India Disputes Mumbai
Perspective on issues in Indian and cross-border transactions with particular focus on London, Singapore & The Middle East
1&2 December 2023 - In Person | Sofitel Mumbai BKC
Chair Welcome Remarks

Sushmita Gandhi, Partner
IndusLaw (India)
Keynote Presentation
Chaired By Ritin Rai

Justice L. Nageswara Rao, Supreme Court of India

Ritin Rai SA, Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court of India
7 KBW (India)
Discussing Insolvency in India and Cross Border
- The implementation and effectiveness of Cross Border Insolvency
- An overview of ever evolving insolvency regime in India
- NCLTs and NCLATS and regime plays out in Cross Border
- Changing legal landscape – corporate and personal guarantee in insolvency proceedings (Double dip concept – insolvency – in corporate guarantee

Sushmita Gandhi, Partner
IndusLaw (India)

Rajat Malhotra, Partner
Laware Associates (India)

Sanjay Kaushik , Managing Director
Netrika (India)

Amit Kumar Jha, Executive Director
Grant Thornton Bharat LLP (India)
Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co (India)
Refreshment Break
Highlighting the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
- Recognition and enforcement – The Public Policy Defence
- Enforcement of foreign judgements and arbitral awards – reciprocal territory arrangements.
- Enforcement of actions in India – Recent trends and way forward
- Early – stage considerations – drafting arbitral clause, seat etc.
- State arbitration and sovereign immunity and enforcement

Prateek Bagaria, Partner
Singularity Legal (India, UAE & Singapore)

Rajendra Barot, Senior Partner
AZB (India)

Srishti Jain, Managing Associate
Keidan Harrison (London)
Ashish Chugh , Legal Principal
Baker McKenzie (Singapore)

Naresh Thacker, Partner
Economic Laws Practice (India)

Priyank Srivastava, Director
Duane Morris & Selvam LLP (Singapore)
Reviewing Mediation in India Compared to England & Singapore
- Bill currently being passed in India
- Comparison between England and India and Singapore
- Growth and significance of mediation in the commercial space in India
- Commercial Courts Act 2015 – compulsory mediation
- Is India open to institutional mediation?

Amit Jajoo, Partner
IndusLaw (India)

Marc Keidan, Partner
Keidan Harrison (London)

Avinash Pradhan, Deputy Head, International Arbitration Co-Head, South Asia Desk Partner, Rajah & Tann Singapore Partner, Christopher & Lee Ong
Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP

Abhishek Sinha , Deputy Head-Retail Litigation
ICICI Bank Limited (India)
Networking & Lunch Break
Addressing Construction Disputes
- Foreign investment in construction projects
- Damage and delay claims
- Importance of expert evidence in construction disputes
- Multi layered construction contract – binding non-signatories – law in India
- Liquidity
- Risk management

Rupa Lakha, Partner
Charles Russell Speechlys (London)

Sarbjit Singh Chopra, Managing Director
Duane Morris & Selvam LLP (Singapore)

Parveen Arora, Partner
BTG Legal (India)

Sushmita Gandhi, Partner
IndusLaw (India)

SIAC (India)

Samit Shukla, Partner
DSK Legal (India)
Identifying Recent Updates to Commercial Disputes
- Judicial trend in commercial matters in disputes in last 2 years and whether that has changed or not in Indian law and courts and how they are evolving.
- Forward looking on commercial landscape - how it will impact dispute market
- Role of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms
- Enforceability of settlement agreements

IndInfravit Trust (India)

Sharan Jagtiani, Senior Counsel
Senior Counsel (India) and 39 Essex Chambers (England & Wales)

Rajagopal Venkatakrishnan , Senior Vice President
Reliance Industries Ltd (India)

Tariq Khan, Registrar
IAMC Hyderabad (India)

Neeti Sachdeva, Secretary-General and Registrar
Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration (India)
Refreshment Break
Exploring The Monetisation of Non-Performing Loans
- The prevalent laws in India
- Enforcement (domestic and international)
- The roadblocks
- IBC as a measure

Dhananjay Kumar, Partner
Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas (India)

Sameer Abhyanker, Partner
Innovatus Law (India)

Prashan Patel, Partner
Grant Thornton (London)

