Up with the Competition Appeals Tribunal – Key Cases and Procedural Updates

  • Key Updates in Collective Proceedings – Microsoft, Gormsen, and Others
  • Standards of Certification in the Wake of Merricks V Mastercard
  • Procedural and Case Management Development
  • Retrospective on Cases Closed Under CAT Regime

Bill Batchelor, Partner

Wessen Jazrawi, Partner

Camelia O’Brien, Director

Chris Ross, Partner

Networking & Refreshment Break  

Addressing the Current Litigation Funding and Insurance Landscape in Class Action Cases

  • Incorporating Funders into Litigation Strategy
  • New Reality: How Funders and Claimants Have Adapted post PACCAR Judgement
  • Enduring Strengths of Judgement Preservation Insurance
  • Understanding Litigation Finance Agreements and Their Enforceability
  • Interference of Courts in Litigation Funding Agreements

Marc Israel, Partner
White & Case

Dorothea Antzoulatos, Director
Charles Lyndon

Stuart Carson, Partner

Reviewing the Role of Experts in Evidence Presentation and Claims Valuation

  • Utility of Experts in Pre-Trial Certification
  • Damage Based Enforcement in Different Situations
  • Evidence Presentation in Collective Action Cases
  • Understanding Dynamics Present in Claims Valuation

Elizabeth Jordan, Senior Counsel
Slaughter and May

Sarah Houghton, Partner
Mishcon de Reya

Helen Fairhead, Partner
Norton Rose Fulbright

Dr. Can Çeliktemur, Principal


International Strategies for UK Class Action Litigation

  • Establishing Jurisdiction for Cases with Global Impact
  • Pre-Trial Collaboration Across Borders
  • Enforcement of UK Judgements Outside of the UK

Bruce Macaulay, Partner

Mark Molyneux, Head of Disputes
Addleshaw Goddard

Simon Day, Partner

Understanding Litigation Trends in Shareholder and Securities Class Actions

  • Current Prospects for Derivative Claims
  • Implications of Ryan Morris v Williams & Co for Shareholder Litigation
  • The Applicability of Shareholder Claims to the Competition Regime

Jeremy Sher, Partner, International Co-Head of Global Class Actions Group
DLA Piper

Andrew Wanambwa, Partner, Dispute Resolution
Lewis Silkin (UK)

Lara McDermott, Executive Vice-President

Andrew Hill, Partner
Fox Williams (UK)

Greg Leonard, Senior Vice President
Cornerstone Research

Networking Refreshment Break

Addressing the Current Prospects for ESG Class Action Cases

  • ESG and Litigation Risks in Supply Chain
  • The Role of Alleged Human Rights Violations in ESG Litigation
  • Greenwashing Concerns in ESG Litigation
  • Evaluating if Fledgling ESG Cases Will Pass Certification

Francesca Richmond, Partner
Baker McKenzie

Scott Hardy, Top Class Actions
Top Class Actions

Daniel Leader, Partner
Leigh Day

Outlining Recent Developments in Data Privacy Class Actions

  • Control of Personal Data Following High-Profile Breaches
  • Implementation of the EU Representative Action Directive and Consumer Protection
  • Prospects for Data Privacy Group Litigation Post-Lloyd
  • Relationship Between Regulatory Interest and Litigation

John Yanchunis, Attorney
Morgan & Morgan (US)

Emily Cox, Partner
Pinsent Masons

Bryony Hurst, Partner
Bird & Bird

Chairperson’s Closing Remarks

Networking & Refreshments

Chairpersons' Opening Remarks

Natasha Johnson , Partner
Herbert Smith Freehills

Harriet Ellis, Partner, London
Linklaters (UK)

Examining Current Crypto Class Action Litigation Dynamics

  • The International Nature of Cryptocurrency Class Action Claims
  • Mechanisms to Bring Cryptocurrency Class Action Cases in the United Kingdom
  • The Surge in Crypto Litigation Outside of the UK

Seamus Andrew, Managing Partner
Velitor Law

Graham Small, Partner
JMW Solicitors

Michael Jacobs, Partner
Boies Schiller Flexner

Alexander Shirtcliff, Partner
Blake Morgan

Navigating Risks and Challenges in the Defence of Class Actions

  • Assessing Strike-Out Considerations in the Certification Stage
  • Lessons Learned from Precedent Set
  • Reputation Management Strategies and Best Practices
  • Pre-Trial Litigation Priorities

Mark Sansom, Managing Partner
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Omar Shah, Partner
Morgan Lewis

Tatiana Siakka, Partner
Squire Patton Boggs

Liam Colley, Senior Vice President
Cornerstone Research

Josh Holmes KC, Barrister
Monckton Chambers

Networking & Refreshment Break  

Enhancing Class Management and Communication

  • Navigating Administrative Challenges to Paying Out Damage Claims
  • Emphasising Co-Operation in Case Management
  • Identifying and Responding to Conflicts of Interest in Class Action Claims

Simon Walsh, Special Counsel

Peter Crudo, Executive Vice-President
Verita (USA)

Désirée Maghoo, Founder
Questor Consulting

Keeping Up with The EU – Current Class Action Landscape After the Representative Action Directive

