HNW Divorce Litigation - 4th Annual Flagship Conference

The flagship event for the HNW Divorce community bringing you unique perspectives unobtainable elsewhere.

21st November 2024 | In-person | Central London

View Agenda See All Speakers Book Now



Chair's Opening Remarks

Jane Keir, Partner
Kingsley Napley

Jonathan Hilliard KC, Barrister
Wilberforce Chambers

Understanding Non-Court Dispute Resolution

  • Where are we now in considering non-court options? 
  • Changes to the rules and what they may mean in the long run 
  • How will NCDR over litigation work in practice? 
  • Will this increase costs? Will costs orders be made for non-compliance?
  • Ensuring best practice

Suzanne Todd, Partner

Nicholas Allen KC , Barrister
29 Bedford Row

Katie Longmate , Partner
Russell Cooke

Highlighting Recent Updates and Developments in Prenup Agreements

  • Case updates over the last 12 months 
  • International prenups 
  • Litigating prenups drafter immediately after Radmacher 
  • Reconciliation contracts 

Christopher Pocock KC, Barrister

Sital Fontenelle, Partner
Kingsley Napley

Edward Floyd, Partner
Farrer & Co

Networking & Refreshment Break

Navigating Claims of Coercive Control, Conduct and Financial Abuse

  • Should conduct be considered in financial awards? 
  • The impact on family and children 
  • How seriously is it taken by the police? 
  • What does is mean when the CPS take interest in? 
  • The impact it can have on children 

Elizabeth Hicks, Director
Family Law in Partnership

Lucinda Nicholls, Managing Partner
Nicholls & Nicholls

Exploring International Divorces and Part III

  • Ramifications of the Potanin Case and the Supreme Court decision 
  • Has the decision made bringing claims more challenging? 
  • Navigating international divorces where sanctions can be present 
  • Consequences beyond Part III 
  • Will London still be considered Divorce Capital of the world? 

Tim Amos KC, Barrister

Michael Allum, Partner

Amanda Trigg, Partner
Cohn Lifland Pearlman Herrmann & Knopf

Networking and Lunch Break

Insights into the Matrimonialisation of Assets

  • Key lessons from the Standish case 
  • What happens when assets transfer between spouses? 
  • Understanding application of the sharing principal 
  • How much protection does a prenup offer? 
  • The importance of the date of separation in financial cases 

Mark Harper, Partner
Hughes Fowler Carruthers

Tim Bishop KC, Barrister
1 Hare Court

Co-Habitation: Does the Law Need Changing?

  • Co-habitation rights upon the breakdown of a relationship 
  • Should equal rights be given to co-habiting couples after a certain period of time? 
  • Could a change in government also see a change in these rights? 

Ben Parry-Smith, Partner
Payne Hicks Beach

Sarah Higgins, Partner
Charles Russell Speechlys

Networking & Refreshment Break

Examining Trusts in Divorce

  • Methods of attacking and defending trusts during litigation 
  • Trust disclosure 
  • Stress-testing against divorce 
  • Steps trustees can take to assist in settlement 
  • Nuptial settlements 

Simon Blain, Partner

Emma Hargreaves, Barrister
Serle Court

Private Equity in Divorce Proceedings

  • Unpacking divorce cases involving private equity and hedge funds 
  • How is it valued in proceedings? 
  • Business values and finding liquidity in proceedings 
  • Disclosing interests and funds

Richard Kershaw, Partner
Hunters Law

Sam Longworth, Partner

Chairs Closing Remarks

Jane Keir, Partner
Kingsley Napley

Jonathan Hilliard KC, Barrister
Wilberforce Chambers

Chair's Opening Remarks
Jane Keir - Partner - Kingsley Napley
Jonathan Hilliard KC - Barrister - Wilberforce Chambers
Understanding Non-Court Dispute Resolution
  • Where are we now in considering non-court options? 
  • Changes to the rules and what they may mean in the long run 
  • How will NCDR over litigation work in practice? 
  • Will this increase costs? Will costs orders be made for non-compliance?
  • Ensuring best practice
Suzanne Todd - Partner - Withers
Nicholas Allen KC - Barrister - 29 Bedford Row
Katie Longmate - Partner - Russell Cooke
Highlighting Recent Updates and Developments in Prenup Agreements
  • Case updates over the last 12 months 
  • International prenups 
  • Litigating prenups drafter immediately after Radmacher 
  • Reconciliation contracts 
Christopher Pocock KC - Barrister - 1KBW
Sital Fontenelle - Partner - Kingsley Napley
Edward Floyd - Partner - Farrer & Co
Networking & Refreshment Break
Navigating Claims of Coercive Control, Conduct and Financial Abuse
  • Should conduct be considered in financial awards? 
  • The impact on family and children 
  • How seriously is it taken by the police? 
  • What does is mean when the CPS take interest in? 
  • The impact it can have on children 
Elizabeth Hicks - Director - Family Law in Partnership
Lucinda Nicholls - Managing Partner - Nicholls & Nicholls
Exploring International Divorces and Part III
  • Ramifications of the Potanin Case and the Supreme Court decision 
  • Has the decision made bringing claims more challenging? 
  • Navigating international divorces where sanctions can be present 
  • Consequences beyond Part III 
  • Will London still be considered Divorce Capital of the world? 
Tim Amos KC - Barrister - QEB
Michael Allum - Partner - iFLG
Amanda Trigg - Partner - Cohn Lifland Pearlman Herrmann & Knopf
Networking and Lunch Break
Insights into the Matrimonialisation of Assets
  • Key lessons from the Standish case 
  • What happens when assets transfer between spouses? 
  • Understanding application of the sharing principal 
  • How much protection does a prenup offer? 
  • The importance of the date of separation in financial cases 
Mark Harper - Partner - Hughes Fowler Carruthers
Tim Bishop KC - Barrister - 1 Hare Court
Co-Habitation: Does the Law Need Changing?
  • Co-habitation rights upon the breakdown of a relationship 
  • Should equal rights be given to co-habiting couples after a certain period of time? 
  • Could a change in government also see a change in these rights? 
Ben Parry-Smith - Partner - Payne Hicks Beach
Sarah Higgins - Partner - Charles Russell Speechlys
Networking & Refreshment Break
Examining Trusts in Divorce
  • Methods of attacking and defending trusts during litigation 
  • Trust disclosure 
  • Stress-testing against divorce 
  • Steps trustees can take to assist in settlement 
  • Nuptial settlements 
Simon Blain - Partner - Forsters
Emma Hargreaves - Barrister - Serle Court
Private Equity in Divorce Proceedings
  • Unpacking divorce cases involving private equity and hedge funds 
  • How is it valued in proceedings? 
  • Business values and finding liquidity in proceedings 
  • Disclosing interests and funds
Richard Kershaw - Partner - Hunters Law
Sam Longworth - Partner - Stewarts
Chairs Closing Remarks
Jane Keir - Partner - Kingsley Napley
Jonathan Hilliard KC - Barrister - Wilberforce Chambers


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For Speaker enquiries please contact Seth on +44 (0) 20 3433 2282 or email


For Partnership enquiries please contact Dan on +44 (0) 20 3059 9524 or email

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