Thomas Rodwell, Managing Director
Rodwell Disputes Advisory

Ishita Sharan, Head of Legal
National Asset Reconstruction Co Ltd (India)
What’s next for Indian Arbitration?
- India the next hub for International disputes and International commercial arbitration
- Singapore and London as alternative Arbitration destinations - Making the case for revisiting having London as a seat for arbitration (and as a selected jurisdiction for litigation).
- Indian parties choosing foreign seat of arbitration – recent trends and law.
- Other recent trends – Arbitration Council of India
- Bilateral treaty arbitrations and enforcement

Kingshuk Banerjee, Partner
Khaitan & Co (India)

Gopal Subramanium SA, Senior Advocate
3 Verulam Buildings (India)

Zal Andhyarujina SA, Barrister
Fountain Court (London)

Manish Aggarwal , Partner
Three Crowns (London)

Priyank Srivastava, Director
Duane Morris & Selvam LLP (Singapore)
Chair Closing Remarks

Priyank Srivastava, Director
Duane Morris & Selvam LLP (Singapore)
Networking Drinks Reception
Close Of Day 1
Chair Opening Remarks

Marc Keidan, Partner
Keidan Harrison (London)
Investigations and How to Obtain Evidence in Support Of Proceedings

Meenakshi Arora, Senior Advocate
Supreme Court of India (India)

Rajat Sethi, Partner
SNR Law (India)

Tine Abraham, Partner
Trilegal (India)

Tariq Khan, Registrar
IAMC Hyderabad (India)

Michael Harrington, Principal
Control Risks (India)
Networking & Refreshment Break
Asset Recovery and Asset Tracing
- Importance of preliminary due diligence
- How do you trace the money and assets
- Fraudulent transfer of assets
- Transfer of assets/ enforcement outside of India
- Forensic to assist with tracking any non-compliances and asset identification

Sanjay Nambiar, Senior Group President & General Counsel
YES Bank (India)

Edward Palmer , Director

Naief Yahia, Partner
Al Tamimi & Company (Dubai)

Zarir Bharucha, Managing Partner
ZBA Advocates & Solicitors (India)

Prashan Patel, Partner
Grant Thornton (London)

Thomas Rodwell, Managing Director
Rodwell Disputes Advisory

DK Singh, Managing Partner
KBH (Dubai)
Cross Border Financial Crime Enforcement
- Civil Fraud – White collar crime
- Cross Border financial crime enforcement
- Use of English court in aide or Indian hearing
- Extradition request – white collar criminals (Indian in UK) white collar criminals seeking haven in UK – is UK a haven?
- Cross border financial crime enforcement – between India, UK, and Singapore
- Reporting obligations, obligation of banks and FI’s to report fraud to authorities
- Interplay between Prevention of Corruption Act in India, UKBA, FCPA – differences and effectiveness
- Mechanisms of dealing with internal investigations and best practices
- Is UK a “Safe Haven?”

Neerav Merchant, Partner & Head of Disputes
Majmudar & Partners (India)

Kaizad Hazari, General Counsel
The Chatterjee Group (TCG) (India)

Priyank Srivastava, Director
Duane Morris & Selvam LLP (Singapore)

Sara Sundaram , Partner
Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas
Chair Closing Remarks

