Financial Services Disputes - The Third Annual Conference 2025
In-person | 24th June 2025 | One Whitehall Place
The 3rd annual event bringing practitioners across all areas of the Financial Services sector together to explore emerging trends and opportunities in 2025.
This event covers disputes across all types of financial service firms, rather than majoring on just one specific sector. The benefit to delegates being the opportunity to both enhance understanding and insights into current areas of practise as well as identify opportunities and trends emerging with other sectors outside of their primary focus.
Meet Your Advisory Board!
This event focuses on both Private and Public litigation. Accordingly, content will include a focus on recent regulatory activity from the FCA and well as private enforcement developments.
Benefit from an assessment of recent enforcement and case decisions over the past year and what the future direction of travel may look like.
Key topics will include the likes of group actions, the ongoing motor finance claims, and opportunities for CPR 19.8 actions.
Meet Your Expert Speakers!
Whilst event is largely UK focused, given the multi-national nature of many financial services firms, issues cannot be viewed in isolation. Therefore, both speakers and agenda content at this event will also include topics and developments from across the EU.


Stephenson Harwood


Schellenberg Wittmer

BCL Solicitors LLP

Rosenblatt (UK)

Blick Rothenberg

Enyo Law

Ropes & Gray

Taylor Wessing

Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute

Pinsent Masons

Norton Rose Fulbright

Pallas Partners LLP

A&O Shearman


Penningtons Manches Cooper

Deutsche Bank
Just Some of the Key Topics Being Discussed!
Funding Collective Actions Against Financial Institutions after PACCAR
- How PACCAR affected the funding landscape for collective actions
- Mastercard v Merricks and settlement opposition
- Conflict Points and concerns that Might arise in Collective Actions considering PACCAR
Exploring the Tax Landscape for Financial Services
- Contentious issues in tax policy for asset management
- Tax uncertainty post-covid adjustments to methods of working
- New tax authority data interrogation tools and tax transparancy measures
- Changes to the money laundering offences Information notices
Catching up with Sanctions & AML:
Where Are We Now?
- Reviewing the cases which have made it to court
- Exploring questions about de-banking and reporting standards
- Sanctions, AML/CTF Enforcement & how the FCA regulates it
Becoming Familiar with Non-Financial
Misconduct Rules
- Threshold conducts of individuals.
- Enforcement principles of new FCA administration
- Expected inclusions in upcoming regulatory guidelines
The Future of Collective Action in
Financial Services Disputes
- A retrospective on Philipp V. Barclays
- The current landscape for Motor Finance Claims
- Identifying future liabilities for financial institutions
Addressing the Upcoming Cybersecurity
Litigation Wave
- Understanding the severity of Data Breaches
- Shoring up gaps in cyber-compliance insurance and supply chain reporting
- Consequences of Cyber-attacks and reputational damage
Network with Sector Leading Voices!
Join both your peers from across a range of financial service industries and in-house counsel from leading businesses to expand your connections into new and valuable spaces, and develop ties within your speciality.

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Contact Us
Content & Speaking Opportunities
For Content & Speaking Opportunities enquiries please contact Owen Dilworth on +44 (0)20 3998 9971 or email
For Partnership enquiries please contact Dan Sullivan on +44 (0)203 398 8575 or email
For Marketing enquiries please contact Yelda Ismail on +44 (0)203 059 9524 or email
General & Booking Enquiries
For General & Booking Enquiries enquiries please contact Danushka De Alwis on or email