  • Implementation Progress of the Representative Action Directive in Different States
  • Diversity of Class Action Types Compared to the United Kingdom
  • Opportunities for UK Third Party Funding

Koen Rutten, Partner
Finch Dispute Resolution (The Netherlands)

Dr. Michael Pocsay , Counsel
Clyde & Co

Ianika Tzankova, Partner
Birkway (The Netherlands)

Networking & Lunch Break  

Resolving Class Action Cases – Post Settlement Developments in the UK

  • Out of Court Resolution of Class Action Cases
  • Implications of Recent Settlements for Ongoing Cases
  • Settlement Requirements in the UK and Responsibility to Claimants

Cormac O’Daly, Partner

Belinda Hollway, Partner

James Hennah, Dispute Resolution Partner

Sarah Abram KC, King's Counsel
Brick Court Chambers

Revelations in Trial – The First Class Action Cases in Court


  • How Aggregated Damages are Calculated
  • Methods of Distributing Damages to the Class
  • Argument Strategies in Court
  • Observations from BT v Le Patourel

Tom Ross, Partner
Harcus Parker

Satyen Dhana, Partner
Simmons & Simmons

Natasha Pearman, Partner

Networking & Refreshment Break

Evaluating Group Litigation Mechanisms Outside of the Competition Appeals Tribunal

  • The CPR 19.8 Procedure for Representative Actions After Marks & Clerk
  • Understanding Managed Claims and GLO’s
  • Challenges for Bookbuilding and Class Management in Opt-In Cases
  • Ongoing Legal Uncertainties and The Case for Legislative Reform

Danielle Carr, Partner, Dispute Resolution
Rosenblatt (UK)

Simon Ellis, Partner
Hugh James

Julianne Hughes-Jennett, Partner
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Mapping the Trajectory of Class Actions in the United Kingdom

  • Where and How Will Collective Group Litigations Grow?
  • Evaluating Legislative Attitudes to Recent Case Developments
  • Assessing if the Current Competition Regime Will Expand to Other Areas of Law