Prashan Patel, Partner
Grant Thornton (London)
Networking & Lunch
End of Conference
Chaired By Ritin Rai
Justice L. Nageswara Rao - Supreme Court of India -Ritin Rai SA - Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court of India - 7 KBW (India)
- The implementation and effectiveness of Cross Border Insolvency
- An overview of ever evolving insolvency regime in India
- NCLTs and NCLATS and regime plays out in Cross Border
- Changing legal landscape – corporate and personal guarantee in insolvency proceedings (Double dip concept – insolvency – in corporate guarantee
Rajat Malhotra - Partner - Laware Associates (India)
Sanjay Kaushik - Managing Director - Netrika (India)
Amit Kumar Jha - Executive Director - Grant Thornton Bharat LLP (India)
SIDDHANT KANT - Partner - Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co (India)
- Recognition and enforcement – The Public Policy Defence
- Enforcement of foreign judgements and arbitral awards – reciprocal territory arrangements.
- Enforcement of actions in India – Recent trends and way forward
- Early – stage considerations – drafting arbitral clause, seat etc.
- State arbitration and sovereign immunity and enforcement
Rajendra Barot - Senior Partner - AZB (India)
Srishti Jain - Managing Associate - Keidan Harrison (London)
Ashish Chugh - Legal Principal - Baker McKenzie (Singapore)
Naresh Thacker - Partner - Economic Laws Practice (India)
Priyank Srivastava - Director - Duane Morris & Selvam LLP (Singapore)
- Bill currently being passed in India
- Comparison between England and India and Singapore
- Growth and significance of mediation in the commercial space in India
- Commercial Courts Act 2015 – compulsory mediation
- Is India open to institutional mediation?
Marc Keidan - Partner - Keidan Harrison (London)
Avinash Pradhan - Deputy Head, International Arbitration Co-Head, South Asia Desk Partner, Rajah & Tann Singapore Partner, Christopher & Lee Ong - Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Abhishek Sinha - Deputy Head-Retail Litigation - ICICI Bank Limited (India)
- Foreign investment in construction projects
- Damage and delay claims
- Importance of expert evidence in construction disputes
- Multi layered construction contract – binding non-signatories – law in India
- Liquidity
- Risk management
Sarbjit Singh Chopra - Managing Director - Duane Morris & Selvam LLP (Singapore)
Parveen Arora - Partner - BTG Legal (India)
Sushmita Gandhi - Partner - IndusLaw (India)
Samit Shukla - Partner - DSK Legal (India)
- Judicial trend in commercial matters in disputes in last 2 years and whether that has changed or not in Indian law and courts and how they are evolving.
- Forward looking on commercial landscape - how it will impact dispute market
- Role of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms
- Enforceability of settlement agreements
Sharan Jagtiani - Senior Counsel - Senior Counsel (India) and 39 Essex Chambers (England & Wales)
Rajagopal Venkatakrishnan - Senior Vice President - Reliance Industries Ltd (India)
Tariq Khan - Registrar - IAMC Hyderabad (India)
Neeti Sachdeva - Secretary-General and Registrar - Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration (India)
- The prevalent laws in India
- Enforcement (domestic and international)
- The roadblocks
- IBC as a measure
Sameer Abhyanker - Partner - Innovatus Law (India)
Prashan Patel - Partner - Grant Thornton (London)
Thomas Rodwell - Managing Director - Rodwell Disputes Advisory
Ishita Sharan - Head of Legal - National Asset Reconstruction Co Ltd (India)
- India the next hub for International disputes and International commercial arbitration
- Singapore and London as alternative Arbitration destinations - Making the case for revisiting having London as a seat for arbitration (and as a selected jurisdiction for litigation).
- Indian parties choosing foreign seat of arbitration – recent trends and law.
- Other recent trends – Arbitration Council of India
- Bilateral treaty arbitrations and enforcement
Gopal Subramanium SA - Senior Advocate - 3 Verulam Buildings (India)
Zal Andhyarujina SA - Barrister - Fountain Court (London)
Manish Aggarwal - Partner - Three Crowns (London)
Priyank Srivastava - Director - Duane Morris & Selvam LLP (Singapore)
Meenakshi Arora - Senior Advocate - Supreme Court of India (India)
Rajat Sethi - Partner - SNR Law (India)
Tine Abraham - Partner - Trilegal (India)
Tariq Khan - Registrar - IAMC Hyderabad (India)
Michael Harrington - Principal - Control Risks (India)
- Importance of preliminary due diligence
- How do you trace the money and assets
- Fraudulent transfer of assets
- Transfer of assets/ enforcement outside of India
- Forensic to assist with tracking any non-compliances and asset identification
Edward Palmer - Director - Greyhawk
Naief Yahia - Partner - Al Tamimi & Company (Dubai)
Zarir Bharucha - Managing Partner - ZBA Advocates & Solicitors (India)
Prashan Patel - Partner - Grant Thornton (London)
Thomas Rodwell - Managing Director - Rodwell Disputes Advisory
DK Singh - Managing Partner - KBH (Dubai)
- Civil Fraud – White collar crime
- Cross Border financial crime enforcement
- Use of English court in aide or Indian hearing
- Extradition request – white collar criminals (Indian in UK) white collar criminals seeking haven in UK – is UK a haven?
- Cross border financial crime enforcement – between India, UK, and Singapore
- Reporting obligations, obligation of banks and FI’s to report fraud to authorities
- Interplay between Prevention of Corruption Act in India, UKBA, FCPA – differences and effectiveness
- Mechanisms of dealing with internal investigations and best practices
- Is UK a “Safe Haven?”
Kaizad Hazari - General Counsel - The Chatterjee Group (TCG) (India)
Priyank Srivastava - Director - Duane Morris & Selvam LLP (Singapore)
Sara Sundaram - Partner - Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas

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