HNW Divorce Litigation - 4th Annual Flagship Conference

The flagship event for the HNW Divorce community bringing you unique perspectives unobtainable elsewhere.

21st November 2024 | In-person | Central London

View Agenda See All Speakers Book Now



Chair's Opening Remarks

Jane Keir, Partner
Kingsley Napley

Jonathan Hilliard KC, Barrister
Wilberforce Chambers

Understanding Non-Court Dispute Resolution

  • Where are we now in considering non-court options? 
  • Changes to the rules and what they can mean in the long run 
  • How will mediation over litigation work in practice? 
  • Will this impact costs? 
  • Best practices for mediation 

Highlighting Recent Updates and Developments in Prenup Agreements

  • Case updates over the last 12 months 
  • International prenups 
  • Litigating prenups drafter immediately after Radmacher 
  • Reconciliation contracts 

Networking & Refreshment Break

Navigating Claims of Coercive Control, Conduct and Financial Abuse

  • Should conduct be considered in financial awards? 
  • The impact on family and children 
  • How seriously is it taken by the police? 
  • What does is mean when the CPS take interest in? 
  • The impact it can have on children 

Exploring International Divorces and Part III

  • Ramifications of the Potanin Case and the Supreme Court decision 
  • Has the decision made bringing claims more challenging? 
  • Navigating international divorces where sanctions can be present 
  • Consequences beyond Part III 
  • Will London still be considered Divorce Capital of the world? 

Networking and Lunch Break

Insights into the Matrimonialisation of Assets

  • Key lessons from the Standish case 
  • What happens when assets transfer between spouses? 
  • Understanding application of the sharing principal 
  • How much protection does a prenup offer? 
  • The importance of the date of separation in financial cases 

Co-Habitation: Does the Law Need Changing?

  • Co-habitation rights upon the breakdown of a relationship 
  • Should equal rights be given to co-habiting couples after a certain period of time? 
  • Could a change in government also see a change in these rights? 

Networking & Refreshment Break

Examining Trusts in Divorce

  • Methods of attacking and defending trusts during litigation 
  • Trust disclosure 
  • Stress-testing against divorce 
  • Steps trustees can take to assist in settlement 
  • Nuptial settlements 

Private Equity in Divorce Proceedings

  • Unpacking divorce cases involving private equity and hedge funds 
  • How is it valued in proceedings? 
  • Business values and finding liquidity in proceedings 
  • Disclosing interests and funds

Chairs Closing Remarks

Jane Keir, Partner
Kingsley Napley

Jonathan Hilliard KC, Barrister
Wilberforce Chambers

Chair's Opening Remarks
Jane Keir - Partner - Kingsley Napley
Jonathan Hilliard KC - Barrister - Wilberforce Chambers
Understanding Non-Court Dispute Resolution
  • Where are we now in considering non-court options? 
  • Changes to the rules and what they can mean in the long run 
  • How will mediation over litigation work in practice? 
  • Will this impact costs? 
  • Best practices for mediation 
Highlighting Recent Updates and Developments in Prenup Agreements
  • Case updates over the last 12 months 
  • International prenups 
  • Litigating prenups drafter immediately after Radmacher 
  • Reconciliation contracts 
Networking & Refreshment Break
Navigating Claims of Coercive Control, Conduct and Financial Abuse
  • Should conduct be considered in financial awards? 
  • The impact on family and children 
  • How seriously is it taken by the police? 
  • What does is mean when the CPS take interest in? 
  • The impact it can have on children 
Exploring International Divorces and Part III
  • Ramifications of the Potanin Case and the Supreme Court decision 
  • Has the decision made bringing claims more challenging? 
  • Navigating international divorces where sanctions can be present 
  • Consequences beyond Part III 
  • Will London still be considered Divorce Capital of the world? 
Networking and Lunch Break
Insights into the Matrimonialisation of Assets
  • Key lessons from the Standish case 
  • What happens when assets transfer between spouses? 
  • Understanding application of the sharing principal 
  • How much protection does a prenup offer? 
  • The importance of the date of separation in financial cases 
Co-Habitation: Does the Law Need Changing?
  • Co-habitation rights upon the breakdown of a relationship 
  • Should equal rights be given to co-habiting couples after a certain period of time? 
  • Could a change in government also see a change in these rights? 
Networking & Refreshment Break
Examining Trusts in Divorce
  • Methods of attacking and defending trusts during litigation 
  • Trust disclosure 
  • Stress-testing against divorce 
  • Steps trustees can take to assist in settlement 
  • Nuptial settlements 
Private Equity in Divorce Proceedings
  • Unpacking divorce cases involving private equity and hedge funds 
  • How is it valued in proceedings? 
  • Business values and finding liquidity in proceedings 
  • Disclosing interests and funds
Chairs Closing Remarks
Jane Keir - Partner - Kingsley Napley
Jonathan Hilliard KC - Barrister - Wilberforce Chambers


Contact Us


For Speaker enquiries please contact Seth on +44 (0) 20 3433 2282 or email


For Partnership enquiries please contact Dan on +44 (0) 20 3059 9524 or email

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For General & Booking enquiries please contact ThoughtLeaders4 on +44 (0) 20 3398 8551 or email


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