Jennifer Miles, Partner
Eversheds Sutherland

Craig Watt, Partner & Solicitor Advocate
Brodies LLP

Daniel Williams, Partner
DWF Group

Chairperson's Closing Remarks and Close of Day

Registration & Networking
Chairperson’s Opening Remarks:
Wessen Jazrawi - Partner - Hausfeld
Boris Bronfentrinker - Partner - Willkie Farr & Gallagher
Keynote: A View From The Competition Appeal Tribunal Bench
Justice Marcus Smith - President - Competition Appeal Tribunal
Keeping Up with the Competition Appeals Tribunal – Key Cases and Procedural Updates
  • Key Updates in Collective Proceedings – Microsoft, Gormsen, and Others
  • Standards of Certification in the Wake of Merricks V Mastercard
  • Procedural and Case Management Development
  • Retrospective on Cases Closed Under CAT Regime
Bill Batchelor - Partner - Skadden
Wessen Jazrawi - Partner - Hausfeld
Camelia O’Brien - Director - AlixPartners
Chris Ross - Partner - RPC
Networking & Refreshment Break  
Addressing the Current Litigation Funding and Insurance Landscape in Class Action Cases
  • Incorporating Funders into Litigation Strategy
  • New Reality: How Funders and Claimants Have Adapted post PACCAR Judgement
  • Enduring Strengths of Judgement Preservation Insurance
  • Understanding Litigation Finance Agreements and Their Enforceability
  • Interference of Courts in Litigation Funding Agreements
Marc Israel - Partner - White & Case
Dorothea Antzoulatos - Director - Charles Lyndon
Stuart Carson - Partner - Stewarts
Reviewing the Role of Experts in Evidence Presentation and Claims Valuation
  • Utility of Experts in Pre-Trial Certification
  • Damage Based Enforcement in Different Situations
  • Evidence Presentation in Collective Action Cases
  • Understanding Dynamics Present in Claims Valuation
Elizabeth Jordan - Senior Counsel - Slaughter and May
Sarah Houghton - Partner - Mishcon de Reya
Helen Fairhead - Partner - Norton Rose Fulbright
Dr. Can Çeliktemur - Principal - Brattle
International Strategies for UK Class Action Litigation
  • Establishing Jurisdiction for Cases with Global Impact
  • Pre-Trial Collaboration Across Borders
  • Enforcement of UK Judgements Outside of the UK
Bruce Macaulay - Partner - Skadden
Mark Molyneux - Head of Disputes - Addleshaw Goddard
Simon Day - Partner - Macfarlanes
Understanding Litigation Trends in Shareholder and Securities Class Actions
  • Current Prospects for Derivative Claims
  • Implications of Ryan Morris v Williams & Co for Shareholder Litigation
  • The Applicability of Shareholder Claims to the Competition Regime
Jeremy Sher - Partner, International Co-Head of Global Class Actions Group - DLA Piper
Andrew Wanambwa - Partner, Dispute Resolution - Lewis Silkin (UK)
Lara McDermott - Executive Vice-President - Verita
Andrew Hill - Partner - Fox Williams (UK)
Greg Leonard - Senior Vice President - Cornerstone Research
Networking Refreshment Break
Addressing the Current Prospects for ESG Class Action Cases
  • ESG and Litigation Risks in Supply Chain
  • The Role of Alleged Human Rights Violations in ESG Litigation
  • Greenwashing Concerns in ESG Litigation
  • Evaluating if Fledgling ESG Cases Will Pass Certification
Francesca Richmond - Partner - Baker McKenzie
Scott Hardy - Top Class Actions - Top Class Actions
Daniel Leader - Partner - Leigh Day
Outlining Recent Developments in Data Privacy Class Actions
  • Control of Personal Data Following High-Profile Breaches
  • Implementation of the EU Representative Action Directive and Consumer Protection
  • Prospects for Data Privacy Group Litigation Post-Lloyd
  • Relationship Between Regulatory Interest and Litigation
John Yanchunis - Attorney - Morgan & Morgan (US)
Emily Cox - Partner - Pinsent Masons
Bryony Hurst - Partner - Bird & Bird
Chairperson’s Closing Remarks
Networking & Refreshments
Chairpersons' Opening Remarks
Natasha Johnson - Partner - Herbert Smith Freehills
Harriet Ellis - Partner, London - Linklaters (UK)
Examining Current Crypto Class Action Litigation Dynamics
  • The International Nature of Cryptocurrency Class Action Claims
  • Mechanisms to Bring Cryptocurrency Class Action Cases in the United Kingdom
  • The Surge in Crypto Litigation Outside of the UK
Seamus Andrew - Managing Partner - Velitor Law
Graham Small - Partner - JMW Solicitors
Michael Jacobs - Partner - Boies Schiller Flexner
Alexander Shirtcliff - Partner - Blake Morgan
Navigating Risks and Challenges in the Defence of Class Actions
  • Assessing Strike-Out Considerations in the Certification Stage
  • Lessons Learned from Precedent Set
  • Reputation Management Strategies and Best Practices
  • Pre-Trial Litigation Priorities
Mark Sansom - Managing Partner - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Omar Shah - Partner - Morgan Lewis
Tatiana Siakka - Partner - Squire Patton Boggs
Liam Colley - Senior Vice President - Cornerstone Research
Josh Holmes KC - Barrister - Monckton Chambers
Networking & Refreshment Break  
Enhancing Class Management and Communication
  • Navigating Administrative Challenges to Paying Out Damage Claims
  • Emphasising Co-Operation in Case Management
  • Identifying and Responding to Conflicts of Interest in Class Action Claims
Simon Walsh - Special Counsel - Cadwalader
Peter Crudo - Executive Vice-President - Verita (USA)
Désirée Maghoo - Founder - Questor Consulting
Keeping Up with The EU – Current Class Action Landscape After the Representative Action Directive
  • Implementation Progress of the Representative Action Directive in Different States
  • Diversity of Class Action Types Compared to the United Kingdom
  • Opportunities for UK Third Party Funding
Koen Rutten - Partner - Finch Dispute Resolution (The Netherlands)
Dr. Michael Pocsay - Counsel - Clyde & Co
Ianika Tzankova - Partner - Birkway (The Netherlands)
Networking & Lunch Break  
Resolving Class Action Cases – Post Settlement Developments in the UK
  • Out of Court Resolution of Class Action Cases
  • Implications of Recent Settlements for Ongoing Cases
  • Settlement Requirements in the UK and Responsibility to Claimants
Cormac O’Daly - Partner - WilmerHale
Belinda Hollway - Partner - Scott+Scott
James Hennah - Dispute Resolution Partner - Linklaters
Sarah Abram KC - King's Counsel - Brick Court Chambers
Revelations in Trial – The First Class Action Cases in Court


  • How Aggregated Damages are Calculated
  • Methods of Distributing Damages to the Class
  • Argument Strategies in Court
  • Observations from BT v Le Patourel
Tom Ross - Partner - Harcus Parker
Satyen Dhana - Partner - Simmons & Simmons
Natasha Pearman - Partner - Milberg
Networking & Refreshment Break
Evaluating Group Litigation Mechanisms Outside of the Competition Appeals Tribunal
  • The CPR 19.8 Procedure for Representative Actions After Marks & Clerk
  • Understanding Managed Claims and GLO’s
  • Challenges for Bookbuilding and Class Management in Opt-In Cases
  • Ongoing Legal Uncertainties and The Case for Legislative Reform
Danielle Carr - Partner, Dispute Resolution - Rosenblatt (UK)
Simon Ellis - Partner - Hugh James
Julianne Hughes-Jennett - Partner - Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan
Mapping the Trajectory of Class Actions in the United Kingdom
  • Where and How Will Collective Group Litigations Grow?
  • Evaluating Legislative Attitudes to Recent Case Developments
  • Assessing if the Current Competition Regime Will Expand to Other Areas of Law
Jennifer Miles - Partner - Eversheds Sutherland
Craig Watt - Partner & Solicitor Advocate - Brodies LLP
Daniel Williams - Partner - DWF Group
Chairperson's Closing Remarks and Close of Day

Event Partners

Claims Administration Partner

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